Board Meeting Minutes
October 12, 2017
Grace Point Church
PRESENT / Jerry, Alicia, Jenn, Dan , Christine, Amy
REGRETS / Amanda, Sharlene, Mel
Item / Discussion / Action
Meeting Called to Order @ / 6:40
Intro of Guests
Adoption of Agenda / Additions/Changes: / New Business: Denie Gift, Policy Document, 17st Meeting
MOVED / Dan / SECOND / Alicia
PASSED / yes
Adoption of Previous Minutes / Additions/Changes:
MOVED / Jerry / SECOND / Christine
Standing Agenda Items
Guests /
- No
CRC Update /
- See CRC update below
- Alicia, Dan & Jenn cannot go to the Recreation network meeting. Christine may be able to.
Annual Plan Review /
- Fall –write up board position responsibilities, send to Jenn & Alicia.
Communications Review /
- Movie sign updated.
- Need to put movie night up on website, and event on facebook.
- Swimming – posted on website & facebook
- AGM – mail out & website/facebook posting.
Jenn post on website.
Reports / Treasurer
- No report
Old Business
Community League Day /
- Went well, lots left early due to temperature.
- Lower turnout than usual, not sure if it was because of weather, or if it was due to shorter duration of event.
- May need to do movie indoors. If we do another outdoor movie, maybe provide hot chocolate.
- Buy more brushes for the glitter tattoos, need more stations set up. There was a 45 minute wait.
- Lots of good volunteers.
Charlesworth Changeable Sign /
- No word on sign, Mel is still waiting to hear what is happening.
- Fulton Meadows having similar problems, compromised with a temporary sign that
Indoor Swim Program /
- Dan went this past weekend, there were 8 that went.
- Lots of league members not on facebook, send email – try planned emails through mail chimp.
- Try school zone
Make a couple of signs for swimming to rotate posters.
Dan send email to Ellerslie Campus.
Movie Night /
- Christine, Alicia, Dan, Jenn
- Poster made, need to do event on FB.
- Give out candy, come dressed in costumes.
New Business
- Positions for Election: Social, Fundraising, VP, Treasurer, Programs Director, Civics Director, Neighbourhood Watch Director and Membership Director.
- Food Options – Tippin restaurant, Jack’s Pizza Café, Sobeys/Costco sandwiches.
- Last year – many ate and left. May need to consider requiring the membership for food.
- Presentation –need a presenter – maybe the new councillor?
- November 18, 6:30-8:30. 5:30pm dinner, movie at 6:30.
- Food for 60 people
- Need babysitters. – need at least one adult.
UPS Newsletter /
- Needs write-up by October 20, will go out for November/December
- Include AGM/Movie Night, Swimming Day, holiday wishes from the board.
Snowblower @ Curling Rink /
- Dixie called from Curling Rink (manager), she would like the snowblower and the brush out.
- Need a place to keep it, Amanda/Denie said they could keep in garage. Alicia wants to sell.
- MWPC & Meadows CL’s do not like snow bank rinks and say not to use one. Can buy snow bank rink boards to maintain shape of rink.
- Keep snowblower & brush in Amanda/Denie’s garage for now until we decide.
- Rinks are being rarely used
Admazing Books /
- Sharlene sold 5, Alicia sold 5/6.
- Too many organizations who sell them, market is flooded.
- Didn’t get books until a week before league day,
Leagues Alive /
- November 18 - same day as AGM
- Amanda, Alicia, Jenn, Christine, Amy (?),
Cameron Corporation Development Meeting /
- Breakfast with Rudy
- Spoke about bottle depot and their process, believes it will be a good addition to the community.
- Spoke about what is coming in to the commercial area, nothing solid except the bottle depot, a Tim Hortons and Shell.
- Naturalized area is city land on developer land, city agreed with developer that trees would die. Fire Station/EMS is possible.
- High-rise residential, grocery store, some smaller restaurants. Waiting for an anchor store for other businesses to join in.
Gifts /
- Present gift at AGM
- 6 years of service for Denie
- 5 years of service for Jerry
- 2 years of service for Irfan
Policy Document /
- Policies are in one document
- Discussion deferred until next meeting
17st Meeting /
- First meeting of these community leagues.
- EPL is opening in next year in Orchards/Summerside. Smaller branch.
- Meadows 3/4th busiest in Edmonton, Millwoods is busiest. digital learning tool can take free online courses.
- Can upgrade cards to new key fob cards. Meadows will advertise for free. Will also give more information to the league about programming.
- Meadows CL – poetry submission, paid for people to go all schools around their areas and retirement homes. Got 1000 poems, narrowed it to 88 poems, and put them on the sidewalks of their community. Spent around $80,000.
- Twin Parks – micro volunteering has been successful for their events. Doing random acts of kindness, posting kind articles. Wanted to remind community to be kind.
- Meadows pool should be open today.
- Next meeting January/February–Ellerslie could host, Monday/Tuesday works best for church.
- Amy & Dan meeting with Scott from Bottle Depot on October 13.
Adjournment @ 8:30pm
Next Meeting: November 9@ 1830 GPC