See the Sound/Visual Phonics Research
Deaf/Hard of Hearing Students
Beal-Alvarez, J., Lederberg, A.R., and Easterbrooks, S.R. (2012). Grapheme-phoneme acquisition of deafpreschoolers. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 17, 39-60
Black, G. G. (2007). Examining Visual Phonics: Rhyming Judgment of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students. Master’s Thesis, California State University, Northridge, California
Cooley, E.T., Masterson, J.J., Wang, Y., and Oetting, T. (2009). Combining the multilinguistic literacy model and Visual Phonics for intervention for children who are deaf or hard of hearing. Presentation at the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language and HearingAssociation, New Orleans, Louisiana
Giesige, L.J. (2008). Can you see phonics? Phonics for students who are deaf or hard of hearing. UnpublishedM.A. Thesis, Bowling Green University, Bowling Green, Ohio
Guardino, C., Syverud, S.M., Joyner, A., Nicols, H., and King, S. (2011). Further evidence of theeffectiveness of phonological instruction with oral-deaf readers. American Annals of the Deaf, 155
Jones-Oleson, L, Pleske-Dubois, R., and Sheckhise, S. (2007), Affective variables in literacy interventionfor a student using sign language. Presentation at the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language and Hearing Association, Boston, Massachusetts.
Jones-Oleson, L., Sheckhise, S., and Pleske-Dubois, R. (2007). Phonological literacy intervention instudents who are deaf or hard of hearing. Presentation at the Annual Convention of theAmerican Speech-Language and Hearing Association, Boston, Massachusetts.
Narr, R.F. (2006). Teaching phonological awareness with deaf and hard-of-hearing students. TeachingExceptional Children, March/April
Narr, R.F. (2008). Phonological awareness and decoding in deaf/hard-of-hearing students who use VisualPhonics. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 13, 405-416
Santoro, L. E., Houser, S. A., Freeman, J., Schechter, M. (2015). See the Sound/Visual Phonics Literacy project: Promising practices to improve the reading performance of Pennsylvania students who are deaf and hard of hearing. Research report. King of Prussia, PA: Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network.
Smith, A., & Wang, Y. (2010). The impact of Visual Phonics on the phonological awareness and speech production of a student who is deaf: A case study.American annals of the deaf,155(2), 124-130.
Syverud, S.M., Guardino, C., and Selznick, D. (2009). Teaching phonological skills to deaf first graders: A promising strategy. American Annals of the Deaf, 154, 382-388
Trezek, B. J., & Hancock, G. R. (2013). Implementing Instruction in the Alphabetic Principle Within a Sign Bilingual Setting.Journal of deaf studies and deaf education,18(3), 391-408.
Trezek & Malmgren (2005) The efficacy of utilizing a phonics treatment package with middle school deaf and hard-of-hearing students.Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 10,256-271. ()
Trezek & Wang (2006) Implications of utilizing a phonics-based reading curriculum with children who are deaf or hard of hearing.Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education,11, 202-213. ()
Trezek, B., Wang, Y., Woods, D., Gampp, T. L., & Paul, P. V. (2007). Using Visual Phonics to supplement beginning reading instruction for students who are deaf or hard of hearing.Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education,12, 373-384. ()
Tucci, S. L., & Easterbrooks, S. R. (2013). A Syllable Segmentation, Letter-Sound, and Initial Sound Intervention With Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing and Use Sign Language.The Journal of Special Education, 0022466913504462.
Turner, E. C. (2009).Combining the Multilinguistic Literacy Model and Visual Phonics for Intervention for Children who are Deaf Or Hard of Hearing. Unpublished Masters thesis, Missouri State University, Springfield,Missouri
Waddy-Smith, B., and Wilson, V. (2003). See that sound: Visual Phonics for deaf children. Odyssey, 5, 14-17
Wilson-Favors, V. (1987). Using the Visual Phonics System to Improve Speech Skills: A Preliminary Study.
Perspectives for Teachers of the Hearing Impaired, 6(2), 2-4.
