This is a very selective list of commonly used legal abbreviations and citations. All of the titles included are held in this Library.
You need to know the full title of a serial to find it in the catalogue or on the List of Serials.
Check your reference in the list below. The abbreviations are listed alphabetically.
When you have identified the title(s) you require, check the list of serials or online catalogue to find the classmark which indicates where the title is located in the Library.
More complete lists of abbreviations can be found in:
The Cardiff index to legal abbreviations:
Available at: http://www.legalabbrevs.cardiff.ac.uk/.
Or follow link from the IALS electronic law library
Raistrick, Donald
Index to legal citations and abbreviations. 2nd ed.
London: Bowker-Saur, 1993
Copies above the Library catalogue terminals on Library concourse
A. Atlantic reporter (USA)
A.A. & L. Art antiquity and law
A.B.L.R. Australian business law review
A.C. Appeal cases (see Finding Cases library guide)
A.C.S.R. Australian corporations and securities reports
A.J.C.L. American journal of comparative law
A.J.F.L. Australian journal of family law
A.J.I.L. American journal of international law
A.L.J. Australian law journal
A.L.J.R. Australian law journal reports
A.L.M.D. Australian legal monthly digest
A.L.Q. Arab law quarterly
A.L.R. American law reports or Australian law reports
A.R. Alberta reports (1977-)
A.T.R. Australian tax review
Admin. L.R. Administrative law reports
All E.R. All England law reports
All E.R (D) All England Direct (available electronically via Butterworths Direct services only)
All E.R. Rev All England law reports annual review
Anglo-Am. L.R. Anglo-American law review
Arbitration Int. Arbitration international
Art. Article
B.C.C. British company law cases
B.C.L.C. Butterworths company law cases
B.C.L.R. British Columbia law reports OR Butterworths constitutional law reports
B.H.R.C. Butterworths human rights cases
B.I.F.D. Bulletin of international fiscal documentation
B.J.I.B.F.L. Butterworths journal of international banking & financial law
B.L. Business lawyer
B.L.G.R. Butterworths local government reports
B.L.R. Building law reports or Business law review or Business law reports
B.P.I.R. Bankruptcy and personal insolvency reports
B.T.R. British tax review
B.Y.I.L. British yearbook of international law
Brit.J.Criminol. British journal of criminology
Bracton L.J. Bracton law journal
Build.L.R. Building law reports
Bull.E.C. Bulletin of the European Communities
c. Chapter (of Act of Parliament)
C.A. Court of Appeal
C. & S.L.J. Company and securities law journal
C.B.L.J. Canadian business law journal
C.B.R. Canadian Bar review
C.C.L.T. Canadian cases on the law of torts (1976-)
C.E.C. European Community cases
C.F.I.L.R. Company financial and insolvency law review
C.F.L.Q Child and family law quarterly
C.I.L.J.S.A. Comparative and international law journal of southern Africa
C.J.Q. Criminal justice quarterly
C.L. Current law
C.L. & P. Computer law and practice
C.L.B. Commonwealth law bulletin
C.L.C. Commercial law cases
C.L.E.A. Commonwealth legal education newsletter
C.L.J Cambridge law journal
C.L.P. Current legal problems
C.L.Q. Civil justice quarterly
C.L.R. Commonwealth law reports (Australia)
C.L.S.R. Computer law and security report
C.L.Y. Current law year book
C.M.L.R. Common Market law reports
C.M.L.Rev. Common Market law review
C.O.D. Crown Office digest
C.P.C. Carswell's practice cases
C.T. & E.P.Q. Capital taxes and estates planning quarterly
C.T.L.R Computer and telecommunications law review
Cambrian L.R. Cambrian law review
Can. Bar J. Canadian Bar journal
Can. B.R. Canadian Bar review
Ch. Chancery Division (see Finding Cases library guide)
Co. Law Company lawyer
Com.Jud.J. Commonwealth judicial journal
Comp. & Law Computers and law
Comp.L. & P. Computer law and practice
Con.L.R. Construction law reports
Const.L.J. Construction law journal
Conv.(n.s.) Conveyancer and property lawyer (new series)
Cr.App.R. Criminal appeal reports
Cr.App.R.(S.) Criminal appeal reports (sentencing)
Csl. Counsel
Crim.L.J. Criminal law journal
Crim.L.R. Criminal law review
D. & R. Decisions and reports of the European Court of Human Rights
D.C. Divisional Court
D.L.R. Dominion law reports
Denning L.J. Denning law journal
E.B.L. Electronic business law
E.B.L.Rev. European business law review
E.B.O.R. European business organisation law review
E.C.C. European commercial cases
E.C.D.R. European copyright and design reports
E.C.L. European current law
E.C.L.R. European competition law review
E.C.R. European Court reports (the official series)
E.E.L.Rev. European environmental law review
E.F.A. Rev. European foreign affairs rev.
