SEN and Disability Local Offer: Tots Day Nursery LTD / 2015 /
Setting name and
address / Tots Day Nursery Ltd
St Stephens Parish Centre
Station Road
Bricket Wood
St Albans
Herts AL2 3PJ / Telephone / 01923 279999
Website /
Age range:
1-5 years / Email /
Ofsted no: / EY448392
Manager: / Bobbie Percival / Setting SENCO / Hannah Walsh and Keira Law
Submitted by: / Hannah Walsh / Date: / 17/02/2015

About Tots Day Nursery

The setting
Tots Day Nursery is a setting registered for 26 children aged 1-5 years. Tots Nursery runs within a Parish centre with2 rooms that lend themselves well to continuous provision, plus access to a large hall. Room structure is based on chronological age. The younger room, named ‘Caterpillar room’ host children aged 1 year- 2 years 9 months. The older room, ‘Butterfly room’ consists of children aged 2 years 9 months- 5 years. All the staff observe, assess and monitor the provision on offer and take a leading role with their key-children. In addition to the key-worker system some practitioners have additional responsibilities, these include, a named room leader and second in charge of the room, a nominated safeguarding officer and two named SENCOs. The Nursery Manager has overall responsibility for the setting and is also liable with the overall monitoring of the quality of provision on offer within the nursery.
Accessibility and Inclusion
The Building
Offering a home from home environment Tots Day Nursery is wheelchair accessible from the main building entrance and has parking spaces at all times. Entry is gained via the side of the building through the gate. The 2 rooms offer space to manoeuvre a wheelchair and allows access to all facilities, including 2 child toilets and 1 sink. There is a kitchen which allows hygienic storage of the children’s plates and cups. The Kitchen is well equipped including, a fridge/freezer, lockable cupboard, microwave and an electric hob and oven. Our food cupboard and food fridge is located within our larger nursery room. Parent’s information boardis in the main entrance. This contains information about the setting, OFSTED registration certificate, regular news, as well as information from other providers. Nursery data, including policies and procedures are available if requested and can be sent electronically.
The Rooms
Both rooms are well lit and allow natural light. The windows have pull down blinds and are easily opened with catches at adult height providing well ventilated indoor space. The walls are painted using a range of natural colours with wall mounted display boards. The flooring in all rooms provide a carpeted area and non-slip flooring which allows for safe messy play. These can be enhanced with rugs, cushions and mats to allow for relaxation. Both rooms have low level furniture and age specific equipment including highchairs, a variety of stimulating and challenging resources, a number of light-up and wind-up noisy toys etc. The rooms can be adapted to allow for specialist equipment. There is easy access in both rooms to a quiet area which is set up as a ‘cosy corner’ for story time, relaxing and circle time. All rooms are inter-changeable and resources can be moved or borrowed if they are more appropriate to children’s needs or developmental stage. Our larger room is rented out over weekends so all equipment and furniture is placed within our second room for storage.
The Outdoors
At Tots Nursery we are very proud of our extensive outdoor provision which is newly developed water safety surface and has been transformed to provide a wide variety of fabulous learning opportunities. There is a surface area, small grassy area and a pretend woodchip area containing shade from trees, which can be used for outside circle time and snack. Our areas contain 3 wooden structures for growing fruit and vegetables, a large sandpit, a wendy house and tyres for physical and imaginative play. The garden area is ideal for sit and ride toys and bikes. All areas are well defined and can include sub-sections to promote a range of interest all relating to the 7 areas of the EYFS. The older children are encouraged to free flow through the indoors and outdoors, and the younger spend more structured time outdoors. Wheelchair users, those with walking aids or other needs can access the provision. Security outdoors is ensured by locked gates and having an added gate between the garden and entrance.


The aim of our Local Offer is to provide families with clear, comprehensive and up to date information about what provision is available to support disabled children and children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) and how to access it at Tots.

This easy to understand information will set out what is available in our nurseryto help children with lower level SEN as well as the optionsavailable to support families who need additional help to care for their child.

Tots Day Nursery LTD iscommitted to the inclusion of all children. All children have the right to be cared for and educated to achieve the best possible outcome and develop to their full potential. They have the right to share opportunities and experiences alongside their peers through positive practice. We provide an encouraging and welcoming environment where children are supported according to their individual needs.

