
To submitted to the Department of Architecture in partial fulfilment of the requirement of the Course Research Methodology ( ARC 805 ), in the FederalUniversity of Technology, Akure.

APRIL 2008


The research works looks into ways of achieving effective security measures in a bank building design. It provides justification for security needs which could be met by a good design strategy system. It stresses the dependence of Security system on the building type and location, and on what needs to be secured. More over it highlights the need of Bank building design Systems to respond to codes and regulations, appropriately interact with other building systems, be cost effective in both the short and long term, and adaptable enough for foreseeable needs.

Finally, it explains that security needs should be addressed early in the design process. Building security is not just about installing the latest electronic gear and software package. Nor is it just a consideration for building types with highly specific occupancy considerations. Increasingly, buildings of all sorts are candidates for the kind of careful security planning that proceeds hand-in-hand with the architectural design process. To ensure an appropriate and cost-effective level of security, architects need to acquaint themselves with the range of security factors that affect design.


The need for life sustenance and enhancement of longevity to preserve purpose of workers in a bank accounts for the sheer quest for adequate security measures.

Security systems are now more complex, with system design shaped by a host of factors (Walker. & Biles, 1987).Creative combinations of space and innovative designs may be developed to meet particular situations and should be encouraged.

Preventing robberies and cash-in-transit attacks is difficult for the police. In practice, without well established intelligence design networks, their role is largely that of investigating the heist and securing convictions after the incident has happened. The prime responsibility for prevention rests with the banks which deal with cash.

The first question always has to do with what a security system is designed to protect. Obviously, a security system's most important job is to provide safety for all the employees, the staff, and the visitors who use a building. But security considerations go far beyond this. Access control very often extends beyond merely controlling who may enter a building - and monitoring when and where they do so - to include the control and monitoring of the specific people permitted access to particular areas within a larger facility. For different sets of reasons, a bank with sensitive data storage areas requires such concentric layers or levels of access control.

Building's contents need protection from damage or loss. That's immediately obvious, of course, for Vaults in banks, where pains must be taken to prevent the theft, respectively, of merchandise, currency and negotiable securities. But it's also clear from even this partial list that control of access must always be complemented by control of egress, that is, which leaves a facility and what they're allowed to carry out.

In technically sophisticated facilities, it's not just material property but information - and the systems that carry it - that must be protected from harm. In many contemporary facilities, data and data systems rank second in value only to people, and it's vital to remember that data must be protected not only from loss but, perhaps more important, from damage that could lead to "down time" and the financial and institutional chaos that might result.

Already, one can begin to see how security is not a separate, stand-alone concern but ties into a host of other considerations bearing on bank building's systems, including power, telecommunications, and other vital utilities. The connection between security and fire protection is obvious. But taking the safety of data and data systems into account shows that such things as adequate backup and systems redundancy are also security considerations. What's more, the integrated infrastructure design being incorporated into many new facilities links security to all the other building information systems. For example, connecting access control to electronic personnel records means that "security" can in these cases no longer be considered a separate system at all. Thus, selection and design of an appropriate security system become ever more dependent on knowing something about all the other systems a building will use.

It's important to note that in some kinds of bank buildings the potential dangers from within a facility are as great as any that might come from the outside.


Armed robbery is one of the most serious and potentially dangerous crimes committed in Nigeria. A robber commits a hold-up because he or she believes that their profit will be worth the risk. By decreasing the possible profit and increasing the risk of apprehension, potential victims can reduce their chance of becoming a target. Personal safety is always the most important consideration when planning how to react to an armed robbery.


The purpose is to provide ways of ameliorating crime rate in banks though robbery thereby increasing large role in reducing facility owners’ liability to lawsuits.

Secondly, to proffer a reinforced design network options to protect against harm and in cases of crimes, provide crucial documentation in the investigation of crimes that have occurred.



The research aim shall be to investigate conventional security measures in banking projects and develop a framework for a more reliable and effective security system network through design strategies.


The specific objectives for this proposed research study are to:

(a)Determine the preference of professionals in the banking industry for an effective security design measures through the use of physical design components, security system components and interior and exterior spaces relationship.

(b)Develop a framework for a more reliable and cost-efficient security building system through materials initiative.


The hypotheses to be tested in this research are:

1)There are no other means of achieving security in banks other than the conventional security design techniques.

2)There are no significant differences in professional preference in the use of physical control measures.


The intractable armed robbery problems in Nigeria, particularly among the medium sized bank groups have necessitated the real essence for a new developmental design process and procedures. Remarkably many research efforts and government initiatives in finding solutions to them are yet to yield remarkable positive results. All these shall be the reason for the research works.


The research study shall be carried out among professionals in the banking industry particularly those who had been victim’s robbery attack.

Data collection shall be limited to these professionalswith a considerable wealth of experience in the practice.


There shall be review of current literature as pertaining to Nigerian banks and some sampled South African banks as dictated by the Council of South African Banks. There shall be pictorial views of affected banks and figurative evidences either through bar charts or pie charts. There shall be the use of reference citations where applicable



Case studies shall be conducted in some selected areas of the country and beyond. The method of data collection shall be through the use of questionnaires, observation, sampling techniques, and interviews.


The data collected shall be analyzed by various means and processed for the purpose of presentation. The proposed statistics for analysis will be the descriptive statistics which will be used as a means of conveying ideas and providing explicit information on data collected.


The result of outcome of analysis of data shall be shown. The methods of testing the hypothesis shall be included.


Recommendations regarding the project research work shall include the measures to justify the research topic. It shall be made in the light of the provision of some security design strategy measures which shall include the provision of:

Physical Security Measuressuch as maintaining a well lighted interior visible from street,removing any obstruction such as trees that could be used as hiding for criminals,physical beariers such as bullet-resistive enclosure, installing pass through windows for customer transactions, appropriate location of Vault rooms,installing adequate circulation space and visual supervisibility

Security System Componentssuch as the design of lighting control , perimeter control, access control, intrusion detection, and access control)

Interior and Exterior Relationship through solar orientation,views to the outdoor, and good physical accesses.


The conclusion of research project works shall be a resume of conceived ideas concerning the report, things observed and final statement or submission as regarding the project title.


The Apa style of referencing shall be used. Listed below are some of the references that pertain to the research topic.

Tiffany, W.D. & Ketchel, J.M (1978). Psychological deterrence in robberies of banks and its application to other institutions; 6(2) 81-90.

Walker,J.& Biles, D (1987). Bank interiors and bank robberies. A Design approach to environmental Security,Park Ridge, Illinois.