MASFAP Executive Board
Meeting Minutes
Lodge of Four Seasons
Lake Ozark, MO
Members Present: Gena Boling,Matthew Kearney,Angela Karlin,Janice Barnes,Dena Norris, Kristen Gibbs, Amy Hager,Cassandra Hicks,John Brandt,Kathy Elsea,Will Shaffner,Karen Walker,Kim Howe,Ginny Burns,Caroline Falkner,Brice Baumgartner, Kerry Hallahan, Melissa Findley,CortneyJo Sandidge,
Leroy Wade,Crystal Bruntz,Megan Dewitt,Bridgette Betz
Members not present: Sarah Edwards, Laura Steinbeck, Zach Greenlee, Chelsey Giles
I. Welcome/Introductions/Announcements
The Fall 2015 MASFAP Executive Board meeting was called to order at 9:16 am at the Lodge of Four Seasons facility on Four Seasons Dr. in Lake Ozark, Missouri by MASFAP PresidentGena Boling.
II. Approval of the Executive Board Minutes
A motion was made to approve the minutes from the June17, 2015 board meeting. The motion carried.
III. Report of Officers and Committee Chairs
President’s Report
President Boling traveled to Washington DC for Reach Higher Initiative at the White House, assisted with the planning of the Fall conference, and approved expenditures of the committees. Ms. Boling has also recently completed her work on the MDHE/CBHE Strategic Planning committee. As part of the process, certain FAFSA data elements are being shared with high school counselors in order to help students complete their FAFSA’s. In the coming year, President Boling will continue her work on the MDHE/CBHE Strategic Planning committee as well as lead the 2016 Leadership Symposium.
Vice President Report
Mr. Kearney reported that his committee successfully planned the Fall 2015 conference. A total of 42 interest sessions were organized and approximately 250 MASFAP members and special guests will be in attendance.
President Elect Report
Ms. Karlin attended the October MASFAA conference in Iowa, as well as the MASFAA board meetings in August & October as the Missouri representative. Ms. Karlin expressed interest in the possibility of conducting a mini-conference in the spring focused on prior-prior year. Interest sessions could focus on FAFSA changes for guidance counselors, families, admissions officers and others as well as the effect that the change will have on outreach programs such as the FAFSA Frenzy program. A motion was made to put a survey forward to the membership to see if this was a need. The motion passed.
Ms. Karlin also announced her board for 2016. Members are as follows:
President—Angela Karlin, University of Central Missouri
President-Elect—Amy Hager, Moberly Area Community College
Past-President—Gena Boling, University of Missouri
Program Chair—Dan Dick, Saint Louis University, Vice President
Treasurer –Dena Norris, Metropolitan Community College
Treasurer-Elect—Samantha Matchefts, University of Missouri-St. Louis
Secretary—Sarah Bright, Jefferson College
Delegate—John Brandt, Missouri Baptist University
Delegate—Kathy Elsea, Truman State University
Delegate—Kelly Fleming, Golfarb School of Nursing at Barnes Jewish Hospital
Delegate (Associate)—Will Shaffner, MOHELA
Ex-Officio—Leroy Wade, MDHE
Archives—Brice Baumgardner, Hannibal-LaGrange University
Awards—Kerry Hallahan, Logan University
Budget and Finance Chair—Kristen Gibbs, Central Methodist University
Communications—ad –hoc—Melissa Findley, Missouri Scholarship and Loan Foundation
Corporate Support/Associate Member Concerns—Ginny Burns, MOHELA,
Early Awareness/CGS—CortneyJo Sandidge, University of Missouri
Legislative—Mya Walker Lawrence, William Jewell College
Membership—Jennifer Haynes, Moberly Area Community College
Newcomer—Jamie Davis, Columbia College
Professional Development--Crystal Bruntz, Avila University
Research—Matthew Kearney, Fontbonne University
Site—Kim Howe, MDHE
Technology--Mariah Hibbard, University of Missouri
Past President Report
Ms Barnes has solicited nominations and selection process for the 2015 Missouri Award. Ms. Barnes will be adding past Missouri award recipients and contact information to the official documents section of the website. Ms. Barnes will work with President Karlin in 2016 to update the Constitution.
Delegates Report
Ms. Elsea attended the MASFAA conference in Coralville, IA in October. A request for discussion items for the peer group session was sent out prior to the conference.
Archives Report
Mr. Baumgardner announced that he had secured a camera and supplies. He has also gained access to MASFAP archives on Shutterfly. Mr. Baumgardner was given the task to look into saving the pictures on a cloud server so they are not lost and look into identifying some of the subjects in the photos.
Ms. Hallahan prepared the service awards. For combined years of service, MASFAP will be donating $1,980 to be used for the MASFAP scholarship fund. Ms. Hallahan has ordered plaques for retirees, committee of the Year, President’s Award, and Missouri Award. MASFAP blankets were also ordered for the retirees.
