Seikhem-Hathor ©

Seikhem means spiritual might. It was one of the many systems of healing used in the temples in ancient Egypt in the early kingdom. It is especially connected to the Hathor temples, which focused on joy and abundance.

It is a powerful, effective channelled energy which focuses on the root cause rather than the symptoms.

Additionally on this course we work with the diamond ray and ascension energies. An initiation in to the energy of the sacred scarab is included at advanced level. Seikhem is for all those who seek it whether for personal healing or, in addition, to support others to heal.

What it does

Seikhem is an ascension energy that works on all levels simultaneously – mental, physical, spiritual and emotional. It is effective in clearing blocks to our growth and development. By dealing with the root cause, stuck patterns, beliefs and values can be cleared. Working with the person’s higher self, Seikhem vibrates on a soul frequency moving the person on in a supportive way.

Training in Seikhem-Hathor©

Seikhem – Hathor© is taught in 4 levels, each with its own value and experiences. You do not have to take all levels to use Seikhem-Hathor© effectively. As the energy is powerful it needs time to integrate. It is advised there is at least 3-months between levels. All courses are certified and have a manual.

All lineages are welcome to join classes.

Course Costs

Level 1 & 2 combined (practitioner) - £175.

Advanced -£250.

Master (part 1 & 2) -£500 (£250 each level).

·  Master is taught in 2 parts (2 courses) with a 3-month gap between them. You can take part 1 only for £250. Part 1 is master/ practitioner & part 2 is master /teacher.

·  Preparation work is required for advanced & master levels.

·  There is casework to complete for certification at all levels. (4 treatments in total per level)

·  Non-refundable deposit £50 per course.

Course Content

Level 1 & 2: - History and uses of Seikhem-Hathor©. Working with the chakras and aura. Anatomy. Sacred symbols. Meditation. Psychic protection. Vow & contract breaks. Psychic/Personal development. Client care skills.

Advanced: - This level includes working with the diamond ray, crystals and sound. Working with advanced beings of light. Advanced level sacred symbols meditation & clearing. Past lives. The sacred scarab.

Master (1): - At this level sacred master symbols are received & used to heal all the energy bodies. The use of life coaching skills, client support & personal development is included.

Master (2): -. This level passes on the ability to initiate students and to teach. Group work skills, ethics and personal development are part of this level.


Students are offered ongoing support by email or mobile.

About the teacher

I worked in housing and social work for 15 years and believe in a holistic approach to healing. I teach Reiki, Indian head massage, holistic & crystal healing, Sa En Ankh Isis©, Nem-Isis©, Anubis-Ra© and Seikhem-Hathor©.

I’ve been involved in training and group work on various subjects for about 20 years. I’ve been teaching complimentary therapies for 9 years.. I’m a qualified master hypnotherapist.

I am a Usui/Tibetan, Karuna Reiki® & Seikhem Master/teacher and, Isis Priestess,.

I am a member of the holistic healers association. I studied Reiki & Karuna Reiki ® with William Lee Rand. I originally studied Sekhem® with Richard Venters, Sheila Caldwell & Vicki Rebecca. My own research, past life recall and travels in Egypt for the last 6 years developed the Seikhem-Hathor© system.


o  Level 1 & 2 (practitioner)

o  Advanced

o  Master practitioner

o  Master teacher

·  For course dates and a booking form please access the website.

·  Please read the terms and conditions before booking.

·  Advanced and Master classes by arrangement for 1 – 4 people.

·  Preparation work required for advanced and master levels.

·  Venue in Glasgow (west end).

Please note this is not the “Helen Belot system of Sekhem®”. Seikhem –Hathor is Egyptian ascension energy.