You are a government employee during the time of Manifest Destiny the President of the United States has given you the job of complying together a survival guide to settling west. As you have learned, journeys west can be very dangerous, but very rewarding for the people who attempt to go. As part of the survival campaign you must encourage people, to make the journey to either, Texas, Utah, California, or Oregon and establish new lives there.

Your brochure/Power Point must be convincing, creative, informative, honest, accurate and eye-catching. It must be persuasive enough to get people to risk their lives and all of their belongings in order to start a new life in a new territory.

Appearance: Brochures/Power Point must be colorful and neat. Remember, you are trying to convince people to settle in this territory! No lying, but it is certainly acceptable to put your own spin on things. It must contain as many pages as you need to complete all of the requirements. You must have a title on the front cover. Feel free to use graphics and pictures to help make your brochure more appealing. The cover is critical, as it is the first impression people will have and you’re competing against many others to attract prospective settlers. If no one wants to pick up and read your brochure, you won’t be able to convince anyone.

Brochure Cover: Must be eye-catching and attractive. Make people want to pick it up and look at it.

Sections: Brochures must contain all of the following articles:

Section # 1: A section entitled, “Planning your trip and Consequences of going”. This section must include supplies needed for the trip, details of the journey that travelers will need to know, best time of year to make the trip, potential dangers of the trip and consequences of travel dealing with uncharted land and those who inhabitant it (ex: Native Americans, and Mexicans) in the area, weather and climate conditions one can expect during travel, etc.

Section # 2: What’s going on politically during the time in which you are advertising the benefits of the trip? (What presidential administration are you currently in and what is going on politically in the U.S.)

Section # 3: Must give examples of the following:

The Native View: A Detailed explanation of how the Native Americans in your territory view the white settlements.

Testimonial: Accounts written by either a woman, children or free blacks explaining how that person would view life in the territory.

Section #4:

You must argue the economic, social, and political benefits to Settling in the west.

Section #5:

Advertisements or Reasons to make the trip: Your brochure/Power Point must contain at least four (4) advertisements to encourage travel in territory.

Ads must contain pictures and be in color.

Advertisements should be historically accurate

Section #6

Map: Brochures/ Power Point must contain a map showing and labeling the best route to the territory and must be based on the assumption that travelers will be making the journey in covered wagons from a jumping off point on the banks of the Mississippi River. The map must show:

Major geographical features (Rivers, Mountains, Etc.)

The location of Native American Tribes

Dangers on the trail (if any) a settler might encounter

The location of drinking water

A key explaining various symbols used on the map

Compass indicating north, south, east and west

Bibliography: You will need to conduct research in order to complete this project. Since you will be using numerous sources for your project, a bibliography must be submitted along with your complete travel brochure. is an excellent resource for helping you write an appropriate MLA-formatted bibliography

Standards Addressed: SS.8.A.4.1,SS.8.A.4.4, and SS.8.A.4.8

Due Date: January 20, 2016