A. Sky Heller
P.O. Box 188
Milford, ME 04461
(207) 217-3641
Robert E. Cook Honors College, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, B.A. May 2007, 3.82 QPA
Anthropology/Archaeology Track, 3.87 QPA in major
Religious Studies, 3.80 QPA in major
2006, Anthropology Honors Track
2005, Phi Kappa Phi Study Abroad Grant Recipient
2005, Member Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society
2004, Member Lambda Alpha, the Anthropology Honors Society
2004, IUP Provost Scholar
2002 - 2007, IUP Dean’s List
Activities and Conferences
2004 – 2005, President IUP Anthropology Club
2004, IUP Archaeological Field School, Indiana, Pennsylvania
2002 – 2004, Treasurer IUP Anthropology Club
2004 – 2007, Society for American Archaeology Conferences
Social Service
2005-2006, Robert E. Cook Honors College Social Service Coordinator: Responsibilities included organizing and tracking the social service activities of Honors College students as well as assisting in the scheduling and management of meetings to discuss the progress and success of each student’s service activities.
2005, Tsunami Relief Fund-raising and Letter Writing Campaign: As part of the Anthropology Club, this required the organization of volunteer workers for fund-raising events as well as assisting in the composition of a letter challenging Anthropology clubs across America to raise funds for long-term relief following the 2004 Tsunami.
Work Experience
2008 February – 2009 September, Laboratory Technician, Arkansas Archaeological Survey: This position requires that I conduct artifact inventories of archaeological assemblages collected during the 1930s and 1960s from dry bluff shelter sites throughout northwest Arkansas. These collections contain a variety of artifacts including fragile perishable materials not often preserved in an archaeological context. The position requires a wide range of identification and analysis, organizational, problem solving, and cataloging skills.
2007 June - July, Independent Contractor, IUP Archaeological Services: This project required the completion of analytical soil sample flotation for samples collected at the Johnston Site (36 IN 2) as well as the organization, sorting and cataloguing of samples following flotation.
2006 to 2007, Curation Project Student Supervisor, IUP Archaeological Services: IUP Archaeological Services provided the completion of laboratory work for archaeological collections acquired through Pennsylvania Department of Transportation projects. The Curation Project brought such collections into accordance with curational standards as laid out by the Pennsylvania Historic and Museum Commission. This included the cleaning, labeling, cataloguing, and proper storage of artifacts as well as the preservation, organization, cataloguing, and management of site and project documentation and the completion of paperwork for the proper submission of collections to the Pennsylvania State Museum for final curation and storage. As a student supervisor I managed tasks, answered student questions, and provided project guidance while completing independent projects.
2006, Research Assistant, Dr. Sarah Neusius: In this position I performed identification, analysis, cataloguing, and organization for the faunal assemblage collected during the 1980 archaeological excavations at the Ripley site (NYSM 2490) under the direction of Dr. Sarah Neusius.
2006, Curation Project Intern, Pennsylvania Department of Transportation: As part of the above-mentioned Penn DOT Curation Project, I assisted in the cleaning, labeling and organization of archaeological collections as well as the creation and management of artifact inventories and the preservation and management of project documentation for archaeological projects lacking compliance with the Pennsylvania Historic and Museum Commission Curation Guidelines standards. I have participated in the curation of archaeological collections and documentation for twelve sites within three separate archaeological projects.
2005, Research Assistant: In this position I performed analysis and cataloguing activities for the lithic collection from the 1980 archaeological excavations at the Ripley site (NYSM 2490) under the direction of Dr. Phillip Neusius, Anthropology Department Chair.
2005, Archaeological Internship, Tel Rehov, Israel: I was a member of the 2005 field crew at Tel Rehov in the Beth Shean Valley, northern Israel under the direction of Dr. Amihai Mazar, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. This six-week position provided me with an opportunity to acquire field experience using techniques not available in the northeastern United States. My duties included general excavation, artifact processing, mapping and profile creation, and the production of detailed artifact illustrations.
2003 to 2006, IUP Archaeological Services Laboratory Technician: As a laboratory technician I was expected to clean, catalog, and label artifacts from ongoing Archaeological Services projects, as well as assist in the production of site and project reports. I was also required to help organize and run the annual PennDOT Byways to the Past Conference at IUP; a conference aimed at fostering education and cooperation between archaeologists, historic preservationists, construction contractors, and PennDOT employees.
2002 to 2005, Assistant to Honors College Assistant Director: In this position I was required to apply computer and organizational skills for projects varying from maintaining the Honors College webpage to the organization of Honors College events.
2007, Undergraduate Honors Thesis
“The Question of Israel: A Comparative Review of the Archaeology of Iron Age Palestine”
This research focuses on a current debate over the chronology of Iron Age Palestine. By reviewing the two major arguments as well as a number of important sites, the paper generates research questions for further clarification of the debated period.
2007, IUP Undergraduate Scholars Conference
“Archaeology and the Bible: A Review of the Current Debate”
The Biblical story of the United Monarchy of David and Solomon and the following period of the Divided Kingdoms of Israel and Judah falls within a 400 year period which is currently a hotly debated topic in the field of Levantine archaeology. This presentation will review these arguments and discuss the ramifications of each for our understanding of the Biblical narrative.
2006, Society for American Archaeology Conference
“Archaeology Outside the US: How Internships Enhance the Archaeological Student Experience”
This presentation demonstrated how internships provide a unique opportunity for students to fully immerse themselves in the archaeology of another country as well as provide students with tools to make better decisions about their futures in archaeology. To do this, the presentation illustrated the realities of an archaeological internship in northern Israel and the advantages such internships can provide to undergraduate students.