Day Services – Petershill Locality
1. Purpose
The purpose of this report is to outline the redesign proposal for day services provision in the Petershill locality of the North CHCP.
2. Overview
2.1 The Glasgow City Council Best Value Day Services Review (BVR) was conducted from June 2001 to February 2002. The BVR identified a series of issues that required to be addressed in order to improve day services. It recognised that Day service development for older people was a neglected area that required strategic service development and financial investment. The BVR outlined locality resource templates for each area. Social Work Centre is currently updating these templates for the new CHCP configuration.
2.2 Recommendations from the BVR were in relation to; ensuring services are provided from buildings fit for purpose, with flexible services to meet the individual needs of service users and their carers, therefore moving away from the institutionalised Monday to Friday 9.00am to 4.00pm opening hours. In addition throughout Glasgow there were variable management arrangements, staffing structures and service delivery initiatives.
2.3 From April 2002, the Scottish Commission for the Regulation for Care (SCRC) became responsible for regulating and inspecting Day Care Services. All Day Care Services within the North are registerable with the SCRC. In spite of the poor accommodation in the North, the SCRC provides positive reports about the quality of service delivered. Day Care Services are recognised as critical to addressing the balance of care. There is an emphasis on a planned programme of care to meet assessed need for social or health interventions aimed at rehabilitation or ongoing maintenance within the community.
2.4 In addition the creation of the Social Services Council, the body responsible for the regulation of the workforce, will also have an impact and it is likely that Day service Managers will be required to register with the Council with implications for staff qualifications and training.
3. North CHCP Position
3.1 Financial investment is essential to the implementation of the BVR and the CHCPs’ key objectives. This proposal addresses the physical environment and staffing framework required to meet registration requirements and reflects the BVR recommendations. Social Work Services at Centre recognise the need for budget investment to North Glasgow.
3.2 Current budget deficits have been created with posts being filled and staff regradedwithout the appropriate transfer of funds to local budgets namely:
- 1 x Driver post was created and agreed in August 2004 however no funding provided for this has been transferred to local cost centre.
- As a result of the implementation of Phase 1 of BVR all day care officers and day care supervisors were re-graded in August 2004. This increased salary costs by some 18%. No funding was transferred to local cost centers to accommodate this.
- Services are reliant on sessional staffing to maintain required staffing levels. There has been no budget provision made for this.
4. Current Service Structure - Petershill Locality
The current day services which are the subject of this report are:
- Springburn Dementia Unit, Flat 1/1, 10 Petershill Court, Balornock, G21
This service provides a service for ten people with dementia (within frail elderly staffing levels) each day Monday to Friday including Tuesday evenings. The accommodation is a Glasgow Housing Association flat in a high-rise multi storey. It is not fit for purpose.
- The Oasis Centre, Flat 0/1. 10 Petershill Court, Balornock, G21
This service provides 8 registered places daily; Monday to Saturday, for people with medium to high support needs as a result of physical or mental incapacity. The majority of care staff are employed on a sessional basis. The service is located within a Glasgow Housing Association high rise block. It is not deemed fit for purpose.
- The Millburn Centre
This service for eight people was delivered by two sessional staff, from the premises of a former school in Royston. Due to staffing issues service users had to be relocated to other units and hence the service no longer operates from Millburn. Accommodation is not fit for purpose.
5. Service Proposal
5.1 The proposal is for the three units; Springburn Dementia, Oasis and Millburn to be merged into one day care unit providing 25 places for frail older people and older people with dementia 5 days a week. APPENDIX 1
5.2 The Forge Street premises, previously a City Council Local Repair Team building has been identified as accommodation which, with required adaptation, meets regulation requirements and would in all aspects be a suitable and appropriate resource. Similar premises have been successfully utilised in the South West CHCP with carers, service users and staff delighted with the quality of the premises. The Forge Street premises have satisfied a feasibility study and will draw extensively on the South West CHCP design template.