Associate Member Concerns/Corporate Support Report
Ms. Burns has secured 22 exhibitors, 2 web advertisers, and 4 program advertisers for the 2015 year. In total, $65,600 was collected on MASFAP’s behalf. Ms. Burns also notified the board that two vendors would not be able to attend the conference that had previously committed to attend. Although it was past the refund period, a motion was made to go ahead and refund the registration fees because one vendor gave ample notice and the other due to a family emergency. The board voted and the motion carried.
Ms. Burns also reminded the board that next year the MASFAP Conference may be competing against MASFAA for vendors due to the conferences being close together. Because of this, a motion was made to keep the same corporate fee structure for the 2016 conference. The motion carried.
Vendors have also experienced a desire to pay by credit card. The technology committee will be looking into this. Suggestions were also made to revamp our website. Ms. Karlin mentioned that there may be some desire to partner with MASFAA.
Vendors (and potential vendors) have started requesting a list of attendees at conferences. Due to the timing of conferences, registration, and confidentiality the board did not feel this was appropriate. It was recognized that the vendors must demonstrate to their supervisors that attendance is enough to justify attending the conference. Permission was given to release comprehensive past conference information such as number in attendance, how many directors, etc.
Communications Report
Ms. Findley reported that her committee communications has gone as scheduled. A communication plan has been drafted. Ms. Findley also announced that January 7 is the deadline to submit articles for the MASFAP Monitor. A motion was made to approve to additional committee members. The motion passed.
Early Awareness Report
Ms. Sandidge reported that her committee won the 2015 MASFAA Access Award for the MASFAP Money Challenge. The program has been implemented with the McNair Scholars Program at Mizzou,The Missouri Legislative Black Caucus Foundation Emerging Leaders Conference, and at William Woods University. The Early Awareness Committee also presented a workshop at the Missouri School Counselor Association’s Fall 2015 Conference. The committee has also used Facebook to promote financial aid literacy.
For the upcoming year the committee will be looking at how they can work with high school counselors to provide awareness about paying for college. The committee is also looking at offering individual sessions at High Schools around the state to give parents and students individualized attention on financial aid matters. The will also be assisting with the High School Counselors Workshop to provide information on how to best help their students complete the FAFSA. The committee will also be looking at partnerships with other groups to expand the financial aid/literacy message.
Ex-Officio Report
Mr. Wade reported on early FAFSA completion. High school counselors will be able to have access to FAFSA information to assist students in completing. The MDHE steering committee is looking at ways to redesign Financial Aid programs in Missouri. MDHE is also looking at collaborating with DESE to provide more training opportunities.
Leadership Development
The Leadership Development program focused on John Maxwell’s book, “The 360 Degree Leader.” Participants learned about personality styles, participated in team building activities, and held discussions on what it takes to become a leader. Participants gained networking skills, found professional relationships, gained confidence in the association, developed a new way of thinking about leadership, and gained tools and insight they can use when working with others.
Mr. Greenlee and committee has been planning the 2016 Hill Day in Jefferson City. It is scheduled for February 9th. The committee has also been working on developing resources for legislative advocacy, adding a legislative section to the website, and putting together a presentation for use in a future conference session proposal. A September blog was posted following the PPY announcement. Mr. Greenlee also announced that nominations were being taken for Negotiated Rulemaking purposes.
Ms. Falkner reported 95 institutional members, down from 102 in 2014. The committee will be contacting those members to find out why membership was not renewed. The committee also created conference nametags and assisted with registration/updating institutional memberships.
Ms. Edwards and her committee has been working on setting up a newcomer session for the Fall 2015 Conference. To date, 57 newcomers are registered. Each newcomer will receive a gift, be given a tour of the lodge, have lunch with the board, and be assigned a mentor. The committee was also in charge of selecting the Bob Berger Newcomer award for the 2015 Fall Conference.
Professional Development
Ms. Bruntz announced that they had successfully planned 10 different PD events, resulting in over 234 credentials—with more credentials possible. Many of the activities were at capacity.
Site Chair
Ms. Howe has assisted in making logistic and meal planning for 10 PD events as well as the Fall 2015 Conference. Contracts with the Lodge of Four Seasons are pending for November 2017 & 2018. It was suggested that MASFAP resurvey the membership to determine if a Fall conference was still the best option considering PPY.
Ms. Betz reported that the technology committee has been working with ATAC for general website maintenance, signed off on monthly ATAC invoices, Posted June-October communications on the website, opened and closed PD events, opened conference registration and modified corporate support form, added the 2015-2016 NASFAA Annual Training Materials for 150% Subsidized Loan Limitations, and worked on keeping the conference mini-site up to date.
The committee will be working on discussing the best use of website features for financial aid administrators, students& families, and teachers& counselors as well as communicating with the web services chair of MASFAAA to determine if there are any collaborations that could be created across the region.
MOHELA was thanked for their generous financial contributions to MASFAP. A motion was made to approve the 2016 budget. The motion carried.
Old Business
Ms. Boling will continue to work with Ms. Karlin next year on the Strategic Plan for MASFAP.
New Business
Mr. Shaffner mentioned that MASFAP may want to reach out to proprietary schools concerning membership. There has been a struggle with their national organization and there may be some interest in becoming MASFAP members.
Meeting adjourned at12:04pm.