Seedy Sock Case

Know/Need to Know

What do I know? / What do I need to know?
Seeds need moisture to germinate / Which seeds live together naturally?
Seeds stick to socks / Are there seeds in the shoes?
No witnesses / Where are the shoes?
Germination times vary / What types of plants are at both scenes?
Different plants in different areas / Did she wear the socks only one time?
4 days from day of theft to recovery / What were the weather conditions during the 4 days?
Socks still damp / Do the fibers match in the soil?
3 seed species found
sock-like fibers at the scene / What is the germination time for seeds?
Suspect gave trunk evidence / Are there any witnesses for her alibi?
How did the suspect ID occur?
How fast do socks dry?
Any mold or mildew present on socks?