Month / MentorTopics / Resources / Principal ResponsibilitiesMarch/April / Mentor Compliance
Continue to meet regularly with your mentee
Mentor/Mentee Suggested Activities
Continue observing one another’s classrooms
Ensure that mentee is prepared to administer CSAP and other standardized assessments
Revisit conversations about instructional strategies and ideas for implementation, especially during the month of the April
Phases of the First Year Educator:
Reflection Phase
Toward the end of the year when the end is in sight, the reflection phase begins. Mentees reflect on what worked and what didn’t and start thinking about changes to implement next year including classroom expectations and instructional strategies.
Typical New Educator Needs
Questions about CSAP and other standardized assessments
Some teachers experience high anxiety around testing time – remind teacher of strategies for self-care and pacing during this time
Include the mentee with department decisions about ordering materials and planning for the upcoming school year
Help mentee sign up for summer professional development
Questions may begin to arise about the following school year / Mentor Compliance
Mentor Handbook
Mentor/Mentee Suggested Activities
- Learning Opportunity: Classroom Observations: Observing a Teacher as a Mentor
- Learning Opportunity: More on Observations: Providing Evidence vs. Opinion
- VIDEO: A Sample Post-Conference Mentor/Mentee Conversation
- Pre-Observation Conference
- Observation Form
- Planning Form, Post-Observation
- Questions for a Reflective Conference
- Learning Opportunity: Phases of the First Year Educator
- Strategies to Support During Reflection Phase
CSAP Item Maps:
CSAP Released items:
DPS Website Links:
- Professional Development Registration
Check in with mentors regarding new educator needs such as CSAP administration and progress reports.
As you interview candidates for the upcoming school year, begin thinking about teachers who could possibly be assigned to serve as mentors to these new hires. This will help ensure that new educators are assigned a mentor within the first two weeks of the new school year.
Try not to add extra duties/activities to the mentor and mentee’s schedule so they can focus on instruction to support CSAP.
Support mentors in helping mentees order materials for the upcoming school year.
DPS Principal’s Guide to School-Based Induction Programs
Mentor Handbook