E.G. Estates gazette
E.G.C.S. Estates gazette case summaries
E.G.L.R. Estates gazette law reports
E.H.R.L.R. European human rights law review
E.H.R.R. European human rights reports
E.I.P.R. European intellectual property review
E.J.C.L. Electronic journal of comparative law
E.J.I.L. European journal of international law
E.J.M.L. European journal of migration and law
E.L.Q. Ecology law quarterly
E.L.R. European law review or
Education law reports
E.L.Rev Environmental law review
E.M.L.R Entertainment and media law reports
E.R. English reports
E.R.P.L European review of private law
E.T.M.R. European Trade Mark Reports
Ent. L.R. Entertainment law review
Env.L.R. Environmental law review
Eu. L.R. European law reports
Eur. Access European access
EWCA England & Wales Court of Appeal (Neutral citation. Cases often available at: www.bailii.org)
EWHC England & Wales High Court (Neutral citation. Cases often available on BAILLI web database)
F. Federal reporter (USA)
F.C.R. Family Court reporter or Federal Court reports (Australia) or
Federal Court reports (Canada)
F.L.R. Family law reports or Federal law reports (Australia)
F.S.R. Fleet Street reports
F Supp. Federal Supplement (USA)
F.T.L.R. Financial Times law reports
Fam Family Division (see Finding Cases library guide)
Fam.Law Family law
Fin.L.R. Financial law reports
G.W.D. Green's weekly digest
H.L.R. Housing law reports
H.R.L.J. Human rights law journal
H.R.J. Human rights journal (shelved as Revue des droits de l'homme)
H.R.L.R. Human rights law review
H.R.Q. Human rights quarterly
Harv.L.R. Harvard law review
Howard Journal Howard journal of criminal justice
I.B.L. International business lawyer
I.Bull. Interights bulletin
I.C.C.L.J. International and comparative corporate law journal
I.C.C.L.R. International company and commercial law review
I.C.J. International Court of Justice. Reports of judgments...
I.C.L.Q. International and comparative law quarterly
I.C.L.R. International construction law review
I.C.R. Industrial cases reports (see
Finding Cases library guide)
I.E.L.T.R. International energy law and taxation review
I.F.L.Rev. International financial law review
I.H.R.R. International human rights reports
I.I.C. International review of industrial property and copyright law
I.J.E.C.L. International journal of estuarine and coastal law
I.J.L. & I.T. International journal of law and information technology
I.J.M.C.L International journal of marine and coastal law
I.J.O.S.L. International journal of shipping law
I.L. & P. Insolvency law and practice
I.L.J. Industrial law journal
I.L.M. International legal materials
I.L.P. International legal practitioner
I.L.R. International labour review or International law reports
I.L.R.M. Irish law reports monthly
I.L.T. Irish law times
I.M.L. International media law
I & N.L. & P Immigration and nationality law and practice
I.P.D. Intellectual property decisions
I.P.Q. Intellectual property quarterly
I.P.R. Intellectual property reports
I.P & I.T law Intellectual property and information technology law
I.R. Irish reports (Eire)
I.R.L.I.B. Industrial relations legal information bulletin
I.R.L.R. Industrial relations law reports
I.T.E.L.R. International trust and estate law reports
I.T.R. Industrial tribunal reports
IALS Bull. Institute of Advanced Legal Studies. Bulletin
Imm.A.R. Immigration appeals reports
Ind.Sol. Independent solicitor
Ins.L.& P. Insolvency law and practice or Insurance law and practice
Int. I.R. = I.I.R International insolvency review
