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Earth Charter International

Selected Bibliography of Books, Essays and Papers, Periodicals, Unpublished Dissertations, and Websites

Related to the Earth Charter

A. Books

Adelson, Glenn,James Engell, Brent Ranalli, and K. P. Van Anglen, eds.Environment: An Interdisciplinary Anthology. New Haven, ConnecticutLondon, United Kingdom: YaleUniversity Press, 2008.

Barney, Gerald O., Jane Blewett, and Kristen R. Barney.Threshold 2000: Critical Issues and Spiritual Values for a Global Age. Grand Rapids, Michigan: CoNexus Press, 1999.

Beversluis, Joel, ed. Source Book of the World's Religions: An Interfaith Guide to Religion

and Spirituality, 3d ed. Novato, California: New World Library, 2000.

Biodiversity Project. “The Earth Charter: Guide to a Sustainable Way of Life.” In Ethics for

a Small Planet: A Communications Handbook on the Ethical and Theological Reasons for Protecting Biodiversity, 84-91. Madison, Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin Press, 2002.

Blewitt, John, and Cedric Cullingford, eds. The Sustainability Curriculum: The Challenge for Higher Education. United Kingdom United States: Earthscan Publications, Ltd., 2004.

Boff, Leonardo, and Marco Antonio de Miranda.Terra America: Imagens = Images.Rio de

Janiero, Brazil: Sextante, 2003.

Bosselmann, Klaus.The Principle of Sustainability: Transforming Law and Governance. New Zealand: Ashgate, September 2008.

Bosselmann, Klaus, Ron Engel, and Prue Taylor.Goverance for Sustainability: Issues, Challenges, Successes. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN, 2008.

BostonResearchCenter for the 21st Century. Earth Charter Studies Series:Buddhist

Perspectives on the Earth Charter. Boston, Massachusetts: BRC, 1997, 1998.

______. Earth Charter Studies Series: Human Rights, Environmental Law and the Earth Charter. Boston, Massachusetts: BRC, 1997, 1998.

BostonResearchCenter for the 21st Century. Earth Charter Studies Series: Women’s View. Boston, Massachusetts: BRC, 1997, 1998.

Boulding, Elise.Cultures of Peace: The Hidden Side of History. Syracuse, New York: SyracuseUniversity Press, 2000.

Centers for Social Change. “…and justice for all.” A Workbook for Young People.Santa

Rosa, California: Centers for Social Change.

Central American Alliance for Sustainable Development and National Council on

Sustainable Development, Honduras. "Etica, Transparencia y Desarrollo Sostenible”

[Ethics, Transparency and Sustainable Development]. November 1998.

Chebat, Maraya.Earth Charter Kabuuan Values Training Manual. Philippines: s.n., 1999.

Clugston, Richard M., Wynn Calder, and Peter Blaze Corcoran. “Teaching Sustainability

with the Earth Charter.” In Teaching Sustainability at Universities: Toward Curriculum Greening, ed. Walter Leal Filho.New York, New York: Peter Lang Publishing Inc., 2002.

Corcoran, Peter Blaze, and A. James Wohlpart, eds.A Voice for Earth: American Writers Respond to the Earth Charter. Athens, Georgia: University ofGeorgia Press, 2008.

Corcoran, Peter Blaze, ed. Toward a Sustainable Future: The Earth Charter in Action. Amsterdam, Netherlands: KIT Publishers, 2005.

Corcoran, Peter Blaze. “The Earth Charter: An Ethical Framework for “Good”

Globalization.” In Ways to Institutionalize the Concepts, 213-217. Luneburg, Germany: Copernicus, 2002.

Cox, Louis, Ingrid Fabianson, Sandra Moon Farley, and Ruah Swennerfelt, eds.Earthcare for Friends: A Study Guide for Individuals and Faith Communities.Burlington, Vermont:Quaker Earthcare Witness, 2004.

Crab, Jeb.Eternal Spring: Living with Enough in a World of Abundance. Brussels: Ebron

vzw and Suriname: Foundation Ecosystem, 2000.

Del Riego Artigas, Pelayo.La Agenda 21 Local: Vehiculo idóneo para la necesaria participación directa de los ciudadanos en el Desarrollo Sostenible [Local Agenda 21: The ideal vehicle for the direct and necessary participation of citizens in Sustainable Development]. Madrid Barcelona, Spain Mexico: Ediciones Mundi-


Del Signore, Giuliana.Riflessioni sulla Carta della Terra [Reflections on the Earth Charter]. Italy: Edizioni Qualevita, October 2001.