  1. How does Tots Day Nursery LTD know if children need extra help and what should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs?
  • At Tots Day Nursery, we have proven past experience and pride ourselves with the ability to identify children requiring extra help.
  • You can speak to any of our staff if you have any concerns about your child. However, Hannah Walsh and Keira Law are our dedicated coordinators for special educational needs and disabilities.
  • If your child has an identified special need before joining our setting we will work with you to ensure that everything is put in place. This is aided by our “All About Me forms” and Education Healthcare Plan (EHCP), which provide information relating to a child’s particular needs.
  • At Tots we use a Key worker approach, with each child having a key worker and buddy. Their role is to develop a close trusting relationship with both child and their parents/carers. They will carry out regular observations, assessments and will monitor a child’s progress through the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework.
  • The key worker uses a range of assessment tools; 2 year old developmental check (where appropriate), reports and termly development tracker sheets (covering all 7 areas of development contained in the EYFS). This helps to identify areas of a child’s development which may require extra support.
  • If you have any concerns, you are encouraged to speak to your child’s key worker, HannahWalsh and KeiraLaw(SENCos) or Bobbie(Manager). Parents can speak to staff at the beginning/end of the session or via phone or email. Parents will be able to speak to staff about their concerns in a quiet confidential area. There is no need to make an appointment.
  • If a parent has expressed a concern regarding their child’s development or a member of staff has notified the SENCo, a meeting will be arranged with parents/carers to discuss the child’s needs. If necessary, an Individual Support Plan will be created; clear targets will be set and reviewed every 6 weeks.
  • We work very closely with other professionals, such as health visitors, speech and language therapists, educational psychologists and other health care professionals to ensure that your child is given the appropriate support and that we provide the very best care and educational opportunities for your child.
  1. How will Tot’s Staff support my child?
  • We have two members of staff, Hannah Walsh and Keira Law, who are specialists SENCo’s and have a range of experience in helping children with different needs and a variety of qualifications.
  • Your child's Key worker will work in partnership with both you and your child. We fully encourage you to share information regularly with your key worker.
  • Our staff work closely together, creating specific and realistic plans to enhance your child’s development.
  • An optional home visit is available and we will work with you to ensure that your child is happy and settled into our setting.
  • Our SENCo’s will work to ensure that you are involved in your child’s development in all stages and will also liaise with a wide range of professionals.
  • Staff regularly attend relevant training courses and workshops. The SENCo’s also attends SEN clusters where up to date SEN information is discussed and shared.
  1. How will the curriculum be matched to my childs needs?
  • Every child is seen as an individual within our setting. The Key worker, through talking with you, your child and through observations, will get to know what your child's interests are. They will also get to know how your child prefers to learn. Using this information assists the Key worker in adapting activities to support your child’s development.
  • Funding can be applied so that additional staff can be implemented to support a child in a 1:1 or group activity.
  • The environment can be adapted and funding applied for, to ensure that it is best suited to the needs of all children. The nursery has wheel chair access and a disabled toilet.
  1. How will I know how my child is doing?
  • Your childs key worker or a member of staff within your childs room will give you feedback on their progress and about their day at the end of each session. Daily sheets are provided within the Caterpillar room and if requested within the Butterfly room.
  • Your child's progress is also recorded in their Learning Journals through written comments, observations and photographs and with input from yourselves, such as ‘wow moments’ and home observations.
  • We will also review progress at parent evenings and termly tracking. The regularity of formal meetings between staff and parents will depend on your child’s level of need.
  • We can also give ideas of what to do at home to support your child's development and, if required, extra home visits are available.
  • At Tots, we have regular events, such as the Christmas party, Summer party, Butterfly Graduation and charity coffee mornings. These are great ways to see how your child is getting on and what activities they enjoy and friendships they have made.
  • There are many formals ways of communicating about your child’s progress but nothing is better than an informal chat at the end of a session, so please always speak to us about any concerns.
  1. How will the learning and development provision be matched to my child’s needs?
  • Through the EYFS we will observe and assess your child and then plan their learning and development provision around our observations.
  • We will follow advice from other professionals on how to support your child’s particular needs and the SENCo will ensure that training is accessible for staff, where possible, to support your child’s learning.
  1. What support will there be for my child’s overall wellbeing?