Int.J.Comp.L.L.I.R. International journal of comparative law and industrial relations
Int.J. Law & Fam. International journal of law and the family
Int.J.Soc.L. International journal of the sociology of law
Int.Rel. International relations
Ir.Jur. Irish jurist
Ir.Jur.Rep. Irish jurist reports
J.A.L. Journal of African law
J.B.L. Journal of business law
J.C.L. Journal of child law or Journal of contract law or
Journal of criminal law
J.C.L.S. Journal of corporate law studies
J.C.L. & Crim. Journal of criminal law and criminology
J.C.M.S. Journal of Common Market studies
J.Ch.L. Journal of child law
J.E.R.L. Journal of energy and natural resources law
J.Env.L. Journal of environmental law
J.H.L. Journal of housing law
J.I.B.F.L Butterworths Journal of international banking and financial law
J.I.B.L. Journal of international banking law
J.I.B.L.R Journal of international banking law and regulation
J.I.B.R. Journal of international banking regulation
J.I.E.L. Journal of international economic law
J.I.F.D.L. Journal of international franchising and distribution law
J.I.L.T Journal of information, law and technology (web journal only)
J.I.P. Journal of international trust and corporate planning
J.I.P.L. Journal of personal injury litigation
J.Int.T.Corp.P Journal of international trust and corporate planning
J.J. Jersey judgments
J.L.H. Journal of legal history
J.L.I.S. Journal of law and information science
J.L.S.S. Journal of the Law Society of Scotland
J.Law & Soc. Journal of law and society
J.Leg.Hist. Journal of legal history
J.M.L.C. Journal of maritime law and commerce or Journal of money laundering control
J.M.L. & P. Journal of media law and practice
J.P. Justice of the peace reports
J.P.L. Journal of planning and environment law
J.P.N. Justice of the peace journal
J.R. Juridical review
J.W.T.L Journal of world trade
K.B. King's Bench (see Finding Cases library guide)
K.C.L.J. Kings College law journal
K.I.R. Knight's industrial reports
Kingston L.R. Kingston law review
L.C. Lord Chancellor
L.C. News Law centres news
L.C.P. Law and contemporary problems
L.Ed. United States Supreme Court reports (Lawyers' Edition)
L.Exec. Legal executive
L.G.L.R. Local government law reports
L.G.Rev. Local government review
L.I.E.I. Legal issues of European integration or Legal issues of economic integration
L.I.M. Legal information management
L.J. Law journal (each vol. divided into Ch., Ex., K.B. etc.)
L.J.R. Law journal reports
L.M.C.L.Q. Lloyds maritime and commercial law quarterly
L.Q.R. Law quarterly review
L.R.L.R. Lloyds reinsurance law reports
L.R.R.P. Reports of restrictive practices cases
L.S. Legal studies
L.S.Gaz. Law Society's gazette
L.T. Law times
L.Teach. Law teacher
Law Lib. Law librarian
Law & Just. Law and justice
Law & Pol. Law and policy
Lit. Litigation
Liverpool L.R. Liverpool law review
Ll. Rep. Lloyd's list reports (before 1951)
Lloyd's Rep. Lloyd's list reports (after 1951)
M.L.B. Manx law bulletin
M.L.J. Malayan law journal
M.L.R. Modern law review
McGill L.J. McGill law journal
Mal.L.R. Malaya law review
Marpol Marine pollution conventions
Med.Leg.J. Medico-legal journal
Med. L.R. Medical law reports
Med.Sci.Law Medicine, science and law
Mel.L.J. Melanesian law journal
N.D. New directions in the law of the sea
N.E. North eastern reporter (USA)
N.I.J.B. Northern Ireland law reports
N.I.L.Q. Northern Ireland legal quarterly
N.Q.H.R. Netherlands quarterly of human rights
N.Z.C.L.C. New Zealand company law cases
N.Z.L.R. New Zealand law reports
N.W. North western reporter (USA)
