Nancy Kramer, Esq.
Mediation and Other Dispute Resolution Services
800 Cabrini Boulevard (# 86)
New York, New York10033
phone: (212) 280-2215 cell: (646) 765-3731
fax: (646)219-5814
Mediation/Arbitration Practice. General mediation practice including workplace, family, commercial, co-op/condominium, medical malpractice and securities disputes. Active mediation panel member for American Arbitration Association (AAA); Columbia Law School Mediating Suits Against Hospitals Project; New Jersey Superior Court; New York City Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings (OATH); New York County Supreme Court, Commercial Division; United States Postal Service and United States Transportation Security Administration. Also serve as Special Master, Appellate Division, First Department and as member of mediation panels for Mediation Works, Inc. (Boston) andFinancial Industry Regulatory Authority(FINRA). Arbitration practiceincludes work for FINRA.
Taught/coached mediation courses for American Bar Association (ABA) Section On Dispute Resolution; Fordham Law School; NASD/Eastern District Bankruptcy Court; New York City Bar Association; New York City Corporation Counsel; New York County Supreme Court, Commercial Division; New York State Attorney General; New York University Law School and Touro Law School.
Spoke on mediation toAlbert Ellis Institute; American Society for Trainers & Developers (ASTD); Brooklyn Bar Association; Council of New York Co-operatives & Condominiums; Masterson Institute; National Institute For The Psychotherapies (NIP); New York Association of Realty Managers (NYARM) and William Alanson White Institute. 1997- present.
Special Counsel, New York State Trial Lawyers Association. Provided legal counsel; ran statewide Continuing Legal Education program; published quarterly legal periodical for largest specialized bar association in the state. 1998 -2004.
Private Practice. Served as administrative law judge for New York City and New YorkState; mediated disputes; wrote appellate briefs. 1997 -1998.
Director of Professional Programs, New York University Real Estate Institute. Headed staff of 15 at leading real estate program. Responsibilities included curriculum development; faculty selection and orientation; recruitment of students and management of $3,000,000 budget. 1995 -1997.
Deputy Bureau Chief of Real Estate Financing Bureau, New York State Attorney General's Office. Bureau regulated real estate securities, oversaw conversion of property to cooperative/condominium ownership and enforced state securities laws. Responsibilities for staff of 70 included legal counsel, management and litigation. Handled own caseload in trial and appellate courts and supervised staff attorneys. 1985 -1995.
Chief of Legal Training and Recruitment, New York State Attorney General's Office. Coordinated attorney hiring, training, personnel policies; ran dispute resolution program for statewide 500-lawyer, 14-office staff. 1982 -1985.
Executive Director, Committee for Public Justice, national civil liberties organization which affected public policy decisions by issuing investigative reports, publishing newsletter, sponsoring academic conferences,monitoring U.S. Supreme Court. 1979 -1982.
General Counsel, New York Public Interest Research Group, Inc. (NYPIRG), largest private consumer group in New YorkState, with staff of 110. Litigated test cases and served as designated consumer representative in Federal Trade Commission hearings. 1973 -1979.
General Counsel, Council on the Environment of New York City, privately-funded citizens group in Mayor's office. 1972 -1973.
Associate, Moore,Berson, Hamburg and Bernstein. Handled Federal Communications Commission hearings and general civil litigation. 1970 -1971.
Assistant Regional Counsel, U.S. Office of Economic Opportunity. 1969 -1970.
Assistant Director, Manhattan Bowery Project, pilot detoxification project of Vera Institute of Justice. 1968 -1969.
Attorney,Legal Aid Society, Children’s Division.1966 -1968.
Columbia University Schoolof Law. Adjunct faculty member for third-year Profession of Law (Ethics) course. 1993 - 2003.
New York State Attorney General's Office. Developed and taught workshops on complaint drafting, negotiating and conflict resolution. 1983 -1986.
New YorkLawSchool. Developed and taught consumer law training course. 1975 -1977.
Mediation Training: Over 110 hours, including American Arbitration Association, basic mediation course (15 hours) 1993; New York City Bar Association, child custody and visitation mediation course (30 hours) 1994; United States Postal Service REDRESS_Program, advanced transformative mediation course (18 hours) 1998; TheCenter For Mediation in Law, Understanding-Based Model of Mediation (six hours) 2003 and Matrimonial Law For Mediators (18 hours) 2004; New York CityOATH NYC Employee Mediation course (15 hours) 2005; New York Supreme_Court, Commercial Division, Advanced Mediation Training (3 hours) 2006, as well as numerous other advanced mediation courses. Also, NASD Basic Arbitration course (six hours) 2005 and New York Stock Exchange Arbitration course (three hours) 2006.
ColumbiaUniversity, LL.B. 1966; with honors.
Brandeis University, B.F.A. 1963; magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa.
Articles and book reviews in various publications, including ACResolution, New York Law Journal, Brooklyn Law Review, Family Circle, American Way.
Getting What You Deserve: A Handbook For The Assertive Consumer, co-authored with Stephen A. Newman, Doubleday/Dolphin Books (1979).
New York City Bar Association: member since 1971. Currently on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Rights Committee. Past member of the Alternative Dispute Resolution, Consumer Affairs (as chair),Co-operative & Condominium Law, Lectures and Continuing Education and Legal Services for the Poor Committees.
Association for Conflict Resolution (formerly SPIDR): member.
WBAI-FM: produced and hosted public policy radio program. 1978 -1983.