School Accountability Committee Budget Recommendations
March 15, 2016
The SAC’s work this school year has included review of the Unified Improvement Plan, discussions about the school’s student testing and assessment plan, review of preliminary MAP data, and development of the school survey in coordination with the Communications Committee. From this work, the SAC has developed the following budget recommendations.
- Continued support of the school’s IT needs
- There was good progress made towards IT infrastructure and support in 2015/2016.
- In 2016/2017, we recommend continued focus on this effort, specifically the need to maintain a repair and replace schedule.
- Continue to direct resources towards providing more math support for students
- The need for additional math support is based on MAP assessments
- Provide resources and staffing towards a one-week intensive summer program providing math support for students at the Upper Elementary, Farm School and High School levels.
- Additional administrative support for the school’s record keeping system
- Support person during the summer for doing the preparation and setup to assist teachers in the Farm School and High School integrate MRX
- The preference is to provide additional funding for an existing staff person familiar with the school and its lessons
- Staffing needs and ongoing professional development
- Maintain current training budget for 2016/2017
- Increase staffing at the High School to plan for the anticipated increase in student population
- Continue with and enhance training on Positive Discipline or Non-Violent Communication(for all levels)
- Facilities improvements, in addition to items identified for allocation of the potential JeffCo School Board bond, such as roof and carpet replacement
- Address overcrowding at the High School
- Improve desks and furniture at the High School
Utilizing authentic Montessori methods, the Compass community aims to nurture the whole child and enrich the lives of each student from Preschool to 12th grade.
Compass will provide appropriate challenges and support to enable each student to prepare for the intellectual, spiritual, emotional, social, physical, and societal transitions appropriate to each students inner vocation. Our goal is to foster competent, responsible, and independent citizens who love learning and respect themselves, other people and their environment. -Compass Mission Statement