Semester 1 Earth Science Final Study Guide

The differences and similarities between the planets in the ______System were established during its ______. The planets that are farthest from the Sun are composed of ______, while the planets closest to the Sun are rocky with ______cores. The Solar System formed from a cloud of gas and dust called a ______. The terrestrial or ______planets formed when dust particles and heavy gasses combined. This happened about ______years ago. Evidence of the age of the solar system is the measurement of the oldest known ______. The age of the ______is a good indicator of the age of the solar system because the moon does not ______or erode over time. Early Earth had more ______than Earth today. Early Earth was also much ______than Earth today. While Earth’s climate, and the position of Earth’s continents has changed considerably, Earth’s ______composition has not. The study of ______provides evidence of what the early Solar System was like. Evidence of the Big Bang theory is the red-shift of light from objects moving away from each other due to the ______Effect. To an astronomer on Earth, light from a distant star would appear ______compared to light from Jupiter. Evidence that planets are closer to Earth than stars, is that they appear to move more ______across the sky than stars.

The Sun gets its energy through a process called Nuclear ______, in which four hydrogen atoms combine to form one ______atom while releasing ______. The Sun is an average ______star. Asteroid impacts often create ______on the moons and planets of the Solar System. Evidence that a large asteroid impact on Earth caused the extinction of various species on Earth can be found on the ______floor. Other evidence supporting this theory is that the ______died out abruptly rather than gradually. Our Sun is located in the outer edge of the ______, a ______shaped spiral galaxy that measures about ______across. Galaxies can contain ______of stars. ______of the mass of the universe we can directly detect is found in ______and billions of them are found each ______and billions of them are contained the ______. Evidence that elements heavier than lithium, such as carbon, are formed in stars is that the amount of ______required to form a nucleus with four or more protons is only found in stars. Studying the spectral lines of stars indicates what ______the star is made of. Massive super giant stars live ______lives that average main sequence stars. In addition to optical telescopes, radio and ______telescopes are used to study stars.

Evidence of plate tectonics can be found in the ______and ______patterns of the ocean floor. The youngest rocks in the ocean floor are found at ______plate boundaries called mid-ocean ______. Ocean ______are found at ______zones where the ______plate slides beneath the less dense plate. When this happens between oceanic to oceanic plates, a volcanic ______forms on the over riding plate. At a continent to continent convergent plate boundary folded ______such as the Himalayas form. Melted rock cools and solidifies to form ______rocks. Rocks subjected to intense heat and pressure can form ______rocks. Accumulating rock fragments and other materials can solidify over time to form ______rocks. A characteristic of mature ______is that they are well sorted. The majority of earthquakes occur at ______boundaries and are caused by stresses along ______lines. The Richter scale is used to measure the ______of an earthquake. The deepest earthquakes usually occur at ______zones. Highly explosive volcanic eruptions are caused by highly viscous ______with high levels of trapped gasses. These volcanoes have ______slopes. Another kind of volcano called a ______volcano is formed from runny basaltic lava which travels great distances before cooling.

Deposits of the mineral ______have been mined in California in the Sierra Nevadas, Klamath Mountains, and the Mojave Desert. The eruption of ______helped create California’s large deposits of gold. Volcanoes have also resulted in California’s mineral rich ______, which is very important to our agricultural economy. Other major ______resources in California are ______, iron, and copper. California’s oil and natural gas resources are do to the shifting of ______on Earth’s crust. Landslides on steep slopes is often caused by ______. The San Francisco Bay Area get’s most of its fresh water from the Hetch Hetchy ______. About 60% of fresh ______used in California comes from the northern part of the state. Southern California gets much of its water from the ______river. Central California gets its water from underground ______. Most of California’s residential water is used for ______.