Customer Satisfaction Program/Handling Customer Complaints A satisfied customer is a profitable customer. Learn to analyze your firm, identify customer needs and maximize custormer satisfaction. A satisfied customer is your most effective salesperson. The most effective ways to eliminate customer complaints and turn complaining customers into satisfied ones will be discussed.

E-Commerce and the New Economy The Internet has had a profound effect on the way we do business. Businesses are not limited by time and space anymore. Because of this, the “middle man” is not necessary. Businesses of all sizes are now able to conduct business and exchange information over the Internet. This workshop will focus on specific advantages and disadvantages of E-Commerce and E-Commerce models.

Traditional vs. Electronic Payment Methods This workshop will identify traditional and electronic payment methods used by businesses. Presentation will include security procedures for electronic payments.

Introduction to Export Marketing The purpose of this workshop is to acquaint interested persons with export sales, planning, financing, and documentation. In addition, sources of state and federal assistance in exporting will also be discussed.

Keeping a Successful Attitude Definite skills and techniques to overcome negativism that bombards you daily. Not just a pump-up session. A systematic approach towards maintaining a positive attitude in your personal and professional life.

Defining Security Issues Any business, regardless of size, type, age, or any description, needs to be concerned about security; especially security of information and electronic networks. This workshop will identify various security issues and provide information for designing a security plan to protect your e-business.

Bidding and Quoting on Government Small Purchases Private sector insights on bidding and quoting on small purchases will be explored along with a representative from the Navy explaining small purchase procedures.

Techniques for Collecting Accounts Receivable The topics include Proven Telephone Collection Techniques, Effective Collection Strategies, Specific Skills for Successful Negotiating, Special Arrangements to Guarantee Payment, Maximizing the Impact of Collecting Letters, and Using Collection Laws to Your Advantage.

Planning and Budgeting--How to Survive in Business Effective planning and budgeting are very vital aspects of a successful business. Learn strategies that you empower you to insure the success of you business.

Developing an E-Business Plan for the Small Business The workshop will focus on developing a business plan to be used to seek funding as well serve as a blue print for your business. Learn the components of an effective plan for an e-business.

Pre-Conference Workshops

The Basics of Being a Virtual Assistant (VA)

Getting Certified