Dernbach, John, ed.Stumbling Toward Sustainability. Washington,DC: Environmental Law Institute, 2002.

Dower, Nigel.An Introduction to Global Citizenship.Edinburgh, United Kingdom: EdinburghUniversity Press, 2003.

Earth Charter Secretariat. Aprendamos un Estilo de Vida Sostenible con la Carta de la

Tierra: Para estudiantes de II Ciclo de la Educación General Básica [Let’s learn a

Sustainable Way of Life with the Earth Charter: For students of the General Basic

Education’s II Cycle]. Costa Rica: Editorama, 2005.

______. Educar para un Estilo de Vida Sostenible con la Carta de la Tierra: Guía para Docentes de II Ciclo de la Educación General Básica [Educate for a Sustainable Way of Life with the Earth Charter: For students of the General Basic Education’s II Cycle]. Costa Rica: Editorama, 2005.

Earth Charter National Campaign in the Republic of Armenia. Survey of the Earth Charter

activities and publications of the Armenian Association “For Sustainable Human Development.” Yerevan,Armenia: 2000.

Ferrero, Elisabeth M., and Joe Holland.The Earth Charter: A Manual for Reflection For Action. California: Redwoods Institute, 2004.

______.La Carta della Terra[The Earth Charter: A Study of Reflection for Action]. Translated by Giovanni Principato and Paolo Diotallevi. First International Print Edition. March 2003.

Foltz, Richard C., ed.World Views, Religion and the Environment. Florence, Kentucky: Wadsworth Publishing, 2002.

FranciscanCenter of Environmental Studies. The International Saint Francis Prize for the

Environment “Canticle of All Creatures” to the Earth Charter.Rome,Italy: 1995.

Gadotti, Moacir.A Pedagogia da Terra [The Pedagogy of Earth]. Sao Paulo, Brazil: Editora

Fundação Peirópolis, 2000.

______.Pedagogy of the Earth and Culture of Sustainability. Brazil: Instituto Paulo Freire, 2000.

Glendon, Mary Ann.A World Made New: Eleanor Roosevelt and the Universal Declaration

of Human Rights.New York, New York: Random House, 2001.

Gutierrez, Francisco, and Cruz Prado.Ecopedagogia y Ciudadania Planetaria [Ecopedagogy

and Planetary Citizenship]. Costa Rica: Editorialpec 97, Instituto Latinoamericano de Pedagogia de la Comunicacion, 1997.

Hallsmith, Gwendolyn, Christian Layke, and Melissa Everett.Taking Action for Sustainability: The EarthCAT Guide to Community Development.Test ed.

Global Community Initiatives: 2005.

Hallsmith, Gwendolyn.The Key to Sustainable Cities: Meeting Human Needs, Transforming Community Systems. Gabriola Island, British Columbia, Canada: New Society

Publisher, 2003.

Henderson, Hazel, and Daisaku Ikeda.Planetary Citizenship: Your Values, Beliefs, and Actions can Shape a Sustainable World. Santa Monica, California: Middleway Press,


Hessel, Dieter, and Larry Rasmussen, eds.Earth Habitat: Eco-Injustice and the Church’s Response. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Fortress Press, 2001.

Kalaw, Maximo T., Jr. “Earth Charter Benchmark Draft II, Commentary.”In The United NationsUniversity: Codes of Conduct for Partnership in Governance: Texts and Commentaries, 311-315.World Civil Society Conference: Building Global

Governance Partnerships, 1999.

Krieger, David.Hope in a Dark Time. Santa Barbara, California: Capra Press, 2003.

Lubbers, Ruud, and Patricia Morales. “The Earth Charter: Global Ethics for the 21st

Century.” In Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems, 1911-1959. Oxford, UK: Eolss Publishers, 2003.

Macdonald, Copthorne.Matters of Consequence: Creating a Meaningful Life and a World That Works. Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada: Big Ideas Press, 2004.

Mackey, Brendan G. “An Earth Charter perspective on food.” In Good Grub: food for

healthy people and a healthy planet, edited by Bryan Furnass. Canberra, Australia: Nature and Society Forum and The Mulangarri Foundation, 2002.

