Management HandbookForm Instructions


This form will “not” be used if an adult will be added to the household at recertification. A “full” certification (like for a move in) must be completed to ensure compliance. Please refer to the “Additional Household Member Policy” found in the “Resident Selection Policy” for Housing Credit Properties.

This Annual Household Certification Update formwill be used for aresident household to complete their Annual Recertification. This form will be usedto determine income and any other relevant Housing Credit eligibility information. Full annual recertifications are no longer required by the Housing Credit program at this property. The following will be included with this form to complete the required annual recertification:

  • The Tenant Income Certification (TIC) from the computer program used by the property.
  • The Tenant Release and Consent Form (TC-53rt).
  • The Certification of Student/Non-Student Eligibility form (TC-14t) & Verification of Student Status & Financial Assistance Form (TC-13) if applicable.
  • First (120-day), Second (90-day), and Third (60-day) Recertification Reminder Notices, as applicable.

Please follow these instructions for completing this form:

Page 1:

Enter the property name and unit number at the top of the page.

Review the rest of the page with the resident(s) ensuring that “all” sections are answered as applicable: Statement, Criminal History and Reasonable Accommodation sections.

Page 2:

Review the “Directions” to the form with the resident(s) “before” the page is completed.

Ensure that the Property Name, Unit Number Address, etc. are fully completed: all sections must be filled out.

Next list all of the household members currently living in the unit (numbers 1 – 7 as relevant to the household), their age, and the applicable student status for “each” member. (K-12 also counts as full-time student status.)

Next complete the household income amount, sources of that income, and whether the income is an increase or decrease from the prior year. Then complete the unit transfer section.

Since the demographics of the property are required, be sure to mark the boxes as relevant for Elderly, etc. as they apply to the household. The Household Member # is found next to the name of the household member(s) listed in the household member section.

Be sure to complete the Race and Ethnicity section as listed – both columns. The resident does not “have” to complete this section, but is encouraged to do so. If they refuse, please refer to the last entry on the table “Those electing not to disclose”, both columns need to be checked.

Ensure that the Resident(s) sign the page. The Owner/Owner’s Agent must also sign the form and include the date that the form is completed.

Finalizing the Recertification:

Once this form is completed, the information listed will be used to process a new Tenant Income Certification (TIC) in the computer program used by the property.

The TIC, this form, the Tenant Release and Consent form, the Student Status form(s) and the Reminder Notices will be filed under the “Current Certification” tab in the resident file. This completes the Annual Recertification.

Resident(s) must receive a photocopy of the TIC & this certification form. The other attachments may be photocopied and given to the resident(s) upon request.

If you have any questions regarding this form, please contact the Compliance Supervisor for assistance.

Annual HH Cert Update (11/2009)Page 1 of 2TC-59t(GS)