June 22, 2015
6:00 P.M.
Present: Town Manager Shiloh LaFreniere,Chair Justin Merrill, Vice ChairTim DeMillo,Steve McCourt, Tom Goding, and Terry Bergeron.
Also Present:Al Landry, Mike Booker(Fire Chief),Corey Leclerc, Darren Roundy,Richard Supernor, David Jones, Theresa Jones, Ron Ridley,Darren Pollis, Clint Coolidge Jr., Clint Coolidge Sr.,Donna Perry (SunJournal), Mark Holt (Superintendent WWTP) and Richard Caton (Police Chief) .
Pledge of Allegiance: 6:00 P.M.
Approval of minutes: M/M/S-Tim/Tom to accept the June 8, 2015 Select Board minutes as written 5-0-0 vote.
Old Business:No discussion
Public Hearing: Special Entertainment LaFleur’s Restaurant: Chair Justin opened the Public Hearing at 6:01 P.M. for the purpose of discussing Special Entertainment for LaFleur’s Restaurant. After no discussion Justin closed the meeting at 6:02P.M. M/M/S-Tim/Tom to grant the Special Entertainment for LaFleur’s Restaurant 5-0-0 vote.
Public Hearing: Special Entertainment Making Hour Place Your Place:Chair Justin opened the Public Hearing at 6:06 P.M. for the purpose of discussing Special Entertainment for Making Hour Place Your Place.Richard Supernor explained to the Board that he is taking over David and Theresa’s Steppin Out and it will be Called Making Hour Place Your Place. After no more discussion, Justin closed the meeting at 6:10 P.M. M/M/S-Tim/Tom to grant the Special Entertainment for Making Hour Place Your Place 5-0-0 vote.
Public Hearing: Liquor License for Making Hour Place Your Place: Chair Justin opened the Public Hearing at 6:11 P.M. for the purpose of discussing Liquor License for Making Hour Place Your Place. After no discussion Justin closed the meeting at 6:12P.M. M/M/S-Tim/Tom to grant the liquor license to Making Your Place Hour Place 5-0-0 vote.
Public Hearing: Pinball License Amvets: Chair Justin opened the Public Hearing at 6:13 P.M. for the purpose of discussing Pinball for AMVETS. After no discussion Justin closed the meeting at 6:15P.M. M/M/S-Tim/Tom to grant the Pinball License to AMVETS 5-0-0 vote.
Public Hearing: Pinball License Hillside Sports Club:Chair Justin opened the Public Hearing at 6:16 P.M. for the purpose of discussing Pinball for Hillside Sports Club. After no discussion Justin closed the meeting at 6:17 P.M. M/M/S-Tim/Tom to grant the Pinball License to Hillside Sports Club 5-0-0 vote.
Public Hearing: Pinball License Steppin Out/Making Hour Place Your Place:Chair Justin opened the Public Hearing at 6:18 P.M. for the purpose of discussing Pinball License for Steppin Out/Making Hour Place Your Place. After no discussion Justin closed the meeting at 6:19 P.M. M/M/S-Tim/Tom to grant the Pinball License for Steppin Out/Making Hour Place Your Place 5-0-0 vote
Recreation Committee Members: Former Recreation Committee members have been contacted to see if they want to remain on the Committee. Rob Taylor, Randy Easter, Pearl Cook, and Debra Bretton want to stay on. Cindy Bennett would also like to be on. Steve McCourt and Justin Merrill will represent the Board on the Committee.The Board indicated that they would like to see 9-11 members if anyone else is interested in being on the Committee.
Fire Rescue Department: EMS Job Descriptions & Officer Stipends-Confirmation of Officers: Chair Justin stated that the work group had met and put together the EMS Captain, EMS Lieutenant and EMS First Responder job descriptions along with the stipends. See Attachment* M/M/S-Tim/Tom to approve the job descriptions for the EMS Captain, EMS Lieutenant and EMS First Responder 5-0-0 vote.M/M/S-Tim/Tom to approve the officer’s stipends for EMS Captains and EMS Lieutenant 5-0-0 vote.
Justin read through the list of FD Officers: Chief Michael Booker (previously appointed), Deputy Chief Corey Leclerc (previously appointed), Assistant Chief/EMA Jim Shink, Training Captain Scott Shink, Compliance Captain Darren Roundy,Hot Shot Lieutenant Gary Wright, Public Ed. Lieutenant Michael Luce, Safety Officer Richard Cook, EMS Captain Max Couture, EMS Lieutenant Noel Brown. M/M/S-Tim/Tom to approve the slate of Officers for Jay’s Fire and Rescue as presented 5-0-0 vote. The FDthanked the Board for all of the work that had been done on this.
LF Interlocal Agreement Appendix C Update: MarkHolt stated that, per the Interlocal Agreement, the Sewer Committee (LF/Jay members) meets annually to discuss all of the items outlined in the agreement that have variable percentages. The Committee then proposes the numbers for the next fiscal year, in this case 2015/2016 - Appendix C. See Attachment* Livermore Falls’ Board approved this at their last meeting. M/M/S-Tim/Tom to approve the proposed numbers for the sewer agreement between Jay and Livermore Falls for the fiscal year 07/01/2015-06/30/2016as presented 5-0-0 vote.
Other Business:Vice Chair Tim and Mark Holt updated the Board on the Rt. 133 projectto repair the meter pit cover. The project is scheduled to start on Wednesday and be done the same day.
Chair Justin said that the Town has been approved for a grant to cover two-thirds cost but not to exceed $566.33 for Traffic Safety Equipment, and a second grant to be used for purchasing Dump-Loks (2) to cover two-thirds cost but not to exceed $1,326.67.
Darren Pollis Property: Several citizens were present to express their opinions about the Pollis’ property clean up. They conveyed that they felt the Town was wrong and took more from the site then they should have and expressed disappointment in the Town for what had been done. After much discussion, Shiloh stated that the issue is still under discussion with the Town attorney.
Executive Session: M/M/S-Justin/Tom to go into Executive Session at 6:55P.M. under MRSA Title 1 Chapter 13 Section 405, Subsection 6 for the purpose of discussingUnion Negotiations-Transfer Station. Declared out of Executive Session at 7:45 P.M. 5-0-0 vote. No action taken.
M/M/S-Tim/Tom to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 P.M. 5-0-0 vote.
Respectfully submitted by
Lori Simpson/Deputy TownClerk