Senate Meeting-

Call to Order: 6:00 PM


Penick: Lena her intern

Roll Call

Approval of Minutes: No objections, Approved

Report of the Speaker of the Senate:

Meeting with SALD about the Leadership Conference. If you are interested in attending/volunteering, come talk to me about registering. It is not just for freshmen.

Meeting with Slee, Ealy, Lolli—about finances

Attended EFC to make friendly amendments to Senator Ruparel’s Bill

Mandatory night class for Honors-PLUS 4th years for spring quarter; I will still serve as Speaker of Senate next quarter but Internal Holdover Senator will run meeting.

Report of the Student Body President:

Friday had monthly President’s Cabinet meeting—tuition increase will be discussed officially next meeting. Bob Ambach and Jim Plummer will be here. Get in contact with me if there is a group that would like to have them come to speak with them.

Phone conference with OSGA last Friday to “Meet the Congressmen” to get OSGA members to attend

Expressed concern for the increasing funding for the general fees for students

$1-$1.3 million will go to SUCCUB as a result of the 7% increase in general fees

Met with football coach Butch Jones today about football traditions. Hopefully he will be here for a long period of time. competition out about a name for the student section. T-shirt designs are being accepted and the price is worked on being lowered. Go support the basketball team tonight.

Payne: Figure for March Board of Trustee meeting?

They will be here next week. 7% increase of tuition

Report of the Student Body VP:

Attended an ICAC meeting about the engineering consolidating that will take place over the summer and in the near future—moving Africana, Judea, Womens, etc. studies so that there will be more room in McMicken and in Old Chem. Trying to find a feasible way to have students on main campus rather than having them bounce around from campus to campus. They also might have some English classes in Stratford.

Hart: Is there space in McMicken?

They are trying to move classes and refigure the French and Old Chem buildings will help to make better space. The renovations are expected to cost $3.5 million. This is one of the cheaper ways to save on costs.

Report of the Internal Holdover Senator:

Support for the Conference on Saturday

Off campus housing website. Putting the links on the website now, should be up by tomorrow. Encourage your friends to go to that website.

Adding a Facebook badge to the SG website and having direct links from the Tribunal websites to the SG website.

This is the most crucial time to get people to start putting books online to the Bookswap website. Please endorse the website by putting our books on the website. We need to have books on the website so that people can buy them. Flyers going around, email going around, Facebook fan page, ad space in The News Record for two Wednesdays in a row

When you login to the SG website there is a Senator section—please update with your information

Continue doing office hours

Report of the External Holdover Senator:

AVP Shannon: working on the Student Diversity Council—hopefully we will have quick action on getting this be a recurring body. Meeting next week. Any questions, contact me.

Diversity Director: looking for an advisory director for AVP. Looking for quantitative data from any group who thinks that they are underrepresented on campus so that they can help those groups.

Sustainability Director: S.10-014 Recyclemania—promote recycling on campus in the DAAP and Engineering buildings and in TUC. Working on a comprehensive recycling program and a bicycle program where students can “check a bicycle” out of the CRC

Ridder: finding fun and alternative ways to donate to Proudly Pennies—text donations, donation station around campus to use Bearcat Card to donate

Report from the Director of Finance:

Lolli: met to go over the budget and the rollover from last year. We have closer to $31,000 as a balance remaining from funding from the Miami bus trip and Bearcat Live!

Payne: Is that why the campus something went up from last week?

Stephens: Some bills are filled for all they are budgeted for.

Lolli: although we passed the bill for Bearcat Live!last year,they took the money out and spent it without our consent so it is coming back to us. The money was lost in administrative “air.”

Hart: how did that happen?

Lolli: people did not go through the proper protocol to acquire these funds

Executive Nominations:None

Committee Reports:

SRI: Rooney:

Two bills on the agenda this week

Diversity Survey—Koesterman has been approached by the UBSA for the results of the survey and SG’s reaction

Trying to figure out how many alcohol awareness magnets to give to residence halls

Not sure if we are able to get the pamphlets out by March 29, but we will get a SG pamphlet out. Contact me with information and input on the pamphlet

Governmental Affairs: Huron:

Finalizing panelists for the Leadership Summit on May 13

Academic Issues: Payne:

Meeting after Senate

Continuing work on our project


Election packets available online; email sent out last Sunday asking that Senators come to pick them up—only 2 colleges did so please get them now

EFC will have a short meeting after this one about getting the elections packets out

We will have meetings on Thursdays at 6 every week until the end of the quarter

Bill on the agenda tonight

Ways and Means: Ridder:

Met to discuss Diversity Bill, there is a lot more to decide who is underrepresented—the bill was tabled in committee. Ruparel and Miller are going to continue to do some work on the bill.

