Medici Senza Frontiere[1]

A Unique Commitment to Health and Human Rights


The right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health…

The right to equality before the law…

The right to be free from torture…

Doctors of the World mobilizes the health sector to promote and protect these and other basic human rights and civil liberties for all people, in the United States and abroad. In collaboration with a network of affiliates around the world and in partnership with local communities, we work where health is diminished or endangered by violations of human rights and civil liberties.

We provide essential care and services while training community residents to carry on the mission of health at the conclusion of our efforts.

We combine these services with appropriate advocacy to ensure maximum impact.

We mobilize American health care professionals as volunteers, bringing their expertise and idealism to those who need it most to achieve our goals

Right Here at Home and Abroad

In the year 2002, our staff and volunteers:

Partnered with a clinic to serve more than 20,000 migrant patients who have little or no access to healthcare in a rural village in Thailand.

Assisted the Hospital San Carlos in providing direct medical care, including surgical services, to over 15,000 poor, indigenous people in Mexico.

Helped over 10,000 people learn to spot TB through health education efforts in Kosovo.

Administered 5,694 medical and psychological consultations for children, women and at-risk families, many of who have no other access to these services, in Russia.

Provided evaluation services to 222 survivors of torture and other human rights violations in the United States.

A Global Network

Doctors of the World-USA is an independent, non-profit, non-sectarian organization working at the intersection of health and human rights. Founded in the United States in 1990 by the late Dr. Jonathan Mann, Doctors of the World is the autonomous U.S. affiliate of Médecins du Monde, the French health and human rights organization. Doctors of the World is part of an international network, comprising twelve independent delegations around the globe, whose aim is to provide the world's most vulnerable populations with medical assistance.

We are dedicated to creating sustainable programs that promote and protect health and human rights in the United States and abroad. We provide medical and public health assistance and mentoring to those in greatest need and, within the framework of health care services, contribute to the processes of peace, reconciliation, and human rights.

Over the last decade Doctors of the World-USA has deployed American volunteers to provide health care services, training and advocacy to over 25 countries throughout the world.

Doctors of the World is a member in good standing of Interaction, the major umbrella group for relief and development organizations in the United States.

Doctors of the World is a 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization that relies on the support of individuals, foundations, governments and corporations. Major contributors include: the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Open Society Institute, MּAּC Aids Foundation, Gruner+Jahr USA, AOL/Time Warner and UNICEF.

Doctors of the World accomplishes its mission in part due to the efforts of American health professionals who provide voluntary services to underserved populations. Thus far in 2002, Doctors of the World volunteers have contributed a total of 1.511 days of service; 1.017 days in international programs and 494 days in the United States.

Doctors of the World: Making Health a Human Right

Doctors of the World-USA has developed expertise and now focuses its efforts on the following four areas:


Over its 14 year history Doctors of the World-USA has developed expertise in strengthening health systems to combat the twin pandemics of TB and HIV. As with all of its projects, Doctors of the World-USA approaches these diseases utilizing a rights-based approach, addressing the needs of populations marginalized as a result of their infection who are consistently subject to higher infection rates and often lack access to existing health systems. Doctors of the World-USA is working on TB and HIV in four regions of the world and plans to significantly expand its efforts in 2004.

Women’s Health

In all of the regions of the world where Doctors of the World-USA works, women’s health is a critical and neglected issue. Doctors of the World-USA is committed to lowering maternal and infant mortality rates, expanding access to health care for women, providing education and services addressing reproductive health, and empowering women to advocate for appropriate health services for themselves and their communities.

Children with Special Needs

Among the excluded populations served by DOW projects, children remain the most vulnerable and in need of assistance. Doctors of the World-USA is working to restore and protect the basic rights of particularly vulnerable groups of children with special needs: children with disabilities, street children, and children in institutions or separated from their families.

Survivors of Gross Human Rights Abuses

Doctors of the World-USA addresses the needs of survivors of torture and other gross human rights abuses. In Doctors of the World-USA’s longest running project (the Human Rights Clinic), volunteer clinicians aid survivors of torture within the asylum system by providing clinical examinations and testifying on behalf of survivors. Doctors of the World-USA is now expanding its efforts to serve survivors of human trafficking.

Doctors of the World is part of the Médecins du Monde (MDM) International network, comprising twelve delegations around the globe, whose aim is to provide the world's most vulnerable populations with medical assistance. Each delegation is responsible for raising its own funds, establishing its own programs and deploying its own personnel. The delegations share information and experience and develop general policy guidelines at periodic international meetings. The delegations also cooperate on a project-specific basis.

[Medicos del Mundo Argentina]
Charcas 3319 - 10 B - 1425 BUENOS AIRES 6
Tel. 54 11 4437 95 47
Fax 54 11 48 25 69 08

[Médecins du Monde-Belgique]
44 rue Vautier - 1050 Bruxelles
Tel. 32 (0) 2 648 69 99
Fax 32 (0) 2 648 26 96

[Médecins du Monde-Canada]
338 rue Sherbrooke Est - Montreal
Quebec - Canada H2X - 1E6
Tel. 1 514 281 89 98
Fax 1 514 281 3011

[Giatri Tou Kosmou-Chypre]
P.O.Box 28817 - Nicosia 2083
Tel. 357 224 52 390
Fax 357 224 52 391

[Médecins du Monde-France]
62 rue Marcadet 75018 Paris
Tel. 33 1 44 92 15 15
Fax 33 1 44 92 99 92

[Giatri Tou Kosmou-Elláda]
Giatri Tou Kosmou 207 Avenue Alexandras
11523 Athènes - GRECE
Tel. 30 1 644 0300
Fax 30 1 644 0310

[Medici del Mondo-Italia]
Via Bambaia 10
20131 Milano - ITALIA
Tel. 39 02 2897 02 26
Fax 39 02 2897 02 26

[Medico do Mundo-Portugal]
Rua Frederico Perry Vidal, bloco 9, 1° piso.
1900 Lisboa
Tel. 351 21 849 18 35
Fax 351 21 849 18 44

[Medicos del Mundo-España]
C/ Andres Mellado -31-33- 28015 Madrid
Tel. 34 91 543 60 33
Fax 34 91 543 79 23

[Läkare i Världen / Médecins du Monde Sverige]
Box 761
114 79 STOCKHOLM, - Sweden
Tel. 46 8 664 6687
Fax 46 8 664 6687

[Médecins du Monde-Suisse]
7 rue de l'Ancien hôtel-de-Ville
Tel. 41 32 725 36 16
Fax 41 32 721 34 80

[Médecins du Monde International]
62 rue Marcadet 75018 Paris
Tel. 33 1 44 92 14 14
Fax 33 1 44 92 14 55