Mackey, Brendan G., and Brian Dooley, eds. The Earth Charter in Australia I: Proceedings of the Inaugural Australian National Earth Charter Forum. Canberra, Australia: Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies, 1999.

Moe, Jessica, and Lisa Jokivirta, eds.Interwoven Stories: The Fabric of Community. Costa Rica: Lidia Picado, Alpi Producciones, 2008.

Municipality of San José and the Earth Council. An Earth Charter for the Local Government of the City of San José.San José, Costa Rica: Municipality of San José, Publications Section, 2000.

Nucleus of Friends for Childhood and Youth (NAIA) and the Government of the State of Rio Grande do Sul. Carta da Terra para Crianças [The Earth Charter for Young Children]. Brazil, n.d.

Oja, A., ed.Keskkonnaeetikast säästva ühiskonna eetikani [Environmental Ethics towards the Ethics of Sustainable Society: The Balance between Human and Nature as Basic Principles for Sustainable Development]. Tallinn, Estonia: Stockholm Environment Institute, 2003.

Petit, Patrick U., ed. Earthrise: The Dawning of a New Civilization in the 21st Century: A Compilation of Articles by Leading Pioneers Organizations. Germany: Utz, 2008.

Pojman, Louis P.Environmental Ethics:Readings in Theory and Application. 4th ed. Florence, Kentucky: Wadsworth Publishing, 2004.

Preston, Noel. Understanding Ethics. 2d ed. Australia: The Federation Press, 2001.

Projeto Jovem Ciadão Amigo da Natureza. Historias de aprender-e-ensinar para mudar o

mundo.São Paulo, Brazil: Instituto Bioma, 2007.

Regional Centre for Central and Eastern Europe (REC) Country Office for Hungary. A Föld Charta [The Earth Charter]. 2006.

Rhodes, Diana, ed. Peace Scroll. United Kingdom: The Seed of Life Foundation, 2000, 2001.

Roberts, Elizabeth, and Elias Amidon, eds.Prayers for a Thousand Years: Blessings and Expressions of Hope for the New Millennium. New York,New York: HarperCollins, 1999.

Roberts, Jan.A Community Spirit of Caring Begins With You. New York, New York:

Writer’s Showcase, 2001.

Rockefeller, Steven C. “Animals and the Earth Charter.” In A Communion of Subjects: Animals in Religion, Science and Ethics, ed. Paul Waldau and Kimberley

Patton. New York, New York: Columbia University Press, forthcoming.

______.“Buddhism, Global Ethics, and the Earth Charter.”In Buddhism and Ecology:

The Interconnection of Dharma and Deeds,ed. Mary Evelyn Tucker and Duncan Ryuken Williams, 313-324. Cambridge, Massachusetts: HarvardUniversity Press, 1997.

______. “The Earth Charter.” In Encyclopedia of Religion and Ecology,ed. Jeffrey

Kaplan and Bron Taylor. London, United KingdomNew York, New York: Continuum International, 2005.

Rockefeller, Steven C. “Ecological and Social Responsibility: The Making of the EarthCharter.” In Responsibility. Lanham, MarylandToronto, Ontario, Canada: Lexington Book,2007.

______, ed. Principles of Environmental Conservation and Sustainable Development: Summary and Survey. Revised ed. 1996.

______.“Faith and Community in an Ecological Age.”In Spirit and Nature, ed. Steven

Rockefeller and John Elder. Beacon Press, 1992.

______. “Faith and Ethics in an Interdependent World.” In Pragmatismand Religion, ed.

Stuart Rosenbaum, 303-320. UrbanaChicago, Illinois: University of Illinois Press, 2003.

______. “Global Interdependence, the Earth Charter, and Christian Faith.”In Earth

Habitat, ed. Larry Rasmussen and Dieter Hessel, 101-121. Minneapolis, Minnesota:

Fortress Press, 2001.

______. “Interview: Steven Rockefeller: The Earth Charter.” In Our Fragile World:

Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Development, ed. M.K. Tolba, xxxi-xxxv. Paris: EOLSS Publishers, 2001.

______.“Keeping Faith with Life:A Dialogue.”In Spirit and Nature, ed. Steven Rockefeller and John Elder. Boston, Massachusetts: Beacon Press, 1992.

