Individual Curriculum Project

Lisa Heelan




Spring 2012



CREDITS: 2, Nursing Elective




Office: Room XXX

Office telephone: XXX-XXX-XXXX


Office hours: Tuesday 10-2PM

Thursday 2-4PM, or by appointment


This nursing elective focuses on the physical, psychological, and social needs of women over their lifespan. Students will explore conditions unique to women such as reproductive malignancies and menopause; and socio-cultural and occupational factors related to women’s health problems such as poverty, sexual violence, and domestic violence. Students will examine how women’s health is impacted by history, politics, economics, and research. As a result of this exploration, students will enhance their ability to care for themselves and for others, to use and understand power and empowerment of self and others, and to advocate and to be an activist for themselves and for others.


At the completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  1. Describe the scope of women’s health, and how it has been impacted by politics, economics and research.
  2. Evaluate contemporary issues and trends in women’s health care, and the impact of culture in caring for women.
  3. Analyze barriers that may affect a woman’s decision to seek health care.
  4. Identify key factors affecting the health of women, and the role of the nurse in preventing illness and promoting health.
  5. Examine the psychological and physical needs of women, and the conditions that increase the health risks for women across the lifespan
  6. Explain the importance of using evidenced based practice guidelines in educating women in cancer screening and health promotion practices.
  7. Discuss theories of violence and how they can be used in assessment and intervention for women who are abused.


Lecture with Power Point and discussion, online assignments, case studies, small group work, Internet exploration, scholarly paper, and group presentation


Alexander, L.L., LaRosa, J.H., Bader, H., Garfield, S., & Alexander, W. (2010). New

dimensions in women’s health (5th ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett


Edwards, M.P. & Howley, N.L. (2012). Explorations in women’s health: A workbook (3rd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.


American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American

Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author. ISBN: 1433805618.


Mukherjee, S. (2010). The emperor of all maladies: A biography of cancer. New York:


Skloot, R. (2010). The immortal life of Henrietta Lacks. New York: Crown Publishers.


Students are expected to meet the course requirements listed below and weighted as indicated:

  1. Scholarly Paper 30%
  2. Class Participation 10%
  3. Group Presentation 20%
  4. Online Assignments 20%
  5. Final Exam 20%


Letter grade / Numerical equivalent
A / 93.0-100
A- / 90.0-92.9
B+ / 87.0-89.9
B / 83.0-86.9
B- / 80.0-82.9
C+ / 77.0-79.9
C / 73.0-76.9
C- / 70.0-72.9
D+ / 67.0-69.9
D / 63.0-66.9
D- / 60.0-62.9
F / < 60.0

The minimum passing grade for all nursing courses is a “C” (73).


All forms of dishonesty, whether by act or omission, including, but not limited to, cheating, plagiarism and knowingly furnishing false information to the University, are prohibited. Intentional disruption or obstruction of teaching, research or administrative proceedings is prohibited. University sanctions may extend to suspension and dismissal.

Work submitted in courses must be the product of the efforts of the student presenting the work, and contributions of others to the finished work must be appropriately acknowledged. The presentation of another’s work as one’s own is a serious violation of the academic process, and it is penalized accordingly. The decision of the appropriate penalty is in the first instance the professor’s and it may extend to a filing grade of the course.

Note:It is the student’s responsibility to be knowledgeable of allCollege of Nursing Academic Policies.


If you have a documented disability, or think you might have one, you may be eligible for accommodations in academic classes, the residence halls, food service areas, etc., under the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Disabilities may include those that are permanent or temporary and include, but are not limited to: learning disabilities, ADHD, medical issues, psychological or psychiatric problems, limited mobility, low vision or blindness, and hearing impairments. Students are not permitted to negotiate accommodations directly with professors. To receive special accommodations or assistance, please self-identify at the Office for Disability Support Services (DSS), Duffy Hall, Room 67 at the beginning of the semester. The DSS phone number is 973-313-6003. For further information, please go to


Praxis University, College of Nursing, is committed to the protection of health information in accordance with the standards set by The Federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). The College agrees to comply with the standards of documentation and confidentiality mandated by state and federal regulatory agencies and accrediting bodies, as well as those set forth by a particular facility. Students will act in accordance with their responsibility to protect the confidentiality of others’ health information.


