Select Board Meeting


7:00 PM


The meeting was opened by the Chair at 7:00 pm. Board members present were Tiffany L. Glidden, Elwood Ellis, Joann C. Austin, and Irene L. Belanger. Others present were Scott A. Pierz, Judd Thompson, Paul MacDonald, Al Althenn, Dwaine Drummond, Mary Grow, and the Town Manager. Those present were led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag by Scott Pierz.

On a motion by Selectperson Irene L. Belanger and a second by Selectperson Joann C. Austin, the Board voted 4-0 to accept Warrant #11 for $15,592.90 and Warrant #12 for $228,330.01 as presented.

On a motion by Selectperson Irene L. Belanger and a second by Selectperson Elwood Ellis, the Board voted 4-0 to accept the minutes of the 09/06/06 meeting as amended.

Manager’s Report:

·  Public Comment: There was not any public comment at this time.

·  Maine Residents Property Tax and Rent Refund Program Application: The Town Manager noted that there had been an insert put in the Town Line Newspapers direct mailing edition explaining the program along with an application form for residents’ convenience.

·  BETR – Business Equipment Tax Reimbursement Application: The Town Manager noted that there had been an insert put in the Town Line Newspapers direct mailing edition explaining the program.

·  Comprehensive Town Revaluation - Time Line and Feedback: It was noted that the revaluation will begin in the spring of 2007 and continue to the tax commitment for 2008-2009 tax year which is scheduled for an August 2008 commitment date.

·  Municipal Tax Commitment –Explanation of Exemption Adjustments: It was noted that the town has sent out an insert in mailed edition of the Town Line Newspapers explaining to residents the reason exemptions on their respective tax bills may change from one year to the next.

·  Kennebec Valley Community Action Program HEAP Appointments: Residents were encouraged to apply early for their upcoming winter season needs.

·  Nomination Papers Due Date: It was noted that nomination papers are due by Saturday, September 23, 2006 at 11:00am.

·  November Ballot Articles/Questions – Public Hearing Reminder: It was noted that the Select Board has scheduled public hearings for November Ballot items on Monday, October 16, 2006 beginning at 6:30pm. At this point in time there are two school related questions and one comprehensive plan question scheduled for public hearings.

Unfinished Business:

·  Public Comment: There was not any public comment at this time.

·  November Referendum Ballot Items – Final Review and Public Hearings:
Planning Board Land Development Code Proposed Revisions: On a motion by Selectperson Irene L Belanger and a second by Selectperson Elwood Ellis, the Board voted 0-4 against putting the proposed revisions to the Sub Division Ordinance on the November ballot. The proposed revisions related to the setting of standards for private roads in future subdivisions and require lot owners to belong to an association to maintain the roads. Select Board members were concerned with the additional costs which might be added to the cost of subdivision approval. They were mostly concerned with the late changes which were recommended by the town’s attorney. They felt that there was not enough time to understand the changes. On a motion by Selectperson Elwood Ellis and a second by Selectperson Joann C. Austin, the Board voted 4-0 to put the proposed revision regarding Condominiums in the Sub Division Ordinance on the November ballot. On a motion by Selectperson Elwood Ellis and a second by Selectperson Irene L. Belanger, the Board voted 3-1(Joann C. Austin) to put the proposed revisions to the Definitions section of the Land Development Code on the November ballot. The major concern the Select Board found with the proposed and new definitions was the inclusion of the plastic shelters known as carports or Quonset huts. It was noted that most of the changes were derived from new State shore land zoning regulations.

New Business:

·  Public Comment: There was not any public comment at this time.

·  HouseHold Hazardous Waste Program – Date of Event: It was noted that the event will be held on Saturday, October 21, 2006 on the Airport Road in Waterville.

·  Abatements and Supplemental Tax Assessments: On a motion by Selectperson Irene L. Belanger and a second by Selectperson Joann C. Austin, the Board voted 4-0 to process abatements and supplemental tax assessments as indicated and kept on file a in the town office.

·  Registrar and Town Clerk Office Hours Prior to he November Election: On a motion by Selectperson Irene L. Belanger and a second by Selectperson Joann C. Austin, the Board voted 4-0 to set the hours as recommended and presented.

·  Executive Session – Personnel: It was agreed that the executive session would be considered at a later time.

On a motion by Selectperson Irene L. Belanger and a second by Selectperson Joann C. Austin, the Board voted 4-0 to adjourn at 8:06pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Joann C. Austin, Secretary

China Select Board