Board Reports:

SAB: Nesbitt:

Presidential Award election on March 10, 3-4 speakers. Accepting nominations.

Elections coming up

UFB: Maul:

Nothing new


100% up time this past week. Did not run on the Tuesday or for one of the shifts on Thursday of the previous week

Retreat this past weekend acclimating new members to NSB

Janek: called for ½ at midnight on Saturday, could not get through. Problems?

We will look into it.

RHA: Reid:

Met tonight at 5:30

Trustee Quinn:

Continue to support Proudly Pennies, should have gotten an email from Lolli

Nominate people for the Just Community award on UC Website

Spoke with Sandra Deagen and experience with research and having undergraduates more involved. Anyone interested in researching over the summer is eligible for $1500 per month for 2 months over the summer to conduct research

Tuition increase—different committees are given the responsibility of making decisions. How is it communicated to the public? In these integrated decision making committees, there are people who are allowed to sit in on these meetings who can relay what is going on inside to the outside people. Trial and error process, but we are able to take action based on our concerns about tuition increase.

Tribunal reports:


Having issues with getting bill of rights finished

Talking about making Exec. Board more efficient for next year

Coming up with information to

Monday, 5 PM, 43 McMicken

Allied Health Sciences:

Trying to plan a lot

Just go Blackboard account set up

Going to visit other tribunals to see how they are successful


Monday, 6 PM, Lindner Hall 112

Voted not to sponsor Red & Black or PAC
something on May 17

Stephens: day of Jimmy Buffet concert


Tuesday, 7 PM, Memorial 3230

Planning two CCM formals—first run by MT division. Potluck, informal, benefit Haiti. Second to be much larger, for everyone

CCM tribunal is going to try to buy a bunch of air fresheners to freshen up a smelly hallway

Orchestral works performance this Saturday at 7 PM, free for UC students with ID

Point of Info: get funds for air fresheners before the end of the year for the Memorial Breezeway because funds run out

Social work:


Implementing a recycling program, being emptied bi-weekly

E-week banquet this past Saturday, 300 students in attendance

Raised over $1600 for Relay for Life from Date Auction

Meeting next week trying to set up weekly meetings with Applied Science


Tomorrow, 1PM

President Going to endorse the bill to get faculty parking opened up to students at night

Gotten quotes from fitness centers around the area, looking at possibility of opening up a fitness center in RW


Monday, 4:30 PM, Snider 143 at Clermont

Put up PR information for elections next Monday

Possible Earth Day event on campus

Wednesday, 5 PM

Looking to put together a calendar with DAAP dates

Comments from the Gallery:


Old Business:

Rooney: motion to open discussion on S. 10-A-002

PAC: security costs are approximately $3,988.88, could be up to $5000, estimated at $90,000, possibly upwards of $100,000. Staging, sound, and lighting could be about $40,000.

Rooney: everyone at UC and others from the community is going to be huge, we need to think about the safety of the students first.

Payne: how did we get this close to $4000 for security?

PAC: we go by what the university says we need, we may need more or less. It gets very tricky with overtime because different ranks of officers get paid more.

Marzec: how much does it cost to bring Ludacris here?

PAC: $55,000 but he normally goes for $70,000

DUlle: how much of your budget have you spent this year?

PAC: relevance?

Dulle: PAC gets $160,000 per year, what have you been doing with that money?

PAC: the concert gets a budget of $85,000 per year and everything else gets funding divided up equally. We would not want to take money away from other things that PAC does, we would rather do partnerships with other groups on campus.

Ridder: everyone else is making budget cuts. Why has PAC decided to ask for more than last year?

PAC: we try to push as many diverse events as possible, we pushed a really good deal with this concert. We are really pushing co-sponsorships. Everything is being built up at UC, the last thing we want to do is have a concert that isn’t as big as last year. We got our expected attendance from our agent that we have worked with for a few years who knows what is going on with these types of events and he told us that 10,000+ would come to this event.

RIdder: when we constantly gave Bearcat Live! A certain amount of funding, we lost that funding and it was given directly to Bearcat Live!

Rooney: when we gave $5000 to Bearcat Live!Bearcat Live!Every year, that started with Justin Schaffer and now Bearcat Live!is a group. PAC is split up into concerts, comedy, film, etc. we pull from different line items, they cannot. They are much more strict than we are. This is reasonable for the safety of the students so that they can have an enjoyable time. by vote of 15-10-1 discussion is closed.

Rooney: call to question S.10-A-022 with friendly amendment “production” be stricken 19-6-1 this bill passes

New Business:

Ealy: opens to move discussion on S.10-A-023. Invites women to a lunch for the Lambda Society. We would sponsor a $450 scholarship to two women who would attend the University of Cincinnati.