______.“Religion.”In Greening the College Curriculum:A Guide to Environmental Teaching in the Liberal Arts, ed. Jonathan Collett and Stephen Karakashian. Washington, DC: Island Press, 1996.

______. “Teilhard’s Vision and the Earth Charter.” In Teilhard and the Future of

Humanity, ed. Thierry Meynard.Bronx, New York: FordhamUniversity Press, 2006.

Rossi, Vicky.“A Shared Human Identity: the Foundation of a Peace Culture.” Master thesis, European University Centre for Peace Studies, April 2005.

Ruether, Rosemary Radford.Integrating Ecofeminism, Globalization, and World Religions. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield, 2005.

Smith, Lyle Benson.101 Ways to Participate in Having a World that Works for Everyone. s.l.: Writer’s Showcase Press, 2003.

Soskolne, Colin L., ed. Sustaining Life on Earth: Environmental and Human Health Through Global Governance. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books, 2007.

Speth, James Gustave.Red Sky at Morning:America, the Crisis of the Global Environment, and What We Can Do. New Haven, Connecticut: YaleUniversity Press, 2004.

Sturm, Douglas. Identity and Otherness:Summons to a New Axial Age—Perspective on the Earth Charter Movement. New Haven, Connecticut: Forum on Religion and Ecology, October 1999.

Strong, Maurice F.Where on Earth Are We Going?London, United Kingdom: Texere, 2001.

Tucker, Mary Evelyn, and John Grim.“Buddhism and Ecology: The Interconnection of Dharma and Deeds.” In Series Forward: The Nature of the Environmental Crisis. Cambridge, Massachusetts:HarvardUniversity Press, 1997.

______.“Confucianism andEcology: The Interrelation of Heaven, Earth, and Humans.”In Series Forward: The Nature of the Environmental Crisis.Cambridge,Massachusetts: HarvardUniversity Press, 1998.

______.“Christianity and Ecology: Seeking the Well-Being of Earth and Humans.” InSeriesForward: The Nature of the Environmental Crisis. Cambridge, Massachusetts: HarvardUniversity Press, 2000.

Tucker, Mary Evelyn, and Judith A. Berling.Worldly Wonder: Religions enter their Ecological Phase. LaSalle, Illinois: Open Court, 2003.

United Nations Development Programme, United Nations Environment Programme, World Bank, and World Resources Institute. World Resources Institute, 2002-2004: Decisions for the Earth Balance, Voice, and Power. Washington: World Resources Institute, 2003.

United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization. United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development 2005-2014-Draft International Implementation Scheme for the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development. January 2005.

University for Peace. Building a Culture of Peace in Our Community. CIIP and University for Peace and the United Nations Systems Uruguay: CIIP and University for Peace, 2002.

Westra, Laura.Ecoviolence and the Law: Supranational Normative Foundation of Ecocrime. Ardsley, New York: Transnational Publishers Inc., 2004.

______.Living in Integrity: A Global Ethic to Restore a Fragmented Earth. Lanham,Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield, 1998.

Westra, Laura, and Peter Miller.Just Ecological Integrity. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield, May 2002.

Wilson, John.Natural Living. Ontario, Canada: World Peace Communications, 2003.

World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization. A Fair Globalization: Creating Opportunities for All. Geneva, Switzerland: International Labor Organization, 2004.

B. Essays and Papers

Alaras, Colsolacion R. “Dambana ng Bayan: A Nation’s Sacred Covenant with the

People’s Earth Charter.” Paper presented at the online conference titled “Global Ethics, Sustainability and the Earth Charter”, organized by the Earth Council, April 3-13, 1999.

Ambrose, April. “Pedagogy and Dissemination of a Sustainable Worldview: EarthCharter.”

Personal Statement, Handrix College, Arkansas,n.d.

Andrade, Graciela. “Reflexiones Previas a la Creación de un Orden Económico Justo y Sostenible” [Previous Reflections to the Creation of a Just and Sustainable Economic Order]. Paper presented at the online conference titled “Global Ethics, Sustainability and the Earth Charter”, organized by the Earth Council, November 2-12, 1999.

Bernard, David, and Ian Benson. “A dialogue on the Earth Charter, Nation States and People.” Paper presented at the online conference titled “Global Ethics, Sustainability and the Earth Charter”, organized by the Earth Council, April 3-13, 1999.

