Conference 2017
Conference Expenses
NameEmail address
Account name / Sort code / Account number
Itemisation / £ p / For Office Use Only
Time left home……………
Travel / Please include actual tickets, photocopies or the email confirmation to support your claim (see over)
Estimated return time…………. sub-total
Deductions / Guest in hotel room @ £15 per night / -
Guest at Conference dinner @ £30 / -
Grand Total / Approved for Payment
Signature of Claimant…………………………………………….
Please send your completed form to: David Kimber, ATL, 7 Northumberland Street, London, WC2N 5RD
All claims must be made before 30 September 2017. Any claims sent after this date will not be paid.
You must include your bank details for claims to be paid to you through the BACS system
Payment Details Box
Payment Type
See overleaf for details of what can be claimed
Notes to accompany expenses for Annual Conference 2017
Annual Conference is ATL’s biggest single expenditure each year. The key role delegates play in keeping the total cost under control by managing their expenses claims and ensuring they get the best value for money for the association is very much appreciated.
The finance team have almost 500 expenses forms to process after Conference. please bear with them. The aim is to get all claims paid by the end of April.
- Please only claim using this form
- Train travel should be standard class. You should attach the actual train ticket (or a photocopy) which shows the class of journey you are claiming for.
- Only if you’ve cleared driving to Conference with the Treasurer and Member Governance Officer should you claim mileage costs. If youhave done this, you can claim 25p per mile and your car parking costs as long as you include a receipt
- It is very difficult to reconcile receipts for shared meals. If you do share a meal with other delegates, you should either:
- Each claim individually and each attach to your claim form a photocopy of the bill with your meal and drink highlighted. A photocopier is available in room 11b (the media room) for you to use
- Or one person should pay and claim the whole meal. A list of all those attending must be included and the total claim should not exceed the total amount claimable by all present
- Credit card receipts are not acceptable as supporting documentation. You must attach the actual bill/receipt that itemises what is being claimed
- If you are accompanied by your partner or children you cannot claim for their meals, even if the total claim is under the subsistence level. Claims made that obviously include meals for guests will be reduced.
- If you purchase food from supermarkets and claim it, please ensure you only claim for items such as sandwiches, drinks, crisps that you eat in place of a meal
- Please deduct from your claim any costs of a guest staying with you in your hotel and the charge for a guest you bring to the conference dinner. There is a space on the form for you to do this
- You should state on your claim form the time you leave home and the time you returnto support your subsistence claim. Allowances are:
Subsistence for Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 April (including evening meal):
- If you leave home before 12pmup to £25 with receipts
- If you leave home before 4pmup to £18 with receipts
- If you leave home after 4pmup to £12 with receipts
Subsistence for Monday 10Apriland Tuesday 11April:
- If you stay overnight on Monday 10 April you can claim up to £18 for that evening’s meal. Receipts are required
- If you stay overnight on Tuesday 11 April and you do not attend the Conference dinner, you can claim up to £18 for that evening’s meal. Receipts are required. If you attend the Conference dinner, you cannot claim subsistence
Subsistence whilst travelling home – Wednesday 12 April:
- Journeys up to 1 hourno allowance
- Journeys of 1 to 3 hours£5 with receipts
- Journeys of 3 to 5 hours£8 with receipts
- Journeys of 5 to 8 hours£12 with receipts
- Journeys of 8 to 12 hours£18 with receipts