Morning Worship* Today7/28 / Next Week8/4Announcements Anthony / Kowa
Song Comeaux / Anthony
Prayer Davidson / Dukes
Preside @ Table Marbury / Neal
Assisting Medina / Wedge
Assisting Porter / Wertz
Assisting Urban / Caples
Prayer Frazier / Davbidson
Evening Worship*
Announcements Anthony / Kowa
Song Leader Comeaux / Anthony
Prayer Wedge / Kent
Communion/Prayer Marbury / Neal
Wed. Evening Worship*
Announcements Anthony / Anthony
Song Leader Various / Wertz
Invitation Maiwald / George
Prayer Caples / Johnson
1. Please arrange for a substitute if you are unable to performan assigned
2. Notify Tim Wertz and Patty Wiggins of any changes.
3. Please be at the worship service 5-10 minutes early
July / August / September
Prepare Communion / Wedge / Caples / Johnson
Lockup / Maiwald / Wedge / Wertz
Transportation / Wedge / TBD / Caples
Please take a moment each week to look over this list, to keep abreast of activities of the congregation.
Men’s Breakfast / 8/10 / 8:00am / OCB
Elders/Deacons/Prch’r Mtg / 8/10 / 9:30am / Building
Quarterly PotLuck / 8/11 / Noon / Building
Helpful Email Addresses:
Church building:
Special Days
Happy Birthday, July!
Trenda Maiwald / 31
Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary, August names eill be in next week's bulletin.
"Breaking of Bread"
On Wednesday nights we have been discussing the history of the church. We have been dealing with the Lord’s Supper for the last three weeks. There are many questions about the Lord’s Supper that we take on the first day of the week. One of the questions that are asked from time to time is about the statement breaking bread as found in Acts 20:7. It is very important to understand a word or statement when it comes to our spirituality (cf. Ephesians 5:10, 17). "Breaking of bread" signified the dividing of the bread cakes or loaves which were used by the oriental. Sometimes "breaking of bread" was used concerning partaking of a common meal (Mark 6:41; Acts 27:35). "Breaking of bread: is also used in connection with the religious memorial called the Lord's Supper. The two elements used in this observance were unleavened bread and the fruit of the vine (Matthew 26:17-29, elements present for the unleavened bread feast). When Jesus instituted this memorial He "broke it" (bread, dm; Matt. 26: 26). How do we decide whether the “breaking of bread” is the Lord’s Supper or just a common everyday meal? The answer isby the context and the way in which the expression is used. The meal in which Paul engaged and in which we have the descriptive language "break bread" was obviously a common meal (see Acts 27:35). "Breaking bread as used in Acts 2:46 is clearly a common meal. They were “breaking bread from house to house, theyate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart." However, "breaking of bread” in verse 42 is used in the atmosphere of worship, as such. A good rule, then, is if "breaking of bread"is found in the environment of a meal then that is its meaning. If the expression is used in the setting of worship or the Lord's Supper, then "breaking of bread" refers to the memorial of the Lord's death. After all has been considered, I must conclude "breaking of bread in Acts 2: 42 refers to the Lord's Supper, just as a determined regular act of worship as found in Acts 20:7. The Word is understandable when read in its context. Join us on Wednesday nights for the study of church history.
For our Prayers-July 28, 2013
Our hearts and prayers go to the McCorklefamily at the passing of Larry McCorkle on Thursday, July 18th. Larry was the husband offormer member Zayda, who worshipped with us for many years. We pray she will find the comfort needed to get through these and future days.
Greenfield Senior Living
Gayle Swabb
Continued Prayers for Family and Friends:
Eugene Jones (Kennetha Marbury's uncle) Cancer
Harry Sweet (cancer),
Lenny Skutnik (Crohns)
Sharon Ragan (Bobbie’s daughter)
Piet(Katie Wedge’s uncle) Cancer
Gloria Anthony (Eric’s Mom) Parkinson’s
Ray Webb (Melissa Davidson’s father)
OT Martin (Ernie’s dad) Alzheimer’s
Our young adult(s) who are in college, home/away:
Catie Wordham (George Mason University)
Continued prayers for our members:
Bobbie Girard Alwilda Merritt Sue Bilbrey
Katherine Wertz Colleen Wertz Robert Lake
Betty Perez Christine Liddell Charles Swabb
Patty Wiggins Will Davis James Roberson
Ed Wiggins
Also remember to pray for:
…those of our number, and their families,who will be
travelingnow that summer is here
…the safety of all those serving in the armed services
...the safety of our own who are, or will be, stationed out
of the country: Roy Allen, Glen Clubb
…all of our mission efforts around the world.
…our nation’s leaders and officials
…never cease to pray for the elders who shepherd us
through the spiritual dangers we face daily