Semester II Review World History


List these definitions as WELL as your definitions on your flash cards – take the time to locate these topics and the other topics from 1st Semester in your Chapter Tests.

Chapter 7 & 8: Ancient Greece

1. Crete –An island Southeast of the Greek mainland

2. Geography of Greece- Greece’s mountainous terrain and its series of small islands influenced the ancient Greeks to develop a political system based on independent city-state

3. Polis- A tiny independent country

4. Athens- the Athenians focused on academics and government; the reason the Delain League failed was because Athens had become so powerful it took over it;

5. Oligarchy- Rule of government by a few people

6. Rights of Women- 5oo B.C. women in Sparta could hold property and go out without an escort. In the Athenian society women could not do any of these things. Spartan women had more rights than women in Athens

7. Direct Democracy- All citizens participating in government

7B. Democracy- government by the people

8. Achievements-of ancient Greeks in math, architecture and medicine

9. Persian War (causes/effects – who was fighting)- A cause of the Persian War was when the Greek city states on the mainland helped the other Greeks in Asia Minor fight against Persia

10. Peloponnesian War (causes/effects – who was fighting)-the warweakened the Greek city states economically and militarily; Athens grew rich and powerful causing Sparta and other Greek city-states to grow suspicious of Athens’ intentions. This lead to war

10B. Peloponnesian- (who were involved) it weakened the city states economically and militarily

11. Citizenship – a citizen is a member of society who has some rights in the political community; a citizen is free native born land owning men

12. Phoenicians- In the Mediterranean world the Phoenicians made an impact because they helped spread the alphabet which allowed Greeks and Romans to keep records

13. Solon- he allowed all male citizens to participate in the assembly and law courts

14. Sparta- Spartan society focused on military readiness; Sparta’s strict government discouraged free thinking and new idea

15. Hellenistic Era-was considered a time period when Greek culture spread throughout the rest of the world

16. Socrates- Philosophy was used by many in the ancient Greek city states and used in modern educational and law systems

17. Representative Democracy-citizens electing officials to govern on their behalf

Chapter 9: Early India

18. 4 Noble Truths-

  • “Life is full of suffering”
  • “People suffer because they desire worldly things and want to satisfy themselves”
  • “The way to end suffering is to stop desiring things”
  • “The only way to stop desiring things is to follow the Eightfold Path.”

19. Hinduism- is religion that grew from a mixture of Aryan beliefs and those of the Harappans

20. Sanskrit- Developed by the Aryans, ancient Indians used this form of written language.

21. Reincarnation- is a belief that people pass through many lives

22. The Gupta Empire- was a time when India had a golden age of learning and culture during which empire

23. Karma-is the consequences of how a person lives his or her life is known

24. Siddhartha Gautama- known to his followers as the Buddha, he believed that the only way to find truth about the world was to give up all desires

25. Buddhism- Buddhism rejected the caste system and gave hope to those in the low part of the system to reach enlightenment. Buddhism started in northeast Asia

26. Caste System- determined a person’s job, social group, and marriage; the caste system helped the Aryans rule people who outnumbered them.

27. Monsoons (impacts) people depended on monsoons for rain; negatively impacted the people of ancient India: brought too much rain and caused flooding; were late and caused crops to die; was late and caused a famine

28. Dharma- is your personal duty, depending on one’s place in society

29. The Mauryan Empire-had achievements of a central government and postal system

Chapters 10 & 15: Ancient China

30. Mandate of Heaven- the Zhou dynasty, followed by many other dynasties, claimed this principle gave them the right, or formal order, to rule.

31. Daoism- This philosophy taught that people should give up worldly desires.

32. Han Wudi- wanted the best minds to work in government, so he created civil examinations

33. Hanfeizi- Page 289 a philosopher who introduced the ideas of legalism

34. Silk Road- as an artificial boundary did not limit early China’s interaction with other regions and cultures; vast network of trade routes for Chinese goods stretching as far west as Greece and Rome

35. Chinese Inventions-Early printing press used block of wood

36. Chinese voyages (pros/cons)-they brought new ideas; they cost too much; they made merchants rich

37. Jesuits- despite restrictions, Jesuits missionaries traveled to China

38. Confucianism- taught that if each person does his or her duty, society as a whole will do well

39. Legalism- taught that people need a strong ruler to maintain order

40. Laozi-Daoism began with the ideas of Laozi

41. Great Wall–Page 293 the wall was built to keep the Xiongnu out of China

42. Farming Methods-terracing was a farming method Chinese developed to prevent soil erosion and to cultivate crops

43. Zheng He- started his voyages in the Pacific Ocean; China’s culture spread to Southeast Asia and India

44. Mongols- were known for being fierce fighters

Chapter 14: Mesoamerica

45. Pyramids- In ancient Egypt, most pyramids were used as a tomb

46. Igloos-In present day Alaska, the Inuit civilizations built dome shaped structures made of ice

47. Hieroglyphics- Similar to ancient Egyptians, the Maya created a sophisticated writing system based on Hieroglyphics

48.In Mesoamerica- most pyramids were often used as temples

49. Inuit—the Native American group that occupied the largest amount of land was the subarctic

50. Beringia- some scientists believe some Asian people came to the Americas over a land bridge

51. Native Americans- were Paleolithic people who migrated from Siberia Asia into North America

Chapters 11 and 12: Ancient Rome

52. Patricians-were large landowners

53. The Twelve Tables- the first written laws

54. PaxRomana- 200 years of peace and prosperity

55. Augustus- Augustus established permanent and professional soldiers, He appointed a proconsul, his legions conquered large territories in northern Europe

56. Christianity in Rome- the empire changed toa monotheistic belief system, the empire identified Jesus as the son of God, the apostles as Peter and Paul helped to spread the religion throughout the empire

57.Rome’s achievements- medicine, science and literature

58. Decline of Rome-Germanic attacks on the Roman frontiers, over dependence on slavery which lead to many revolts

59. Cultural Diffusion-Rome worshipped Greek Gods

60.Punic Wars- Carthage attacked Rome

61. Plebeians- ordinary citizen

62. Roman Republic- In the republic Romans admired Greek statues, building and ideas while the empire created aqueducts, bridges spread Greek ideas throughout

63. Roman Empire- merchants and skilled workers benefited from the prosperity

64. Rome’s government-representative government, instituted rule of law, separation of powers

65. Inflation-the price of goods increased

66. Women/Slaves-wealthy patrician managed the household while plebeian women spent most of their time working in the house; man enslaved Greek were educated while most slaved people lived a miserable life