Self-evaluation questionnaire for resource reviews of undergraduate and conversion programmes
/You should complete this questionnaire if you are submitting an undergraduate or conversion programme for a resource review.
- Section A of this questionnaire (‘about your programme’) should be completed for each separate award structure.
- You only need to complete section B(‘meeting our standards’) once, regardless of the number of programmes under review.
You should provide us with three hard copies plus an electronic copy of your completed submission. Please make sure that your submission includes the following:
Evidence source / Included (please tick)Completed self-evaluation questionnaire
Brief biographies of members of the psychology staff team, and any other colleagues providing supervision for students’ practical work
External examiners’ reports for the last three years
Responses to external examiners’ reports for the last three years
Section A: about your programme
1.Basic information
Name of education provider:Department/Faculty in which programme is based:
Full name(s) of programme(s) as it appears on award certificate:
Type of programme (tick one): / Single honours
Joint honours
Combined honours
Conversion award
Mode of study (tick at least one): / Full time
Part time
Distance learning
Franchise arrangements: / Is the programme franchised to any other institutions? If so, please name the institution(s) here and provider further information in section 2 below.
Questionnaire completed by(please provide name and role):
Contact details for Programme Co-ordinator: / You should tell us who we should approach with any queries about the information provided in this self-evaluation questionnaire. Please provide a name, telephone number and email address.
Senior management sign-off: / This section should be signed off as accurate by the Head of Psychology (or equivalent).
Date of submission:
2.Context and rationale
Please outline for our reviewers any key changes you have made to your accredited programme(s) since your last review.
Section B: meeting our standards
Programme standard 6: Staffing
Our reviewers need to be able to evaluate the adequacy of the staffing resources that are in place to support delivery of the programme(s) in question. In order to do this, we need to understand the staff:student ratio that is in place. The tables below offer a means of calculating the total staff resource contributing to delivery of the psychology provision and the total numbers of students drawing on psychology staff and resources.
- Staff numbers
Please complete table 3 below:
Permanent Full-Time and Contractual Academic Staff (full-time, part-time and fractional)Name / Post / Department / FTE Contracted to Psychology / Main responsibilities in relation to the programme(s)
Total FTE / A
Graduate Teaching Assistants
Name / Post / Department / FTE Contracted to Psychology / Main responsibilities in relation to the programme(s)
Total FTE / B
Other hourly paid staff
Total FTE delivering on psychology programmes/modules
Total FTE for all academic staff (A+B+C) / D
Approved vacancies
Post / Department / Contracted FTE / Expected FTE contributing to psychology
Total FTE
Please provide brief biographies (not full CVs) of any new members of staff that are teaching on the programme or providing supervision for students’ practical work that have been appointed since your last review.
- Student numbers
The most recent accurate student figures should be provided.
Please complete table 4 below:
Students on Psychology programmes/ modules submitted for accreditation / Students on other Psychology programmes/ modules/researchUndergraduate / Postgraduate
Psychology Students FTE / E / G / I
Non-Psychology Students FTE / F / H / J
Total Student FTE / K / L / M
Total FTE for all Students (K+L+M) / N
- Overall staff student ratio
Please complete table 5 below:
- Support staff
Please complete table 6 below:
Support roles / Dedicated staff FTE / Shared staff FTEAdministrative/secretarial staff
Technical/computing staff
Additional staffing in place to support distance learning delivery (if applicable)
Others (please specify)
Programme standard 8: Physical resources
Our reviewers need to understand the physical facilities and learning resources that are in place to support the student experience, whether students are studying on-site or at a distance. It is important that accredited programmes have the necessary resources in place to enable them to deliver psychology as a science. Education providers also need to have in place learning resources that reflect the breadth of the GBC curriculum.
Physical facilities
Please tell us about:
- The number, capacity and type of dedicated laboratory and practical work facilities available to psychology students;
- The number, capacity and type of dedicated IT/computing facilities available to support psychology students’ practical work;
- The extent to which students access the laboratory and IT/computing facilities available;
- The software and statistical packages available to support students’ practical work;
- Any specialist psychology equipment that supports students’ practical work;
- Any additional (shared) laboratories and IT/computing facilities that are available to psychology students;and
- Any additional facilities available to support small group working.
Learning resources
Please tell us about:
- The number of psychology books to which students have access (hard copy and/or e-books);
- The number of psychology journals to which students have access (hard copy and/or electronic; please provide a list of titles and indicate whether hard copy or electronic);
- The availability of psychology databases (please provide a list and indicate whether full text or abstract only access is provided).
Programme standard 9: Quality management
This standard outlines the Society’s expectation that education providers have in place quality management mechanisms that facilitate self-reflection against our standards.
With the exception of the section below on external examining arrangements, we will not ask you specific questions about your approach to quality management as part of this self-evaluation questionnaire, but may ask about this when we undertake an on-site partnership visit.
External examiners
Please tell us about the external examiners with whom you have been working over the last three years by completing table 7 below.
Name / Employing institution / Start date / End date / Details of any specific responsibilitiesIn order to support the information you have provided in the table above,please provide us with:
- External examiners’ reports for the last three years ; and
- The responses you have provided to these reports.