Prof.Dr. Fawzy F. Abu EI-Ela
Geology Department
Faculty of Science
Assiut 71516, Egypt
e-mail :
Mobile: 01004108718
A. Personal Data
Date of Birth: Jenuary 24 , 1953
Place of Birth: El-Kalioubiyia Governrote-Egypt
Nationality: Egyptian
Marital Status: Married
Number of Children: One
B. Present Employment
Head of Geology Department
Professor of Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology, Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Assiut University, Egypt
C.Teaching Experience
Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology, Volcanology. Geochemistry,Mineralogy, Geotectonics, Environmental Geology, Medical Geology.
D. Research Intersts
Ophiolites and Mélanges, Island-arc associations (Volcanism and magmatism),Ultramafic-Mafic Complexes, Metamorphic Conditions, Mineral deposits, Industrial minerals, Rare metals, and Ornamental stones.
E.Academic Degrees
Year / University / Degree / Place / Subject1974 / Assiut / B.Sc. / Assiut-Egypt / Geology
1980 / Assiut / M.Sc. / Assiut-Egypt / Igneous & Metamorphic Petrology
1985 / Assiut / Ph.D. / Assiut-Egypt / Igneous & MetamorphicPetrology
F. Employments
1-Demonstrator; February 1975 to June 1980, AssiutUniversity
2-Assistant Lecturer: June 1980 to July 1985, AssiutUniversity
3-Lecturer: July 1985 to March 1992, AssiutUniversity
4-Associate Professor: Marsh 1992 to September 1998, AssiutUniversity
5-Full Professor: September 1998 to the present, AssiutUniversity
G. Memership of Scientific Societies
1. Member of the Egyptian Geological Society
2. Member of the Egyptian Mineralogical Society
3. Member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science(AAAS).
H. Prizes
1. Awarded the "Best Research Article Prize" m Geology for the academic year 1994/1995, AssiutUniversity.
2. Awarded the "Best Research Article Prize" in Geology during the 33 " Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of'Egypt 1996, Cairo.
3. Awarded the "Best Research Article Prize" in Geology for the academic year 1996/1997, AssiutUniversity.
I. Research Grants find Fellowship
1. 10 months (September 1 1987 to June 30, 1988) research work on Ophioliles and melanges , Institute of Earth Science, UtrechtUniversity, The Netherlands.
2. 10months(May 1. 1995 to February 28, 1996) research work , on Island-arcs magmatism,Institute of Mineralogy and Petrology , Gratz and VeinnaUniversities. Austria , ÖAD , Grant (within the North-South Dialogue Scolarship Programme).
3. On Loan to Faculty of Basic Education , Kwait state, 1999-2005.
J. M. Sc. and Ph. D. Dissertations
Fawzy F. Abu EI-Ela, 1980. Geology of Urn Seleimat District. Eastern Desert,Egypt. M. Sc. Thesis, Faculty of Science, Assiut University, Egypt, 20U pp.
Fawzy F. Abu El-Ela, 1985. Ophiolitic Melange of the Abu Mireiwa District,Eastern Desert, Egypt. Ph. D. Thesis, Faculty of Science, Assiut University, Egypt, 247pp.
K. List of Publications:
1. Habib,M. E., Hassan, M. A., Hashad, A. H. and Abu El-Ela, F.F., 1987.Abu Mireiwa ophiolitic mélange west of Mersa Alam, Egypt. Bulletin Faculty of Science Assiut University,Egypt, 19(1-F), 97-122
2.Abu EI-Ela, F. F., 1990. Bimodal volcanism of volcano-sedimentary sequence around Gabal Urn Halham, CentralEastern, Egypt. Bulletin Faculty of Science. Assiut University,Egypt 19 (1-F), 37-60.
3.Abu EI-Ela, F. F., 1990.Do the Atud conglomerates belongto the island-arc metasediments?. Bulletin Faculty of Science,Assiut University,Egypt, 19 (1-F), 123-155.
4. Abu EI-Ela, F. F., 1990.Supra-subduction zone ophiolite ofQift-Quseir road, Eastern Desert, Egypt. Bulletin Faculty ofScience, Assiut University,Egypt, 19 (2-F). 51-70.
5. Sharara, N. A., Abu EI-Ela. F. F.. EI-Nady, 0. M. and Soliman.M. F., 1990. Geology and Geochemistry of the island-arcassociation of the area around Gabal El Urf, Eastern Desert,Egypt. Bulletin Faculty of Science, University of Assiut,Egypt, 19 (1-F), 97-122.
6. Abu EI-Ela, F. F., 1991.Ophiolitic melange around GebelAtud, EasternDesert. Egypt. Bulletin Faculty of Science, AssiutUniversity,Egypt, 20 (1-F), 215-230.
7. Abu EI-Ela, F. F.. 1992. Bimodal volcanism of the Igla ElIswid - Urn Khariga metavolcanics. Eastern Desert, Egypt.Journal of African Earth Sciences, Vol. 14, No. 4, 477-491.
8. Abu EI-Ela, F. F. and Hassan, M. A., 1992. Geology andGeochemistry of bimodal volcanism noth of Gabal Zabara,Eastern Desert, Egypt. Journal of Egyptian Geology, Vol. 36 (1-2), 253-271.
9. Watlbrecher. E., Fritz, H., Khudeir, A. A. and Abu El Ela, F. 1993. Displacement partitioning and formation of metamorphic domes due to oblique collision: The Panafrican orogeny in Egypt. Terra Abstracts, 5, 249.
10. Watlbrecher. E., Fritz, H., Khudeir, A. A. and Farahat, F.1993. Kinematic of Pan-African thrusting and extension inEgypt. Geoscientific Research in Northeast Africa(Edited byThorweihe, U. and Schandelmeier, H.). pp 27-30. Balkema,Rotterdam.
