Orientation Guidelines for New Volunteers

A tool for staff partners to be used in conjunction with
“An Introduction to the QUAA and Alumni Relations & Annual Giving” Online Volunteer Orientation Package
Volunteer Info
Volunteer Name
Entity #
Term Start – End Date
Topics to Discuss with New Volunteers
NOTE: The chart below indicates which topics / resources are covered in the Introduction to the QUAA and Alumni Relations & Annual GivingOnline Orientation Package. If an item is NOT covered in the package, this needs to be covered through in-person discussion. Some topics (Eg: Accessibility) which are included in the Orientation Package may require additional in-person follow-up and discussion.
Topic / Covered in Online Orientation? / Covered in Person?
Review primary staff/ volunteer partners
-Who should the volunteer contact in case of concerns or issues with their role?
-Who is the back-up contact if their primary contact is unavailable? / No – Requires discussion / ☐
Review volunteer position description
-What are the main goals and objectives for the volunteer’s role?
-How will these be tracked/ measured? / No – Requires discussion / ☐
Topic / Covered in Online Orientation? / Covered in Person?
Review QUAA volunteer organizations & QUAA Board org chart
-What is the Queen’s University Alumni Association? Who is a member? What is the QUAA Vision? Mission?
-What is the QUAA Board of Directors, and what do they do?
-How does the volunteer’s role fit within the “big picture?” / Yes / ☐
Review Alumni Relations & Annual Giving org chart
-How do areas in AR AG work together? How does AR & AG work with the QUAA? How does the volunteer’s role fit within the “big picture?” / Yes / ☐
Review departmental / unit / group objectives & goals
-How does the volunteer’s role fit within the larger context?
-How will the volunteer’s role contribute to your group’s objectives & goals? / No – Requires discussion / ☐
Review Vision for Volunteering at Queen’s(see Appendix One)
-Explain purpose, significance and connection to the volunteer’s role / Yes / ☐
Review technical support & resources available
-Queen’s Alumni Volunteer Opportunities Directory(VOD)
-Alumni Guide to Acronyms & Buzz Words(Located on the VOD main page) / Yes / ☐
Review secure information & data management practices
-FIPPA – Importance of confidentiality agreement & not storing separate data lists
-Confidentiality agreement
-Q-share for secure file sharing / Yes / ☐
Review accessibility considerations
-What accessibility considerations need to be addressed for this volunteer’s role? How can they help to ensure an inclusive and accessible Queen’s community? (Eg: Planning accessible events; booking accessible meeting spaces for committees; sharing documents in accessible formats etc) / Yes(Requires follow-up discussion) / ☐
Topic / Covered in Online Orientation? / Covered in Person?
Review diversity considerations
-What diversity considerations need to be addressed for this volunteer’s role? (Eg: Recruiting diverse volunteer teams; creating diverse nomination pools for alumni awards; connecting/ interacting with diverse alumni/student groupsetc) / Yes(Requires follow-up discussion) / ☐
Review risk management considerations
-Volunteer Risk Management Guide
-Role specific emergency/ risk mitigation information / Yes(Requires follow-up discussion) / ☐
Individual role training/ overview
-What specific training/ information does the volunteer need to fulfil their role to the best of their ability? / No – Requires discussion / ☐
Establish future touch points to discuss progress on goals and objectives
-When can the volunteer expect to hear from you next? What will you discuss? Does the volunteer need to prepare anything for this conversation? / No – Requires discussion / ☐
Appendix One – Vision for Volunteering at Queen’s

Appendix Two - Supporting Documentation
Document / Sent?
(If applicable) / Received? (If applicable)
Confidentiality agreement** / ☐ / ☐
Volunteer position description / ☐ / ☐
QUAA Guidelines for Conduct / ☐ / ☐
Copy of high-level departmental/ unit/ group objectives & goals / ☐ / ☐
Role-specific training documents and information / ☐ / ☐

**Located under “Forms, Templates & Sample Documents” on the Alumni Volunteer Opportunities Directory at queensu.ca/alumnivolunteer

Appendix Three - For Information Only: Please note that the following links and documents are included in the “Intro to the QUAA and Alumni Relations & Annual Giving”online Orientation Package (listed in the order they appear):

Vision for volunteering at Queen’s

QUAA Board org chart

Alumni Relations & Annual Giving org chart

Alumni Volunteer Opportunities Directory

Details on FIPPA

Confidentiality agreement


Queen’s Accessibility Hub

Accessible Customer Service Training

A Guide for Cultural Competency Application of the Canadian Code for Volunteer Involvement

Guide to Planning Inclusive Meetings

Volunteer Risk ManagementGuide (including information on liability & insurance coverage for Queen’s volunteers)

Appendix Four - Administrative Set up
Task / Complete?
Code in Advance as “Current” under the appropriate committee code, and add a role start/ stop date / ☐
File signed position description in Advance and on the I-Drive according to guidelines / ☐
Send signed confidentiality agreement to Records / ☐
Add volunteer’s name to appropriate email distribution lists / ☐
Appendix Five- Administrative Closing (Volunteer Retirement)
Task / Complete?
Draft recognition letter based on template / ☐
Forward recognition letter to ED/AVP for approval / ☐
Mail recognition letter & file as an Entity note in Advance / ☐
Select recognition gift based on level of engagement / ☐
Record recognition gift given as an Entity note in Advance
Code role as “Former” in Advance / ☐
Send Exit Survey / ☐
Follow-up based on Exit Survey response / ☐


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