Brenes, Abelardo. “Los Valores que sustentan la Carta de la Tierra, como Fundamento para una Filosofía Educativa Integral” [The Values That Sustain the Earth Charter as Fundamental for an Integrated Educational Philosophy]. Paper presented at the online conference titled “Global Ethics, Sustainability and the Earth Charter”, organized by the Earth Council, November 2-12, 1999.

D’Avila, María. “Los Nuevos Pobres y el Contrato Social: Enunciados del Desarrollo, la Igualdad y la Solidaridad” [The New Poor and the Social Contract: Statements of Development, Equality and Solidarity]. Paper presented at the online conference titled “Global Ethics, Sustainability and the Earth Charter”, organized by the Earth Council,

November 2-12, 1999.

de Cambra, Jordi, “Desarrollo Humano, Ética Global y Carta de la Tierra” [Human Development, Global Ethics and the Earth Charter]. Paper presented at the online conference titled “Global Ethics, Sustainability and the Earth Charter”, organized by the Earth Council, November 2-12, 1999.

Dowdeswell, Elizabeth. “Global Governance.” Paper presented at the Jack Matthews

Humanitarian Day, Pearson College,Victoria, British Columbia, March 1999.

“Ecology, Religion and Global Governance.” Paper presented at a symposium on “Global

Religion and World Order”, organized by Global Education Associates and the

Center for Religion at FordhamUniversity, MaryknollCenter for Mission

Research and Study, May 3-7, 1997.

Elton, Charlotte. “La Carta de la Tierra y su relación con la Realidad Panameña” [The Earth Charter and Its Relation with the Reality of Panama]. Paper presented at the

online conference titled “Global Ethics, Sustainability and the Earth Charter”,

organized by the Earth Council, November 2-12, 1999.

“Everyone is a Teacher.” Paper presented at the online conference titled “Global

Ethics, Sustainability and the Earth Charter”, organized by the Earth Council, April 3-13, 1999.

“Faith and Ethics in a Global Context.” Paper presented at thePruitt Memorial Symposium titled “Pragmatism’s Common Faith”, BaylorUniversity,Waco, Texas,November 13-14, 1997.

Falsina, Vittorio. “The Earth Charter: A Philosophical Appraisal.” Paper presented at the online conference titled “Global Ethics, Sustainability and the Earth Charter”, organized by the Earth Council, April 3-13, 1999.

Gadotti, Moacir. “La Carta de la Tierra y la Educación” [The Earth Charter and Education]. Paper presented at the online conference titled “Global Ethics, Sustainability and the Earth Charter”, organized by the Earth Council, November 2-12, 1999.

Guerra, Willis S. “On Environmental Rights and the Earth Charter.” Paper presented at the online conference titled “Global Ethics, Sustainability and the Earth Charter”, organized by the Earth Council, April 3-13, 1999.

“An Introduction to the Text of the Earth Charter.” Paper presented at the online conference titled “Global Ethics, Sustainability and the Earth Charter”, organized by the Earth Council, April 3-13, 1999.

Khosla, Ashok, and S.K. Sharma. “Democracy for Sustainability: A Draft Paper for the

Earth Charter.” s.l., May 1998.

Khosla, Ashok. “Empowering People / Innovative Technologies.” Paper presented at the online conference titled “Global Ethics, Sustainability and the Earth Charter”, organized by the Earth Council, April 3-13, 1999.

Ledesma, René. “Ética Global, Desarrollo Sustentable y Carta de la Tierra” [Global Ethics, Sustainable Development and The Earth Charter]. Paper presented at the online conference titled “Global Ethics, Sustainability and the Earth Charter”, organized by the Earth Council, November 2-12, 1999.

Losev, Kim S. “From Technological to Environmental Ethics.” Paper presented at the online conference titled “Global Ethics, Sustainability and the Earth Charter”, organized by the Earth Council, April 3-13, 1999.

Lubbers, Ruud. “Globalization, Civil Society and the Earth Charter.” Paper presented at the

online conference titled “Global Ethics, Sustainability and the Earth Charter”,

organized by the Earth Council, April 3-13, 1999.

Mackey, Brendan G. “Science – Friend or Foe to an Earth Charter?” Paper presented at the online conference titled “Global Ethics, Sustainability and the Earth Charter”, organized by the Earth Council, April 3-13, 1999.