Syllabus Version 1.0
Seminar: Contemporary Issues, Law/Policy/Ethics in
Communication and Information
The US Communications Law
and Policymaking Process
Professor Stuart N. Brotman
Spring 2017
Mondays 4:40 – 7:35 p.m.COM 264
PREREQ: Doctoral student standing or graduate standing with professor
Office: 430 Communications Bldg. Phone:974-5139
Office Hours: Monday 11:15 am – 12:30 pm and by appointment requested via email
Readings: There is no textbook. Any readings will be posted on Blackboard and
are expected to be reviewed prior to the class session where assigned.
Plan to visit Blackboard every day. It is your responsibility in general to keep up with what's going on in class.
The Syllabus is a contract with all students, and may be modified throughout the semester. The latest version posted on Blackboard supersedes any prior versions and is the one that should be followed.
No class sessions: February 20, April 10, April 24
Research paper selection: March 20
Research presentations: April 17
Final paper due: April28, 5 pm deadline
Students are expected to utilize the time periods with no class sessions to work on their research papers and presentations.
All students will receive a final grade in the course; there will be no incompletes given to anyone.
This doctoral-level seminar is designed for each student to prepare a manuscript of publishable quality, based a selected topic regarding the US communications law and policymaking process. Through class lectures, group discussions, and research presentations, along with group editorial feedback and mentoring by the professor, students will have a multi-dimensional context for undertaking and completing their research projects.
I expect you to take the responsibilities of this course as seriously as you would a professional job. The quality of your class engagement and research output should be consistent with the doctoral-level nature of this course.
CCI Diversity Statement
“CCI recognizes and values diversity. Exposing students to diverse people, ideas and cultures increases opportunities for intellectual inquiry, encourages critical thinking, and enhances communication and information competence. When all viewpoints are heard, thoughtfully considered, and respectfully responded to, everyone benefits. Diversity and fairness unite us with the wider professional and global community.”
UT ODS Disability Statement
“Any student who feels he or she may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact the Office of Disability Services (ODS) at 865-974-6087 in 100 Dunford Hall to document their eligibility for services. ODS will work with students and faculty to coordinate reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities.”
All work in this course should be the original work of the student. Students who violate University rules on scholastic dishonesty are subject to disciplinary penalties, including the possibility of failure in the course, dismissal from the program and dismissal from the University. Since dishonesty harms the individual, all students, and the integrity of the University, policies on scholastic dishonesty will be strictly enforced.
Scholastic dishonesty includes plagiarism. Therefore, handing in work that contains material written by someone else, whether it is a current or former student or a secondary source and presenting it as your own efforts is a clear example of plagiarism.
If you use a direct quote then put the statement in quotation marks and cite the author. If you use the ideas of someone else, then re-write the ideas into you own words and put the author’s name in parentheses after presenting the ideas. Information from online sources is no exception to this rule.
Final grades will be based on a holistic review of each student at the completion of the course. Individual grades for each course component will not be given during the semester.