The Lambda Society: honorary society for women of color to embrace the heritage. Luncheon will be May 10, 2010. Fourth annual luncheon to award sisterhood and success. There will be a keynote speaker about women’s success. All women from the University of Cincinnati are invited. 2 scholarships to 2 high school women from the Cincinnati area will be awarded. $450 will be divided amongst two scholarships, one of $300 and one of $150. These are up and coming student leaders.

Rooney: draws women leaders to the University and puts us in a great light.

Carbone: applaud you for coming with a presentation

Marzec: do we generally fund scholarships with SG funds? This is a great event and a great cause. I am not trying to knock it, but I didn’t think this is what we use SG funds to pay for another students education with.

Ealy: moves to call to question S.10-A-023 with the following friendly amendment “scholarship” be changed to “co-sponsorship,” and “Rachel Bergman” be changed to “Rachel Berman”

Ruparel: motion to table the bill

16-10-0, objection is defeated

Ealy: moves to call to question S.10-A-023 with the following friendly amendment “scholarship” be changed to “co-sponsorship,” and “Rachel Bergman” be changed to “Rachel Berman”

Passes by majority vote

Hart: motion to open the floor on S. 10-A-025

Carbone: 5 minute discussion on SG apparel

Hart: rescinds

Carbone: SG apparel being passed around

Hart: motion to open discussion on S. 10-A-025

We would like to place an ad in The News Record for two Wednesdays. If we put it in on a Wednesday, it will stay in for the following Monday.

Ridder: we have spent time and money on the Bookswap website. Putting it on the front page of The News Record is a great way to get advertising.

The News Record:The ad will be online, technically. It is a strip ad at the bottom of the front page, and it is online, so you can see the page online.

Penick: great to help students and to form a partnership with The News Record.

Rooney: What is half a page?

The News Record: to do a page not on news of sports is $300, put there is a discount for UC students.

Rooney: it is great to continue to interact with The News Record. The way to do so is not by paying to advertise. Flyers, banners, Facebook, etc. could be used and much better circulated among campus. Spending $600 on this is way too much.

Koesterman: paying for ad space is not what we need to do to form a partnership with The News Record. Were you set on marketing the Bookswap website with this?

Hart: we have a bunch of different ways of marketing the website, this being one of them. We weren’t doing this to form a partnership in the first place. The reason why we are trying to take such a heavy marketing stance on the Bookswap website at the end of the quarter because we need people to put books on the website. The News Record is a more trustworthy way of advertising. There will be flyers all over the place, but this will be another great way to market.

Hart: move to call to question S. 10-A-025with the following friendly amendments “Wednesday” be changed to “Thursday” and “March 10” be changed to “March 11”

S. 10-A-025passes by vote of 15-7-2

Penick: open discussion on S.10-R-014 more recycling on campus. Outlines different ways of how students have shown their interest in recycling. At the PACES meeting, Rick Wiggins told us that he had been working on getting $150,000 budget request approved to get something approved for recycling. It would have a trickle down affect. We have more clout as students than he does, this will help him pass it.

Sustainability chair: comprehensive recycling is meant to be inclusive of all buildings on campus. Rick Wiggins’ budget would inhibit the academic buildings and Mainstreet on campus. It is very exciting.

Penick: call to question S. 10-R-014a vote 25-0-0

Payne: move to call to question S.10-E-010. This will cause members of the committee to be impartial. It will cause members of a campaign team to be impartial. This will be tabled this week so you can have time to think about it until next week.

Rooney: a campaign team member asking for advice could be taken as being partial to one side or the other. Guidance could be seen as helping. It’s all about you interpretation of the bylaws.

Janek: the point of the bill is to make sure all candidates are impartial because the rules are so confusing. Giving a person a nonpartisan opinion is what we are striving for. Every person that wants to run for SG is given the same information. EFC’s job is to interpret the rules for the candidates. Move to refer S.10-E-010to EFC.

Penick:motion to open discussion on S. 10-A-024. Member of College of Engineering approached her, important for STEMM women to encourage younger STEMM women to continue getting involved on campus. This event is catered to STEMM women. To have one of our own women faculty members, it would be awesome to have her as a speaker as a woman in a man’s field. She is amazing and right in our own backyard. It would be a lot cheaper than hiring someone to come in. STEMM women tend to be very involved in their field but not on campus. We create events and don’t show up. It is important create this event and really carry it out.

Hart: I hope everyone on the body attends because it is very important that we get a lot of smart women involved in SG.

Marzec: I have heard of a lot of people being interested in this event. I encourage everyone to come.

Ridder: great event. I applaud Penick and Marzec.

Ruparel: Dr. Ghia is a family friend and is an amazing person. She is Professor of the Year.

Penick: call to question S.10-A-024 with the following friendly amendments “Engineering” be added in the second whereas clause and the “reigning Professor of the Year” be added to the seventh clause