N.Y.S. New York supplement
New L.J. New law journal
Nig.L.J. Nigerian law journal
O.D.I.L. Ocean development and international law
O.F.L.R. Offshore financial law reports
O.G.L.T.R. Oil and gas law and taxation review
O.J. Official journal of the European Communities
O.J.E.P.O Official journal of the European Patent Office (available online at: www.european-patent-office.org)
O.J.L.S. Oxford journal of legal studies
P. Probate Division (see Finding Cases library guide) or Pacific reporter (USA)
P.A.D. Planning appeal decisions
P.C.B. Private client business
P. & C.R. Property and compensation reports
P.C.C. Palmer's company cases
P.L.C. Practical law companies
P.L.C.R. Planning law case reports
P.L.R. Planning law reports
P.N. Professional negligence
P.N.L.R. Professional negligence and liability reports
Parl.Aff. Parliamentary affairs
Pol.J. Police journal
Prison Serv.J. Prison service journal
Probat.J. Probation journal
Proc A.S.I.L. Proceedings of the American Society of International Law
Pub.L. Public law
Q.B. Queen's Bench (see Finding Cases library guide)
R.A. Rating appeals
R.A.D.I.C. African journal of international and comparative
R.C.A.D.I. Recueil des cours. Hague Academy of International law
R.E.C.I.E.L. Review of European and international environmental law
Rev. C.E.E. law Review of Central and East European law
R.F.D.A. Revue francaise de droit aérien et spatial
R.I.A.A. Reports of international arbitral awards
R.I.D.A. Revue internationale du droit d'auteur
R.L.R. Restitution law review
R.M.C. Revue du Marché commun
R.P.C. Reports of patent, design and trade mark cases
R.P.R. Real property reports (Canada)
R.T.R. Road traffic reports
R.V.R. Rating and valuation reporter
Res.B. Home Office research bulletin
S. Southern reporter (USA)
S.A.L.J. South African law journal
S.A.L.R. South African law reports
S.A.S.R. South Australian state reports
S.C. Session cases (Scotland)
S.C.C.R. Scottish criminal case reports
S.C.L.R. Scottish civil law reports
S.C.R. Supreme Court reports (Canada)
S.E. South eastern reporter (USA)
S.I. Statutory instrument
S.J or Sol.J Solicitors' journal
S.L.G. Scottish law gazette
S.L.T. Scots law times
S.P.L.P. Scottish planning law and practice
S.T.C. Simon's tax cases
S.W. South western reporter (USA)
Sol.L. Socialist lawyer
Stat.L.R. Statute law review
T.L.R. Times law reports (the published series 1884-1952). Since 1971, reports from the Times are in the Short Loan Collection.
or Trading law reports
T.P.I. Tax planning international e-commerce
Tas.S.R. Tasmanian state reports
Tax Taxation
Tax.Int. Taxation international
Top.L. Topical law
Tr.Law Trading law & trading law reports
Tr. & Est. Trusts and estates
Trent L.J. Trent law journal
Tru.L.I. Trust law international
U.G.L.J. University of Ghana law journal
U.K.H.L. United Kingdom House of Lords (cases available on House of Lords website)
U.L.R. Utilities law review
U.S. United States Supreme Court reports (OFFICIAL series. Please ask at Enquiry Desk)
U.T.L.J. University of Toronto law journal
V.A.T.T.R. Value Added Tax tribunal reports
V.L.R. Victorian law reports
W. Comp. World competition
W.I.R. West Indian reports
W.L.R. Weekly law reports
W.N. Weekly notes
W.T.L.R Wills and trust law reports
W.W.R. Western weekly reports
Web.J.C.L.I. Web journal of current legal issues
Welf.R.Bull. Welfare rights bulletin
Y.C. & M.L. Yearbook of copyright & media law
Y.B.Eur.L. Yearbook of european law
Y.B.U.N.L. Max Planck yearbook of United Nations law
Y.B.W.A. Yearbook of world affairs