Zaccagnini, C.M., and Antia, S.D. (1993). Effects of multisensory speech training and Visual Phonicson speech production of a hearing-impaired child. Journal of Childhood CommunicationDisorders, 15, 3-8
Hearing Students/Adults
Atkinson-Cornwaite, J. (2012). Finding an effective method of reading remediation for young readers: a comparison of two methods. Unpublished Master’s Thesis, Vancouver Island University, Nanaimo, BritishColumbia
Avery, K. D. (1990). A preliminary study of the application of Visual Phonics to the remediation of developmental dyspraxia of speech. Unpublished Master’s Thesis, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, North Dakota
Basbagill, A. R. (2010). Implementing Visual Phonics with at-risk learners who are experiencing reading failure. Unpublished master’s thesis, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
Carlson, K. and Sorensen, E. (2010). See The Sound/Visual Phonics: An Intervention forstruggling readers without hearing impairments. Research Paper. Universityof Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, Iowa
Cihon, T. M., Morford, Z., Stephens, C. J., Morrison, D., Shrontz, R., & Kelly, K. L. (2013). The effects of large-group instruction, modeling, or See the Sound/Visual Phonics on undergraduate students learning to read Italian.Reading in a Foreign Language,25(1), 1.
Cihon, T. M., Gardner, R., Morrison, D., and Paul, P. (2008). Using Visual Phonics as astrategic intervention to increase literacy behaviors for kindergarten participantsat-risk for reading failure. Journal of Early and Intensive Behavior Intervention,5, 138-155
Clough, L., and Rachut, R. (2011). The effects of See The Sound/Visual Phonics on phonemicawareness tasks in preschoolers. Research Paper. University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, Iowa
Dacquay, D.E., (1989). Use of Visual Phonics in the remediation of children’s phonological disorders. UnpublishedMaster’s Thesis, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, North Dakota
Dyke, J., (2008). Phonological awareness intervention with preschool children: Changes in receptive language abilities. Unpublished honor’s thesis; Eastern Illinois University; Charleston, Illinois.
Dyke, J., Gergits, E., Veale, T., Anthony, A, and Smitley, J. (2009). Using VisualPhonics to supplement phonological awareness intervention for speech-language impaired preschoolers. Paper presented at the Annual Conventionof the American Speech-Language and Hearing Association, New Orleans, LA
Dyke, J. (2010). The application of Visual Phonics and phonological awareness interventionsto address language impairment in preschool children. Unpublished master’s thesis,Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, Illinois
Engel, D. C, and Murray, K. A. (1991). Application of visual phonics in treatment of developmental apraxia. Technical paper presented at the 1990 annual convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association in Seattle, WA on November 16, 1990.
Gardner, R., III, Chihon, T.M., Morrison, D., and Paul, P. (2013). Implementing Visual Phonicswith kindergartners at-risk for reading failure. Preventing School Failure: Alternative EducationFor Children and Youth, 57, 30-42
Gergits, E. (2010). The application of visual phonics and phonological awareness interventions to address emergent literacy development in speech-language impaired preschoolers. Unpublished master’s thesis, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, Illinois
Gesell, J. M. (2002).Measuring the Achievement of See the Sound/visual Phonics. Unpublished master’s thesis, St. Ambrose University, Davenport, Iowa
Gillmann, M. (2014). Impact of gesture on word retrieval with primary progressive aphasia. Unpublished master’s research project, St. Ambrose University, Davenport, Iowa
Haarstad, L. (2010). Improve decoding with Visual Phonics. Unpublished manuscript. St. Mary’sUniversity, Owatonna, Minnesota
Hampton, M. A. (2012). Using visual phonics to supplement articulation intervention. Unpublished master’s thesis, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, Illinois
Hampton, M. (2010). Visual Phonics and phonological awareness interventions: Stability of gains inlanguage and literacy. Unpublished master’s thesis, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, Illinois
Hassenmiller, L. (2014). The influence of Visual Phonics in Wernicke’s Aphasia. Unpublished master’s research project, St. Ambrose University, Davenport, Iowa
Knebel, A. (2015). Use of See the Sound/Visual Phonics in the acquisition of letter/sounds correspondence in preschool children. Unpublished master’s research project, St. Ambrose University, Davenport, Iowa
Knox, J.A., and Krupke, D.L (2015) The effect of See The Sound/Visual Phonics on the decoding abilities of first grade students. Unpublished manuscript, St. Ambrose University, Davenport, Iowa
Lally, K., Dresen, A., and Clewell, E. (2015). See the Sound/Visual Phonics: Effect on facilitation of sound production in acquired apraxia of speech. Unpublished master’s thesis, St. Ambrose University, Davenport, Iowa
Lemieux. L. (2014). Effects of the addition of See the Sound/Visual Phonics to accent modification intervention. Unpublished master’s research project, St. Ambrose University, Davenport, Iowa
Meier, E., Crane, J., Knox, J.A., and Krupke, D. L. (2012). The impact of See The Sound/Visual PhonicsImplementation on the phonemic awareness skills of kindergarten students. UnpublishedMaster’s research project, St. Ambrose University, Davenport, Iowa
Northcross, H. (2011). The Efficacy of Visual Phonics on First and Second Grade Students with Reading Deficits(Master’s thesis, California State University, Fresno).
