Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Board members in attendance: Tommy Sipsy, President; Scott Faulkner, Vice president; Robin Nicholson, Treasurer; Nora Sciolino, Secretary; Gene Kidd, ACC Committee Member at Large

Tommy Sipsy started the meeting with by reminding residents of Sedgefield's management company, All-in-One Community Management, 5200 Dallas Hwy, Ste 200 #266, Powder Springs, GA 30127. 678.363.6479 You are able to view Sedgefield's meeting minutes and budget directly on their website.

Tommy later went on to say that a management company is a necessity for a neighborhood this size. Back when there were only 80 homes, an individual had less to manage.

There are currently (at time of meeting*) 15 homes that owe their dues for 2017. 6 of those homes owe for more than year and we are currently in the process of starting legal action. Outstanding dues = $7,193.86* *At least two more homes have paid by the time of this publication

The 2017 budget is balanced. 2016 we started the year out in a deficit but with the additional homes and finding savings in services, we were able to make the following improvements:

  • $6,000 spent in new pool filters.
  • Negotiated contracts with new Pool maintenance company and landscaper for significant savings

The following improvements are in the planning stages

  • Two new lights to be placed at the entrance of the property on the existing poles. Tommy has been in contact with utility to have these installed with only a $4 increase to our monthly bill.
  • The pool needs resurfacing at a cost between $12 - 15,000. If we plan the repair towards the end of the year we can utilize funds from both 2017 and 2018 to meet the cost. Currently there is a large crack in the side that constantly leaks water.
  • New landscaping for the front entrance and common areas. The board will be discussing the option of using volunteers to lower the cost and maximize plantings.

Tommy then introduced Debbie Pelfrey, Sedgefield's manager from All-in-One Community Management

Debbie is very glad to be our manager. She personally drives through the neighborhood checking for violations. This is necessary to retain our property values. When the declarent controlled the neighborhood, the covenants were not followed and our neighborhood declined. By maintaining standards, we can look forward to higher property values.

A REMINDER - ANY exterior architectural changes made to your property must be submit for approval through All-in-One. Even if you are painting your house the same color or using the same roof, it must be approved. The form for submission can be found on the website Do not schedule contractors prior to approval as the process may take up to 30 days to complete.

The removal of the fence at the front of the property on Thorn Creek Way was discussed. We saved approximately $2500 when volunteers tore down the fence and Matt and Keith Atkins hauled off the discarded wood. Many thanks to all who helped!!

  • A new wooden fence would cost approximately $5-7000 and would only last another 10 years. This cost would need to be funded from the portion of the budget designated for landscaping improvements.
  • Another option would be to "grow" a natural barrier by augmenting the existing plantings along the fence line. Several species of plants have been recommended and could be a permanent barrier to the street noise.
  • A motion was made and seconded to use the funds for plants in lieu of another wooden fence. 35 residents voted in favor.

Two board member's position were up for a vote. Both Scott Faulkner's and Gene Kidd's terms have ended. No Candidate Intents were received by the management company. No persons attending the meeting wished to run. Therefore, by overwhelming majority, both Scott and Gene retained their positions on the board.

With business concluded, there were questions and miscellaneous information

  • The gazebo lot is still owned by the developer and Debbie is working with county to force him to maintain it. This may lead to potential savings if we don't have to pine straw the large lot
  • Debbie is also working with Paulding Co. to have the curb repaired. Curbs are fixed by the county only two times during the year and it must be determined to be a safety hazard and not just an aesthetic issue. Debbie will be meeting with a county engineer to show the true dangers the broken curbing poses. *At time of publication we received notice by county DOT that they in fact will be repairing the curb. Thanks to Debbie and Tommy for their persistence!!
  • An attorney looked over Sedgefield covenants to determine whether we could amend them to remove the pool exemption from phase one homes as they sell. Unfortunately, it was determined, due to the way the original document was drawn, this will not be possible. Phase one homes will forever have the option of joining the pool. However, the board is working on a possible alternative that would encourage more new homeowners to permanently join the pool. More news on that at a later date.
  • There have been several complaints about dog walkers leaving their pets droppings on lawns, sidewalk and common areas. I know we're all tired of this subject but it will continue to be a problem until everyone picks up after their pet! Com'on man!!
  • While on the subject of dogs. Should you be bothered by barking dogs after 10pm, please record them barking for 15 minutes and then contact the local Marshall.
  • Please be aware that many of the phase one and two homes were built with Atlas roofing shingles. There is currently a class-action suit against Atlas that may allow for a substantial reduction for a replacement. No doubt many of you have received house calls from area roofers.
  • Although there is a no soliciting sign at the front of the subdivision, it ultimately does not stop companies from knocking on your door. If you post a "No soliciting " sign on your mailbox and front door, it will allow you to contact the police should you receive unwanted visitors.
  • There are no trailers or unregistered vehicles allowed in your driveway overnight.
  • Debbie will be looking into getting speed limit signs posted in the subdivision. The speed limit is 25MPH.
  • 166 Dory's Way was concerned that dead trees in the common area behind his property may fall on a home. The question was posed as to whose responsibility these trees were. Debbie will be looking into the answer.

Attendees were asked if we should continue the tradition of a neighborhood pool party. Everyone seemed to be in favor. The board will try to determine a date early in the season. Volunteers will be needed for decorations, set up, clean up and a possible activity committee. Watch for posts on the HOA fb page!!


March 25 - community garage sale

April TBD - neighborhood cleanup

May 20 - Pool opens

June TBD - neighborhood pool party

Sept 17 - Pool closes

It was a great turn out!! So happy to see so many people in support of the board and interested in the future of their neighborhood. As always, we welcome your suggestions and comments.