Title / Rock Solid Learning / Moving Forward / Power Surge / Veni vidi vici
(I came, I saw, I conquered) / Rumble in the Jungle / Which way?
Main Subjects / Geography: Why do some earthquakes cause more damage than others? / History: The Changes In Britain from Stone Age to Iron Age. / Geography:
Why do so many people in the world live in Megacities? / History: Roman Empire and it’s impact on Britain / Geography:
Why are jungles so wet and deserts so dry?
PSHE / New Beginnings:
Feeling Good / Getting on and falling out.
Changing Families
Anti-bullying Week / Going for Goals:
Keeping Safe outside School / Good to me:
Keeping Healthy / Relationships:
Ups and downs in relationships / Changes:
Looking Ahead
RE / Sukkott
Concept: Ritual / Christmas: The Magi and their gifts
Concept: Prophecy / Christian Miracle Stories / Palm Sunday
Concept: Welcoming / How do people perceive God?
Concept: Interpretation / Purim
Concept: Identity
French / Birthdays / Shops / Time / Food / Weather / The Beach
Science / Rocks / Animals, including humans 4 / Electricity / Living things and their habitat / Forces and Magnets
Lit / Non-fiction
How to select a book / Diary
Recounts / Explanations / Instructions
Persuasion / Poetry / Plays
Maths - Applied / Co-ordinates
Population numbers
Dates/ Years/ Months
Richter Scale
Money / Measurement
Timeline / Percentages
Interpreting tables
Place Value
Timeline / Time/ Roman Numerals
Money / Sorting Diagrams
Average / Position and Direction
Art/D&T / Construction / Painting and Printing
(Cave paintings)
(Tools/ skeletons/ Stone Henge) / Urban Landscape Painters
Control and Electrical systems / Cooking and nutrition
(Using the foods brought to Britain by the Romans) / Henri Rousseau
(Jungle Scenes) / Sculpture
ICT / We are researchers: Researching a topic / Lego Models / We are comic strip writers: creating a comic strip / We are presenters: Video performance / We are animators: Creating a Cartoon
Autumn 2016 (Cycle A)