Security Advice for UN Visitors to Indonesia




Indonesia is a large archipelago consisting of approximately 17000 islands of which 6000 are inhabited. The country is considered as the world's largest archipelago and shares borders with Malaysia, East Timor and Papua New Guinea. This strategic location has had a significant influence on the political, cultural and socio-economic development of the country. There are around 300 ethnic and tribal groups. The principal ones are Acehnese, Bataks, Minangkabaus (Sumatra); Javanese, Sundanese (Java); Balinese (Bali); Sasaks (Lombok); and Dani (Papua). The population has a Muslim majority. The official language is Indonesian, known as Bahasa Indonesia but there are 365 dialects spoken. The country's motto is Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, which means: Unity in Diversity. Indonesia is a Republic with a presidential system. Standard time zone is UTC/GMT is + 6 hours in Jakarta, 5 hours and 4 hours in the Eastern area., There are three time zones within the country. The local currency is the Indonesian Rupiah (IDR).

The capital, Jakarta has an estimated population of 12 million and the population for the country is approximately 240 million. Crime in Indonesia is relatively low compared to many other countries in the region. However, Jakarta experiences the same problems associated with large cities throughout the world. Criminal activity is mostly of an opportunist nature, including street petty theft, robbery, confidence tricksters, theft of mobile phones and credit card fraud. Commonsense rules to prevent crime should always be applied.


General information about Jakarta and tourism opportunities elsewhere in Indonesia may be obtained at the following websites: and


Most of Indonesia area is currently Security Level Low. Western part of Java, including Banten Province and Greater Jakarta are in Moderate level. Ambon, Mollucas, Rest of Papua excluding capital city Jayapura, Poso Central Sulawesi and Denpasar Bali are also in Moderate Level.

All UN staff visiting Indonesia must ensure that they obtain a security clearance from UNDSS. Security Clearances are managed primarily through TRIP though faxed or email requests, on appropriate security request forms that comply with the information required by TRIP

Website: . If there is a technical problemonTRIP, please send e-mail to: . In order to obtain a security clearance, UN staff is required to have passed the basic and advanced Security CD Rom Training.


You must always remain alert and follow these simple rules:

  • Keep to the main parts of the city and do not venture out on foot to places you are unsure about. Avoid dark areas and deserted shortcuts
  • Be particularly wary of people, especially in groups of three or four, loitering near hotels and bars as they may be criminals
  • Avoid carrying large sums of money and do try to dress modestly.
  • Do not walk out alone at night. Take a marked taxi.
  • Do not accept food and drink from strangers as you may be drugged and become a victim of crime. Do not leave drinks unattended at a table in a nightclub.
  • Ignore beggars, street children and people accosting you on the street with hard luck stories. If the beggars become belligerent, move to the nearest safe haven such as an international hotel or police station.
  • You are reminded to exercise caution and not to leave personal belongings, bags or hand luggage unattended, whether at the hotel, conference rooms, banks, offices or wherever you go.
  • Pay particular attention at airports and seaports as criminals favor these areas.


Taxis: TheRecommendedtaxi services are Blue Bird or Silver Bird. These taxis cost 20% more but most drivers speak English and have radio contact with the company. Never take a casual taxi off the street and refuse to travel in a taxi without a meter. Go to the nearest reputable hotel and have the concierge call a taxi for you. Before starting the journey, make sure the driver knows how to get to your intended destination, if not have the concierge explain.

Hire Cars: There are many hire car companies in Jakarta and other large cities that will lease with a provided driver. Make sure you have a contract in writing before making any undertaking to the provider. Your hotel will assist you in this.

Buses:. You are strongly advised not to use them as they have poor maintenance record, are frequented by criminals. Long distance travel on buses is strongly discouraged due to the road accident records and again criminals posing as fellow travelers.

Bajaj(Motor Tricycles): It is not advisable to use these as they are largely unlicensed, uninsured and majority of the drivers are of doubtful competence.


The roads in Jakarta and in the provinces are generally in good condition, especially the Toll Roads. However some are seasonally affected by flooding and earth tremors. The driving standards are generally low with poor road discipline and excessive use of speed especially among the public service vehicles.