5.3 It is critical that the North CHCP enhances the physical quality of its day care services for service users and their carers. Social Work Services at Centre recognises the inequality in distribution of day care in Glasgow and the need to urgently address the deficiencies in day care services in the North. This plan contributes to the Petershill locality service infrastructure.
5.4 Due to the limitations on current budget availability the short-term plan is to move to a 5-day service from the new premises. This, however, would reduce current service sessions by 7 per week and reduce current flexibility of providing one evening and one Saturday session.
5.5 Until BVR resources are made available to North CHCP, the flexible services of one evening and one Saturday session will be maintained for current service users.
6. Costings
6.1 The following costed options have been provided by Community Care Finance Business Unit at Social Work Centre.
Option 17 day service
25 service users / Option 2:
7 day service
20 service users
Staff costs / £368,981 / £338,432
Transport costs / £43,810.00 / £43,810.00
Premises costs / £19,470.00 / £19,470.00
Supplies costs / £80,320.00 / £80,320.00
Other costs / £6,260.00 / £6,260.00
Total / £518,841 / £488,393
Option 3
5 Day Service
25 Service Users / Option 4
5 Day Service
25 Service Users
Staff Costs / £239075.00 / £219838.00
Transport Costs / £19470.00 / £19470.00
Premises Costs / £10710.00 / £10710.00
Supplies Costs / £27095.00 / £25595.00
Other Costs / £5802.00 / £4950.00
Total / £302,152.00 / £280,563.00
6.2 In line with current budget availability of £309,067 Option 3is the most viable with the potential to expand to Option 1 dependent upon future resource allocation to BVR standards, and with a commitment to maintain the additional services to current users.
6.3 The Best Value Review clearly recommended that additional funding should be identified to deliver on the Option 1 level service for North Glasgow This would realise the wider aspirations for a more flexible and extensive service of evenings and seven days therefore recognising carer support needs outwith Monday to Friday and the flexibility of service to ensure service users and carers can access individually tailored services which reflect 21st Century standards and aspirations.
6.4 The Forge Street premises will be able to accommodate people with high levels of personal care needs. The accommodation also provides sufficient space to allow allied health professionals to have consultations with service users therefore improving access to health services and joint working between health and social care staff.
6.5 A further enhancement to the current service is access to a secure outdoor area offering service users the opportunity to relax/walk/garden in the area with the associated psychological and physical health benefits, of particular benefit to service users with dementia.
6.6 This proposal meets the standards and requirements of the Care Commission and addresses the phased strategic development of Day Services for North Glasgow. Consistent with BVR, further work will take place to re-design services from the Maryhill/Canal and Possil localities.
7. Capital Requirements
7.1 Following a feasibility study the capital cost of this project has been estimated to be £264,000.
7.2 £250,000 of this funding has been secured from the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde’s Director of Finance and the additional funding of £14,000 will be made up by additional funding from the Director of Finance or using surplus capital monies.
7.3 This expenditure will be committed as part of the 2006/07 financial year.
8. Recommendations
Committee is asked to;
- approve the redesign of Petershill locality day services to provide a 5-day service for 25 places at Forge Street.
b. approve capital investment of £264,000 for the Forge Street development.
c. instruct the Director to negotiate the future funding arrangements for day services in North Glasgow to Best Value Review requirements.
- instruct the Director to consult with current users on the proposed interim
- instruct the Director to resolve the current funding pressures and maintain
current service levels to existing users achieving an interim balanced funding
Table 1 – Service Change
Current Places / Current Sessions / ProposedPlaces / Proposed Sessions
Springburn / Redesign
Oasis / Redesign
All Services / Redesign / 26 / 132 / 25 / 125
Table 2 – Current Budget
The following table details the 2006/07 budget:
Facility / 2006/07 BudgetOasis Centre / £92,007
Springburn Dementia Project / £175,187
Millburn Centre / £41,873
Total / £309,067
H:\Committee\CHCP Committee\03.26.07\DaycareCommitteeReport.march072nddraft - FINAL.doc