Period 2: 1607-1754

Colonial America

Chapter 3: Society and Culture in Provincial America—Due August 30, 2017

Chapter 4: The Empire in Transition—Due September 6, 2017

Part I: Reading Notes (5 points each)

Read each of the chapters and complete Cornell notes. Nightly reading assignments.(optional)

Part II or Part III

Part II: Unit Terms (20 points)—due September 15

Define the term and explain their significance. Complete all* plus 10 additional

Period 2: 1607-1754

Colonial America

  1. Anne Hutchinson
  2. Bacon’s Rebellion*
  3. Glorious Revolution
  4. Headright*
  5. Jacob Leisler
  6. James Oglethorpe
  7. John Smith
  8. John Winthrop
  9. King Philip’s War*
  10. Massachusetts Bay Company
  11. Mayflower Compact*
  12. Metacomet
  13. Navigation Acts*
  14. Pequot War
  15. Plymouth Plantation
  16. Powhatan
  17. Quakers
  18. Roger Williams
  19. Sir William Berkeley
  20. Theocracy
  21. Virginia House of Burgesses*
  22. William Bradford
  23. William Penn
  24. Cotton Mather
  25. George Whitefield*
  26. Great Awakening*
  27. Huguenots
  28. Indentured Servitude
  29. John Peter Zenger*
  30. Jonathan Edwards*
  31. Middle Passage
  32. Scots-Irish
  33. Slave Codes*
  34. Stono Rebellion*
  35. Triangular Trade*
  36. Enlightenment
  37. Albany Plan*
  38. Benjamin Franklin
  39. Boston Massacre
  40. Boston Tea Party
  41. Charles Townshend
  42. Coercive Acts*
  43. Committees of Correspondence*
  44. Creoles
  45. Currency Act
  46. Daughters of Liberty
  47. First Continental Congress*
  48. George Grenville
  49. Impressment
  50. Iroquois Confederacy*
  51. Lord North
  52. Mutiny Act
  53. Patrick Henry
  54. Proclamation of 1763*
  55. Quebec Act
  56. Samuel Adams
  57. Sons of Liberty*
  58. Stamp Act
  59. Stamp Act Congress*
  60. Sugar Act
  61. Tea Act
  62. Townshend Duties*
  63. Virginia Resolves
  64. William Pitt

Period 2: 1607-1754

Colonial America

Part III: Reading Questions (20 points)—due September 15

  1. Compare the patterns of family life and women’s role (including social attitudes towards women) in each of the colonial regions.
  2. What are the reasons for differing economic systems in each of the colonial regions and explain the impact of those systems on each region’s social structure.
  3. Compare the physical settlement patterns of each of the colonial regions and analyze the reasons for and the consequences of those patterns in the development of the colonial societies.
  4. Analyze the relative importance of natural population increase vs. immigration in the development of colonial society.
  5. Identify the impact of technology, science, and education on political, social, and economic developments in each colonial region.
  6. How did the lives of African slaves change over the course of the first century of slavery in North America?
  7. Describe the intellectual culture of colonial America, as expressed in literature, philosophy, science, education, and law, and identify any regional differences.
  8. Describe the changes in sources of immigration from Europe and the settlement patterns of the different groups.
  9. In which ways did the Seven Years’ War change the balance of power in North America and throughout the world?
  10. To what degree and in which ways did British attempts to reassert control over the colonies contribute to the colonial revolt?
  11. Explain the chronological sequence of British acts intended to increase imperial control over the colonies and the colonists’ reaction to those attempts.
  12. Describe the influence of philosophical principles on the American Revolution.
  13. Explain the reason for discontent among backcountry colonists and the manifestations of that discontent.
  14. Explain the position of American Indian tribes in the French and Indian War and assess why they took that position.

Part V: ColonialAssignment (20 points)—Due September 11

Part VI: Concept Questions (10 points)—due September 15

To review the unit and prepare for the unit test, answer the following questions.

Themes / Concept Questions
Beliefs, Ideas, and Cultures / Analyze the reasons for regional differences in ideas, beliefs, and culture. Explain how the ideas, beliefs, and cultures of colonists influenced the development of regional differences.
America in the World / Explain how the growth of the colonial economy created both continuity and change in relationships among the nations of the Atlantic World.
Geography and Environment / N/A
Peopling / Identify the impact of free and forced migration on the development of regional cultural, economic, and social systems.
Identity / Explain how the escalating conflict between Great Britain and the colonists led to a redefining of American identity.
Politics and Power / Analyze the reasons for and the consequences of the struggle for political power between the colonists and Great Britain.
Economics—Work, Exchange, and Technology / Explain how disagreements over trade and taxation led to increased conflict between the colonists and Great Britain.