A meeting of the Parish Council was held at the Church Rooms, Oakhanger on Wednesday 8 March 2012

at 7.30pm

Present: Cllr Earney, Cllr Warren, Cllr Donegan, Cllr Ravenscroft, Cllr Dingle, Cllr Goater and Cllr Miss Clay

In attendance: Karen Ross- Clerk, 35 Members of the Public





Apologies were received and accepted from CllrMrs Palmer, Cllr Mrs Luty, Cllr Mrs Boase and Cllr Chapman


There were no declarations of interest made.
There were approximately 35 members of public who were there to air concerns over the planning application for the anaerobic digester
The meeting resumed at 8.55pm
4. / Planning Applications
20661/048. Construction of an Anaerobic digester to convert waste food into Bio methane to supply gas requirement of the existing brick works and the extension of an existing Haul road by upgrading an existing Farm track in order to provide HGV access. Site Address: Selborne Brick works, Honey Lane, Selborne, Alton, Gu34 3BS.
It was proposed by Cllr Doneghan to object to the planning application on the following grounds
·  Substantive Evidence that by making gas from the Anaerobic Digester the brick making business would be a viable operation has not been provided even though the Planning Inspectorate said that this was a point of fundamental importance if development in the Countryside is to be permitted.
·  Evidence about the disposal of digestate has not been provided
·  Details of the noise survey are unrealistic as it is based on out of date data and The Parish Council do not feel confident that the noise of Traffic movement or the Plant has been addressed.
·  The increase of Traffic does not comply with the Hampshire Transport plan objectives of
Reducing congestion,
Improving Air Quality
Improving Road safety
·  That there is inadequate parking at the Facility
This was seconded by Cllr Goater and agreed with 7 For and 2 Abstentions.
20661/049 Selborne Brickworks, Honey Lane, Selborne, Alton, GU34 3BS
Change of use of a farm track to an access to land at Selborne Brickworks
Site Address: Selborne Brick works, Honey Lane, Selborne, Alton, Gu34 3BS.
Cllr Mrs Palmer proposed that the Parish Council object to this application for the following reason
The parish council feel that there remains insufficient detail that the extended track would be adequate and believe it would have an adverse effect on the landscape which would be inimical to national Park purposes.
This was seconded by Cllr Miss Clay and agreed with 6 For and 3 abstentions.




The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 14 march at Blackmoor Village Hall

The chairman closed the meeting at 10.05pm.