SEIU 888 Executive Board Meeting Minutes
April 28, 2011, 10 a.m. at 52 Roland St., Charlestown, MA
Present: Bruce Boccardy, Regina Capone, Anita Christon, Mark DelloRusso, Michelle Durand, Gerald Durkin, Rosalie Gillis, Mike Kelly, Michael Krasinkiewicz, William Murray, Mary Beth Phillips, David Reno, Brenda Rodrigues, Lynda Scolamiero, Tina Swift. Excused: Fred Simmons. Absent: Helen Ramirez.
Also Present: David DiMaria, Eldin Villafane, Shauna Weston, Harold Jones.
The meeting was called to order at 10:10 a.m.
Motion: To approve the minutes of March 24, 2011 as written. Second.
Vote: Unanimous.
President’s Report: Bernie Sanders apologized for not making the April 8th meeting. He is running for re-election in Vermont, but had to stay because his state government might have had to shut down. The city of Boston has signed an historic deal. Zaccaro, Springer, and Boccardyput together a coalition and there were 36 Boston units, including Fire and Police who worked together on health care. This was a compromise, but not as draconian as the current ‘healthcare without union input’ bill. This is an assault on collective bargaining and we must continue to fight for our rights. The City of Boston agreement is a victory for collective bargaining. The House bill on healthcare (with GIC) is “killing us.” We have met with Steve Grossman, state Treasurer, and he will meet with the Lottery employees.
April 30 will be the members’ meeting in Worcester. The tide has turned in Wisconsin, but we in Massachusetts need to be aware of things such as the NH ‘right to work for less bill.’ Right wing conservative think tanks are pouring out propaganda that we need to combat, letting the public know that we are for all working people, not just union members.
Mike Kelly’s candidacy for the state retirement board: The ballots are in and will be counted soon.
Pres. Boccardy nominated Jorge Vargas as a new member of the Executive Board.
Motion: To approve Jorge Vargas as a new Executive Board member.Second. Discussion. Jorge introduced himself as a resident of Charlestown. He works for the Boston Public Schools Planning and Engineering Dept. as an HVAC supervisor. His father was a union man and he strongly supports the union. He has worked with health centers and other community organizations and the union represents his feeling of “the true America.” Jorge has worked for various candidates, such as Steve Grossman and he has worked with Jeff Sanchez. Jorge loves mingling with people and has participated in many phone banks for the union. Vote: Unanimous. The Board welcomed Jorje with applause.
Healthcare Update: Eldin Villafane told the group that on Tuesday evening he and Patrick McCabe had asked for a meeting with the Speaker of the House, but he had called for an immediate vote. Eldin said this bill is designed to force the union to decide on GIC or not. This is cutting into the right to collective bargaining and increasing the cost to employees. This proposal has to go to the Senate. Jason Lewis felt that he had to compromise and Sean Garbley (Arlington) also felt that they had to compromise and accept the 20% cut to employees’ benefits.
President Boccardy introduced Richard Krushnic, who proposed creating an SEIU committee to look into single payer healthcare and to report back to SEIU888. DeeAnne Dworki-Riggs spoke saying that she wants this committee to go forward to help people struggling with healthcare costs. She noted that Massachusetts has a bill called “Medicare for All.” And this would have about 15% savings for cities and employees. There are other bills as well.
Discussion: Why would we advocate a single payer health plan when we are fighting GIC in order to give our members options? Some EBoard members do not want to be identified with a universal single payer healthcare plan. President Boccardy said this was for research only and not to favor a single payer healthcare plan. It was noted that the “minimal staff time” was changed to “an all volunteer committee.”
Motion:That SEIU set up an ad hoc committee to study a single payer healthcare system, make a study and report back to the Executive Board. Second. Discussion. Richard Krushnic thinks the committee should look at all healthcare options.
Amendment: To include all healthcare. Second
Vote: 7 ayes, 9 nays, 1 abstention. Motion defeated.
Dues Equity: Mark DelloRusso read the draft of the dues equity ballot. Some members’ dues will actually decrease the first year, using 1.6% of base pay. This is to make the dues structure equitable. Currently, there are many different dues rates across the state. Year one: lose money, year two increase ~$140,000 and year three, increase ~$180,000. These projections are estimates. Each EBoard member stated their changes/views of the dues equity ballot. After some tinkering with the wording, the group congratulated Mark on his work on the ballot. More discussion is needed to create implementation time lines.
Motion: To hold the next Executive Board meeting on May 26, 2011. Second.
Vote: Uanimous.
Update on SSO: International SEIU is reviewing a contract with Jeanette Gaines to provide SSO services and Patrick will to use this new company. Ms. Gaines worked with the other company. Currently, it costs SEIU 888 ~$148,000/year.
Patrick McCabe, Anita Christon, Mary BethPhillips and several other members went to LA for a Membership and Leadership conference. Anita said they learned about right to work states where the workers have very low wages. There was a big rally with McDonalds and Chipotle talking about union matters. They discussed the economy and considered when unions can get together and make things fair and equitable for everyone. There were keynote speakers and role playing and it was very lively. Anita said she appreciated the member empowerment. She said now they must knock on doors to inform people of very rich people/corporations who do not pay taxes. MaryBeth said she is happy to be part of the TEAM.
Patrick told the group: Six days a week, people will be going door to door in Chelsea, Revere, Malden, Everett, Dorchester, Roxbury, and Mattapan to discuss the situation of the economy. He noted that GE International pays no taxes and he and he contrasted that with MaryBeth who has lost hours and wages and pays taxes. If the person who answers their door wants to get involved, they will get a phone call from Fight for a Fair Economy and may be asked to demonstrate at a bank, for example. Patrick called for more volunteers to go door to door.
Motion: To donate $100 to Relay for Life American Cancer Society. Second.
Vote: Unanimous.
David Reno spoke about the National Association of Railroad Passengers. There is federal funding for railroads. David asked the Board to advocate for rail travel. He said this would change the economy.
Motion: That SEIU888 endorse working with and advocating for the National Association of Railroad Passengers. Second. Discussion.David Reno pointed out that this endorsement will allow members to work for passage of more passenger travel. Vote: 7 ayes, 6 nays. Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Brenda, Michelle, David, Jorje, Gerry, Bruce, Tony.Nays: Mike K, Michael K, MaryBeth, Regina, Rosalie, Lyn, Tina. Abstain: Anita, Mark. Motion is defeated.
David Reno spoke of The Funeral Consumer Movement, an organization of people concerned with funeral services and disseminating information about funerals and survivors’ rights. They police the funeral industry. David Reno wants to add it as a member benefit, with SEIU paying $35 per family for life. The group wanted to do more research on this topic.
Motion: To offer The Funeral Alliance as a member benefit. Second. Motion: To table the motion. Second. Vote:10 ayes, 1 nay, 2 abstentions. Motion tabled.
Mary Beth requested that the Board be allowed to complete its tasks before a speaker is brought in. Mary Beth was told that the President, not the Executive Board, sets the agenda. The meeting was adjourned at 2:01 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Tina Swift
Recording Secretary