Puls, S. (2009). Visual phonics: Improving phonemic awareness in a special education classroom. UnpublishedMaster’s Thesis, Western Illinois University, Macomb, Illinois
Sachau, B.A.D. (1986). The effectiveness of visual phonics in the treatment of articulation disorders. Unpublished Master’s Thesis. University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah
Slauson, V., and Carrier, J. (1992). Making phonics multisensory—using See the Sound/Visual Phonics to enhance early reading instruction. Final Report Action Research, Centennial Elementary School, Loveland,Colorado
Smith-Stubblefield, S., and Guidi, K. (1996). A facilitating technique to improve speech intelligibility in individuals with Down’s Syndrome. Retrieved from phonics.html
Tieskoetter, A. E. (2005). The Effects of Using Visual Phonics in a First Grade Classroom. Unpublished Master’sThesis, Graceland University, Lamoni, Iowa
Stevenson, Alison, "Teaching See the Sound Visual Phonics to Deaf and Hard of Hearing Kindergarteners" (2014).Theses, Dissertations and Capstones.Paper 894.
Walsh, S. and Gardner, J. (2013). Does the use of Visual Phonics increase clinical outcomes in children with childhood apraxia of speech? Unpublished Master’s research project, St. Ambrose University, Davenport Iowa
Rationale and Efficacy Articles and Studies
Benson, S.E. (2011) An examination of teacher’s perceptions of the effectiveness of training and classroom implementation of visual phonics with deaf and hard of hearing students. Unpublished research paper. Marshall University, Huntington, West Virginia
Knox, J.A., and Krupke, D. L. (2012). Enhancing the efficacy of See The Sound/Visual Phonics useby staff development attendees. I. Effect of follow-up meetings. Unpublised manuscript, St. Ambrose University, Davenport, Iowa
Krupke, D. L., and Knox, J.A. (2013). Enhancing the efficacy of See The Sound/Visual Phonics useby staff development attendees: II. Effect of individual mentoring visits. Unpublished manuscript, St. Ambrose University, Davenport, Iowa
Montgomery, J. (2008). Dave Krupke: What exactly is Visual Phonics? Communication Disorders Quarterly, 29, 177-183
Morrison, D., Trezek, B.J., and Paul, P.V. (2008). Can you see that sound? A rationale for a multisensorytool for struggling readers. Balanced Reading Instruction, Spring, 2008, 11-26
Narr, R.F., and Cawthon, S. W. (2010). The “wh” questions of Visual Phonics: What, who, where, when, andwhy. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 15, 1-15
Snow, M. and Morrison, D. (1991). See the Sound: Eliminating phonetic roadblocks to literature. Presentation at the Northern Plains Regional Conference of the International Reading Association, Minneapolis, Minnesota, October 18, 1991
Wilson, V., and Dennis, A. (2003). Multisensory approach to better speech, reading, and spelling. RetrievedMarch 1, 2012 from, Advance Online Editions for Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists, –
Woosley, M.L., Satterfield, S.T., and Roberson, L. (2006). Visual Phonics: An English code buster. American Annalsof the Deaf, 151, 452-457