
Teacher: Mrs. Rogers Course: Leadership

Room: E-2 Phone #: (909) 355-3137


Website Page: mrsadrianarogers.wordpress.com

As your homeroom teacher I would like to welcome you to the 2016-2017 school year! I am excited for this school year because you will be part of my homeroom! In order to have a successful homeroom each of you will need to participate and try your very best to make this the best homeroom, whether its dressing up for dress-up day, building an awesome float, or trying your best on each assignment. I have high expectations for all my students, especially for YOU! As your homeroom teacher I look forward to working closely with your parents/guardians so that you can be successful in all your classes. Leadership Overview:

“Leadership is practiced not so much in words as in attitude and in actions.”

There is no universal set of standards or objectives for a leadership class. However, I do have a set of goals that I want each of you to meet. In order to accomplish this you must participate and try your best on every assignment. Our assignments will vary from creating homeroom challenges, putting together a pep rally, in-class tutoring, and making new friends. As a leader of our school I expect for you to participate and motivate others. As a leader you must strive to overcome some obstacles such as the fear of public speaking and the fear of leading (being in charge) an activity. A major requirement will be for you to talk to students, staff, and visitors that you may not know. The more that you are open to new challenges and experiences, the more that you will get out of this course. (If this doesn’t sound like you, let me know so we can enroll you in an elective you prefer)

Grading Scale:

Journal...... 10%

Participation……………...... 20%

Public Relations...... 30%

Noon Time Activities...... 40%

Total 100%

A 90 – 100%

B 80 – 89%

C 70 – 79%

D 60 – 69%

F 0 – 59%

Course Requirements

Journal: As a leader it is important to be able to think critically and defend your position when asked. You will keep a journal to write your thoughts on a quote, a story, or a movie clip. These journals could be evaluated on the quality of writing, length of entries, and/or content in relation to course material. Journals will be checked randomly and will be kept in class. No late journal entries will be accepted.

Public Relations: It will be vital for you to be able to talk and get to know the people that you are leading (All of Paakuma’!). Public Relations will consist from making new friends, advertising for a school activity, to getting students excited about being part of Paakuma’. In order to be a leader you must know whom you are leading.

Noon Time Activities: Noon Time Activities will consist of planning, set-up, implementation, and cleaning up. These activities will range from homeroom challenges, selling seasonal grams, school wide rallies and any other events we create as a class for the student body.

Participation: As a leader participation is a MUST! As a class we need to inspire the whole school to have school spirit by dressing up on Dress-Up day, cheering during rallies, noon-time activities, and during class. As leaders you guys need to take the initiative and be active in school activities. Also, attendance is crucial for this class since we will be doing activities that require teamwork. If you are not present then your team will have to work harder and this would not be fair.