  • Always drive defensively
  • Keep doors locked and valuables out of sight at all times.
  • Only open car windows 10 to 12 cm to prevent your phones, necklaces and bags being snatched.
  • If you travel outside Jakarta, go well prepared and avoid driving at night where possible.
  • Tell someone where you are going and when you are expected to be back.
  • If you hire or borrow a vehicle make sure that it is in good mechanical condition.
  • Take essential spares and some food and water.
  • Do not pick up hitchhikers
  • In case of traffic emergencies, contact the TrafficManagementCenter, Polda Metro Jakarta at telephone number +62-21-8299444 for assistance.


Foreign currency can be exchanged at the Soekarno-HattaJakartaInternationalAirport or at various Hotels. The exchange rates used by Hotels may be less than those at the authorized money changers. The UN Rate: USD 1 = IDR 9908 (Jul 13). This rate may vary at the exchange counters. You normally receive a better rate exchanging money at the airport (approximate difference IDR 200 - 300 / dollar). Staff are reminded to note that Bureau de Change and banks only exchange notes in good condition.


The weather in Jakarta is tropical with high humidity and lots of rainfall. Jakarta weather really only has two seasons, with a rainy season (November to June) and a dry season (July to October). Even during the dry season there are some rainy days. Due to Jakarta's proximity to the equator, temperatures do not vary much.The average temperature in Indonesia is 27.7 °C (82 °F).


There are numerous opportunities for leisure activity; these include visits to volcanoes, diving expeditions, sailing and tours of the many national parks. Do not pick up casual guides at these sites. It is a little more expensive but a much better option is to arrange travel through a reputable commercial tour company. National Parks and tourist sites are usually safe but there will always be the risk of opportunist criminal activity.

When traveling in Indonesia, try to travel in pairs or as a group. Remember that there are many varying cultures so maintain cultural sensitivity, dress code is especially important when visiting Muslim communities.


In case of medical emergency, most UN agencies work with the SOS Clinic (SOS Setiabudi, SetiabudiBuilding, Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said, Jakarta 12950 - Tel: 62 - 21 - 525 5367).

  • Yellow fever vaccination certificate is required from travelers coming from infected areas.
  • Malaria is a risk throughout the year in the whole country except in JakartaMunicipality. Staff traveling beyond JakartaMunicipality should arrange suitable Malaria prophylaxis.
  • Avian Influenza (AI) or Bird Flue is a serious health issue. The UN team in Indonesia has developed an Avian Influenza Contingency Plan. Staff is encouraged to update themselves and what measures to be taken from their respective organizations.
  • HIV is also a serious health issue. HIV is prevalent in major cities of Indonesia. PEP Kits are available at major locations where UN staff members are based. In case of occupational exposure, UN staff members requiring PEP Kits should get in touch with UNDSS.

In case you get sick and need medical assistance, please contact the Admin/Ops Officer or theSecurityFocal Point (SFP) of your agency in Jakarta who shall assist you in going to the nearest hospital. You may alsocontact the nearest hospital/clinicas provided in the list.



In the event that you are involved in any incident, report it immediately to UNDSS office located at:

10 Fl Menara Thamrin Building

Jl. M. H. Thamrin. Kav 3

Jakarta 10250

P.O. Box 2338


UNDSS Duty Officer can be contacted at phone number 62-8111-74745 on a 24-hour basis.


DSS Duty Officer62-811-174745

CSA –Robert Adolph62-811-856365

DSA – Andrew Pompey62 811 1330753

FSCO – Bijay Shah62 811 984 3320

LSA – Trie Lestari62-811-181291


The following hotels are commonly used by UN visitors.

1.Sari Pan Pacific Hotel (Opposite the UN building)

Phone 62-21-3902707/39123707


2.Four Season Hotel (Central Jakarta)

Phone 62-21-2523456




Jl. MH Thamrin No. 11, Cental Jakarta

2.Indonesia Plaza

Jl. MH Thamrin No. 28-30, Central Jakarta