The purpose of this scholarly paper is to provide an opportunity for the student to investigate relevant and critical issues involved in the care of women. This analysis will allow the student to understand women’s health issues that impact their work environment.

Each student will be able to choose one issue from topics distributed in class, and found on the topical outline. The paper is to be written in APA format, with the body of the paper being 6-8 pages in length using at least 4 current research articles within the last 5 years.

At the completion of this project, the student will be able to:

  1. Describe a current women’s health issue relevant to nursing practice
  2. Discuss the issue using valid research
  3. Provide a conclusion of the issue based on their research.
  4. Disseminate this knowledge to other students in class.


  1. Abstract: 5 points
  2. Introduction: 5 points
  3. Discussion (Body of paper): 50 points
  4. Conclusion: 10 points
  5. APA format: 10 points
  6. References: 10 points
  7. Spelling, Grammar and Organization: 10 points


Many issues affect the quality and delivery of women’s health care today. As patient advocates, nurses need to be able to communicate their knowledge to others to better serve their patients. Using the teaching and learning format of a group presentation, students will be able to educate their peers on their paper topic while learning to work collaboratively with others in their group.

Each member of the group will speak for 5 minutes, so that a group of3 will have a presentation of 15 minutes;agroup of 4 will have a presentation of 20 minutes. There will be time at the end of the presentation for questions and discussion.

The presentation must show clear evidence of effort by each member of the group.

Each group (not each individual student) will choose one article to share with their classmates that focuses on their overall topic. This article is to be emailed to the class one week prior to the presentation.

A copy of the Power Point lecture (6 slides/page) is to be handed to me prior to the presentation. There should also be at least one slide with references.