  • All About Me forms provide us with information which helps to create a holistic picture of each child. It gives staff an insight into a child’s interests, likes and dislikes as well as any specific medical needs or existing special education needs.
  • We have policies and procedures in place to ensure that a child’s wellbeing is supported. There is a strong emphasis on providing a caring environment. This is supported through various strategies. For example, Tots is a close-knit nursery so our older children offer support to some of our younger children.
  • We use ‘wow’ moments, for special events or achievements that happen when they are not at nursery, so that as key workers we can build on the child’s learning which further strengthen home to nursery relations.
  • Permission forms and administration of medicine is carefully recorded in accordance with our medication policy and our sickness and illness policy. If your child has any specific medical needs, our staff will undergo any training. E.g. epi pen training. Majority of our staff have paediatric first aid training.
  • We work closely with other professionals who can provide support for children and their families to ensure we support your child in all areas of development.
  • Promoting positive behaviour is important to Tots; we have a promoting positive behaviour policy and a named co-ordinator(Bobbie Percival) which outlines the procedures used in our setting. We will discuss any behaviour concerns with you in order to maintain a consistent approach between home and nursery. However, if specialist help is required we can request the support of the inclusion development officer employed by our local authority.
  • The safety of your child is paramount, and all staff have a positive approach to all individuals learning and development. If a family member or friend who we have not met before is collecting your child, a password will be asked upon collection which is arranged within your child’s registration form.
  1. What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by Tots?
  • We work with all professionals as required for each child and always encourage these professionals to come and visit the relevant children in the setting.
  • With parental consent, we can contact our area SENCo who can support us further. We work closely with other early year professionals who come into our setting.
  • The setting is in contact with Early Years Child Services which offer invaluable support and expertise. They will observe and discuss a child’s needs with the SENCo and parent. They will recommend the next steps and offer advice and support to the setting and parents.
  • You will always receive a copy of any report written by us or by other professionals and you will always be invited to meetings.
  • We also have a good relationship with all the local feeder schools and this will make the process of moving to a new setting much easier for your child.
  1. What training and/or experience do the staff, supporting children with SEND, have?
  • Majority of our staff are trained in Makaton sign language and we have a database of Makaton signs and symbols held at the nursery so we can look up words to support individual children.
  • Both SENCo’s (Hannah and Keira) attend regular SENCo clusters run by Hertfordshire county council. They have both attended a course in Early years support.
  • Hannah has a degree in Psychology, specialising in child development, disability andautism. And has attended courses to do with Team Around the Family/Team Around the Child, attachment and engaging with parents of children with SEND.
  • Keira has over 4 years experience of being SENCo for Tots, supporting children with a wide range of needs and disabilities.
  • All staff are qualified within Early Years or are currently studying for qualifications. We continually reflect upon our practice and will attend training when a particular need is identified.
  1. How will my child be included in activities outside the setting?
  • Your child will benefit from all activities outside the setting and full risk assessments will be carried out.
  • Tots organises a yearly trip for all children and parents. A risk assessment is carried out to ensure that access is suitable for every child. Additional staff are included if necessary. Parents are also invited to join us as helpers.
  • Walks to the local shop or park occasionally take place within the older room on a 2:1 (staff:child) ratio. We take a mobile phone and a first aid kit. Any medicine needed by a particular child who may be going on the walk will be taken along by the person in charge. (Room leader)
  • We will discuss your child’s needs with you to ensure they can be included. You will not be required to accompany your child on any outside activity. However, if you are unhappy about your child joining in a trip, visit or event without your presence you would be welcome to join as a parent helper.

10.How will I be involved in discussions about planning for my child’s learning and development?

  • Your child’s key worker will be available to discuss your child’s needs, however it may be necessary to arrange a mutually convenient time for a meeting. Team around the family/child meetings can be arranged with the involvement of any professionals involved.
  • If any professionals come in to see your child we will try to organise a meeting at the end of the visit for a brief discussion. If this is not possible, any reports or documents will be copied and given to you.
  • Parental consent is always obtained before we refer to any outside agencies.
  • Home observation sheets are issued each month which will help key workers plan for each key child.

11.How accessible is the building/environment?