Select Board Meeting, 3/26/2018
6:00 - Call to Order
Present: Moe Brigham, Carl Russell, Chris Jarvis, Paul Vallee, Lindley Brainard, and Greg Maggard.
Approval of Agenda - Move SB rules up to first item.
Russell moved. Brigham second. All in favor.
Public comment or Inquiry -
- Ele Griffin, brought letter from Rec Committee recommending Thatcher Hinman for appointment to committee. Russell, motion. Jarvis Second. All in favor.
- Eric Benson - follow up on voters control over the budget. The SB has some statutory authority to adjust the budget according to the town’s needs. (continuation of discussion from last meeting)
- Joann Wood - follow up on the speeding on her road (from 10/2107 SB meeting). She did some research over the winter regarding speed limits on Highway 31. A state consultant recommended (10/1989) that that stretch of road be posted at 25mph.She noted that there is a “signage” budget for this year and would like to see the road posted. Maggard responded that he and Patton have plans to do a road inventory this spring. He will bring their findings back to the board. The SB would like to see TRORC do a traffic/speed study.
Reports Motions and Ordinances
Selectboard Rules of Procedure - Review of document provided in packet. Jarvis had a question about the implementation of a vice chair.SB agreed to appoint a vice chair, if needed for a particular meeting. Discussion reviewing decision to act/not act on an item presented at the meeting. Russell motion to adopt Town of Bethel rules of Procedure 2018, Brigham seconded. All in favor. Document signed by the SB.
Planning Commission Discussion - (see email to Paul Vallee from packet). Russell noted that TRORC gives thorough guidance on the mission/work of the committee. The PC work is not in isolation, it all works through TRORC.Jarvis will attend next meeting.
Green Lantern Project Review - (paperwork in packet) GL is moving forward on the permitting process. Brigham has been approached by the SoRo Conservation Commission about an idea in the works of swapping land that encompasses a deer yard. No comments will be sent to the public utility.
Maggard informed the SB that the application includes waiving any concerns regarding storm water run-off. This does not require action on the part of the SB.
Final Town Purchasing Policy- Final version of the Policy in the packet. “Chair” designation needs to be edited. Discussion regarding what distance constitutes “local”, and “preferred vendors”. Maggard will work on adding some language around “change orders”.
VTrans Bridge 38 “Right of Way” Acquisition - (packet of info in the packet) Maggard introduced the information, and the general direction of the project. A small piece (sliver)of the project is on the Spring Hollow property (which was purchased by the town with FEMA $$). Russell thinks the conservation easements went to a third party (VT Housing Conservation), and that should be researched. He has been in touch with FEMA, and they do not see a problem with it.SB wants to be sure the right of way to Spring Hollow is preserved. Maggard will clarify some of these issues and bring them back to the SB.
Downtown Parking - Start of discussion around adding to parking downtown, especially with the two biggest buildings having new businesses moving in.SB agrees that there needs to be some work on the parking rules. Maggard will research the use of permits. Will review the number of spots, vs the number that could be created at an April meeting (4/23).
Employee Performance Reviews -Russell reviewed current language around employee reviews in town guidelines. He feels the policy should have more detail in order to provide better guidance to employees in a more uniform manner. The SB would like to continue the discussion in July, after the current cycle is over.
Minutes and Communication
Constable’s Report -(report in packet)
Town Manager Admin Report - (no report this week) highlights, working on some grants. Met with the school district last week, to determine process for next winter to determine road condition. Also had discussion regarding contracts for plowing, sanding, and salting expenses. All contracts with the school will be rewritten for next year, given the new ownership of the building.
Selectboard Minutes, 3/12/2018 - Greg was noted to be in the meeting twice. Jarvis, Motion, Brigham, second. All in favor.
Committee Minutes -Some discussion around the transfer station website, and that it is somewhat difficult to find. Brigham will bring the issue to the committee.
Other Communications -
Bartleman’s letter to the SB, rescinding her resignation from the transfer station committee. Russell motion to reappoint. Valee, second. All in favor.
Any other business necessary to come before the board.
Discussion regarding seasonal street painting of crosswalks.
Jarvis asked to discuss appointed (tree warden, fence viewer, etc..) positions at the next meeting. Asked that the folks either are present or send a letter of interest.
Brainard met with Carla Hodgdon re: Red Cross Emergency Shelter Manager. Given the information, she feels she cannot take on that position at this time. She is willing to have a further discussion about a teamwork approach to the job.
Executive Session: Town Manager Goal Setting Review
Adjourn - 8:28
Brigham, moved. Russell, second. All in favor.
Chris Jarvis Lindley Brainard Paul Vallee
Carl Russell Moe Brigham