  1. Topic is well defined (5 points)
  2. Presentation is understandable and organized (15 points)
  3. Presentation clearly outlines important content (20 points)
  4. Style of presentation is professional (15 points)
  5. Evidence of group effort (20 points)
  6. Use of visual aids (15 points)
  7. Conclusion (5 points)
  8. Presentation is in the appropriate time frame (5 points)
Each online assignment is worth 2% of your course grade, for a total of 20 points out of 100. Students will be in groups of 5, and are expected to individually answer each question, and then respond to one other student within their group prior to the deadline, which is at the start of class. Failure to complete the assignment prior to the deadline will be reflected as a 0 for that online assignment. Students are expected to bring this new knowledge to class and be able to discuss and participate in the classroom learning.
Classroom participation counts as 10% of the course grade. It is expected that each student will actively participate in classroom discussions and learning activities. Attendance will be taken and counts toward the classroom participation grade. Should a student be unable to attend class, it is the responsibility of the student to contact me either by email or phone prior to the start of the class.
Appropriate classroom behavior is implicit in the American Nurses Association of Code of Ethics. Such behavior is defined and guided by complete protection for the rights of students and faculty to a courteous and respectful classroom environment. Failure to demonstrate appropriate classroom behavior may result in expulsion from class, and/or the course.
Date to be set by Registrar.
Date Topic Assignments/Readings
Week 1 / Course Overview
Introduction to Women’s Health / Alexander et al., Chapter 1
Mottl-Santiago, J. (2002). Women’s public health policy in the 21st century. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health. 47(4), 228-238.
Week 2 / Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
Evidenced Based Practice Guidelines / Alexander et al., Chapter 3
Moos, M.K., Dunlop, A., Jack, B., Nelson, L., Coonrod, D., Long, R., Boggess, K., & Gardner, P. (2008). Healthier women, healthier reproductive outcomes: Recommendations for the routine care of all women of reproductive age. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, S280-s289.
Online Assignment: Web Activities 6.1, 6.2, 7.8, 3.7
Week 3 / Nutrition, Exercise and Weight Management / Alexander et al., Chapter 9
Maizes, V. (2005). Reducing the risk of breast cancer: Nutritional strategies. Journal of Science & Healing, 1(2), 130-132.
Blackwell, J. (2008). Nutrition and breast cancer. Advance for Nurse Practitioners, 55-60.
Online Assignment: Web Activities 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 7.1
Week 4 / Contraception / Alexander et al., Chapter 5
Online Assignment: Web Activities 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4
Week 5 / Sexually Transmitted Illnesses
Women & HIV/AIDS / Alexander et al., Chapter 7
Grimshaw-Mulcahy, L. (2007). Now I know my STD’s. Journal of Nurse Practitioners, 641-649.
Lachat, M., Scott, C., & Reif, M. (2006). HIV and pregnancy: Considerations for nursing practice. Maternal Child Nursing, 31(4), 233-240
Barger, M.K. (2007). Poverty and health. Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health, e53-e55.
Online Assignment: Web Activities 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8
Week 6 / Menopause / Alexander et al., Chapter 8
Online Assignment: Web Activities 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4
Week 7 / School Holiday / Get some rest!
Week 8 / Understanding and Preventing Cardiovascular Disease in Women / Alexander et al., Chapter 10
Online Assignment: Web Activities
7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5
Week 9 / Breast Cancer / Edwards, O.T.& Palomares, M.R. (2008). Assessment of risk for breast cancer: Utilizing history and quantitative models in primary care. Journal of Nurse Practitioners, 361-369.
Day, N.B. (2008). The need for performance and standardization of the clinical breast exam. Journal of Nurse Practitioners, 340-349.
Online Assignment: Web Activities 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4
Week 10 / Reproductive Cancers
  • Cervical Cancer
  • Uterine Cancer
  • Ovarian Cancer
  • Anal Cancer
/ Nossou, V., Amneus, M., Su, F., Lang, J.M., Janco, Reddy, S., & Farias-Eisner, R. (2008). The early detection of ovarian cancer from traditional methods to proteomics. Can we really do better than serum CA-125? American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, 215-223.
Online Assignment: Web Activities 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4,
Week 11 / Endometriosis
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Pelvic Floor Dysfunction / Altman, G. & Wolcyzk, M. (2010). Endometriosis: Overview and recommendations for primary care nurse practitioners. Journal of Nurse Practitioners, 6(6), 1-13.
Mathur, R., Alexander, C., Yano, J., Trivan, B., & Azziz, R. (2008). Use of metformin in polycystic ovarian syndrome. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, 596-609.
DeLancey, J., Low, L., Miller, J., Patel, D., Tumbarello, J.A. (2008). Graphic integration of causal factors of pelvic floor disorders: An integrated life span model. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, 610.e1-610.e5
Online Assignment: Web Activities
1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 11.1
Week 12 / Presentations
Violence Against Women
  • Intimate Partner Violence
  • Sexual Assault
  • SANE Nursing
  • Role of drugs and alcohol in violence against women
Ethical Issues in Women’s Health Care
  • Female Genital Mutilation
  • Health Care to Female Prisoners
  • Effects of Discrimination on Lesbian and Bisexual Health Care
  • Social Issues Affecting Women With Physical Disabilities
  • Social Issues Affecting Women with Mental Health Problems
/ Student Articles
Week 13 / Presentations
Controversial Issues in Women’s Health Care
  • Fetal Research
  • Reproductive Assistance
  • Mastectomy Prophylaxis
  • Surrogacy
  • Illegal Abortion
Eating Disorders
  • Anorexia
  • Bulemia
  • Over-exercising
/ Student Articles
Week 14 / Presentations
Feminization of Poverty
  • Maternal Mortality in the United States
  • Global Maternal Mortality
  • Teen Pregnancy
  • Economic Effects of Divorce
Final Thoughts on Semester Course
Completion of Course Evaluation / Student Articles
Online Assignment: Web Activities 11.2, 11.3, 11.4, 2.4
Week 15 / Final Exam / Date to be set by Registrar