11. Watlbrecher. E., Fritz, H., Khudeir, A. A. andAbu El-Ela, F., 1994. Formation of basement domes during oblique convergence: example from the EasternDesert (Egypt). In: Proceedings of the International Geological Field Conference on the Mozambique Orogenic Belt in East Africa (IGCP 348), pp 64-71, Dar Es-Salam University, Tanzania.
12Abu EI-Ela, F. F., 1996.The petrology of the Abu Zawalgabbroic intrusion, Eastern Desert, Egypt: an example of anisland-arc setting. Journal of African Earth Sciences, Vol. 22,No. 1, 147-157.
13. Fritz, H., Wallbrecher. E., Unzog, W., Loizenbauer, J., Messener, M., El-Gaby, S., Khudeir. A. A. Abu EI-Ela, F., and Dallmeyer, D. R., 1996a.
Kinematic and geodynamic evolution of Pan-African orogeny: example from the Qift-Quseir section ( Eastern Desert, Egypt). In: Greilling, R. O., Naim, G. M., Hussein, A. A. (eds.), Excursion Across the Pan-African, Neoproterozoic Basement: Qena-Quseir Guide Book. Egyptian Geological Survey and Minning Authority, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 21-31.
14. Fritz, H., Wallbrecher. E., Khudeir. A. A. Abu EI-Ela, F.,and Dallmeyer, D. R., 1996b. Formation Neoproterozoic metamorphic core complexes during oblique convergence ( Eastern Desert, Egypt). Journal of African Earth Sciences , Vol. 23, No. 3, 311-329.
15. Abu EI-Ela, F. F.. 1997. Geochemistry of an island-arcplutonic suite: Wadi Dabr intrusive complex, Eastern Desert,Egypt.Journal of African Earth Sciences, Vol, 24, No. 4, 473-496
16. Abu EI-Ela, F. F. 1997.The metavolcanic rocks fromAtalla-Saqia district. EasternDesert of Egypt : Remnant ofmarginal basin setting.In: Proceedings ofthe Third International Conference onGeochemistry, Vol. 1, pp 345-374,Alexandria University, Egypt.
17. Abu El-Ela, F. F., 1998. The mineral chemistry of the gabbroic layered intrusion northwest of Mersa Alam, Eastern Desert, Egypt: implications for the conditions crystallization and source of the parent magma. Bulletin Faculty of Science, Assiut University,Egypt, 19(1-F), 57-89.
18. Abu EI-Ela, F. F., 1999. Neoproterozoic tholeiitic arc plutonism:Petrology of EI-Aradiya gabbroic intrusion, Eastern Desert, Egypt. Journal of African Earth Sciences, Vol. 28, No. 3, 721-741.
19. Abu EI-Ela, F. F., 2001.-Neoproterozoic alkaline magmatism: of the Eastern Desert of Egypt: Example ofAtalla fetsites,.In: Proceedings ofthe Second International Conference on the Geology of Africa, Vol. 1, pp 255-291, Assiut University, Egypt.
20. Abu El-Ela, F. F. and Farahat, E. S., 2010. Neoprterozoic podiform chromitites in serpentinites of the Abu Meriewa-Hagar Dunqash District, Eastern Desert, Egypt: Geotectonic implications and metamorphism. Island arcs, 19, 151-164.
21. Mohamed, M. A. and Abu El-Ela, F. F., 2010. Geochemistry and fluid inclusions studies of highly evolved garnet-bearing muscovite granite of Gabal Abu Diab, Eastern Desert, Egypt. Arabian Journal Geosciences, 4, 763-773.DOI 10.1007/s12517-009-0088-3.
22. Gahlan, H. A., Arai, S., Abu El- Ela, F. F., and Tamura, A. 2011.Origin of wehrlite cumulates in the Moho transition zone of the Neoproterozoic Ras Salatit ophiolite, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt: crustal wehrlitewith typical mantle characteristics. Contribution to Mineralogy and Petrology. DOI 10.1007/s00410-011-0669-5.
23. Abu El-Ela, F. F. , Lindh, A., Ghalan, H., Abu El-Rus, M. And Mohamed, M., 2011. Sn-W-Mo-Be deposits potentiality of the Newproterozoic Abu Diab highly fractionated calc-alkaline granite, Eastern Desert, Egypt.In: Proceeding of the International Conference 28th "Ore potential of alkaline rocks, carbonatites and kimberlites" Academic Science ofRussia (9-16 September, 2011), pp. 13, Moscow-Minsk.
24.Azer, M.K.,Abu El-Ela, F.F., and Minghua Ren, 2012.The petrogenesis of the Neoproterozoic mafic dike-like intrusion in south Sinai, Egypt. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, Vol. 54-55, 91-109.
25. Abu El-Ela, F. F. , 2012.Neoproterozoic alkaline magmatism of Atalla felsites, Eastern Desert, Egypt. In: Proceeding of the International Conference 29th "Ore potential of alkaline rocks, carbonatites and kimberlites" Academic Science of Russia (14-22 September, 2012), pp. 6, Sudak-Moscow, Ukraine-Russia.
26. Abu El-Ela, F. F. , 2012. Petrology of Neoproterozoic mafic-ultramafic layered intrusions of Abu Diwan and Um Rus district, Eastern Desert, Egypt (submitted to African Journal Earth Sciences).
27. Kamal A. Ali , Alfred Kröner, Ernst Hegner, Jean Wong, Shuang-Qing Li,Hisham A. Gahlan, Fawzy F. Abu El Ela, 2013. U–Pb zircon geochronology and Hf–Nd isotopic systematics of Wadi Beitan granitoid gneisses, SouthEastern Desert, Egypt, Gondwana Research (2013),