Athena High School

National Honor Society


Spring 2018

Table of Contents

IOverview of NHS

IIJoining NHS & Selection Process – Junior Year

IIINHS Member expectations – Senior Year

IVProbation & Appeals


• Guidelines for Community Service

• Community Service form

• NHS Contract

• Character Evaluation Form

I. National Honor Society

The National Honor Society (NHS) was established in 1921 by the National Association of Secondary School Principals to recognize American High School Students who show achievement in scholarship, leadership, service, and character. Students must have earned a cumulative GPA of 88% or higher to be considered for nomination for NHS. In addition, they must be of good character, demonstrate citizenship and leadership and participate in voluntary service to their school or community.

II. Selection Criteria (Junior Year)


  • In your Junior year at the end of the 1st semester anyone with a cumulative GPA of 88% or higher from 10 quarters in High School will receive a letter from the NHS Advisors letting them know they have been identified as one who has met the academic standards for consideration for membership in NHS. There will be a meeting of all students who have received a letter identifying them as meeting the academic criteria.


  • 20-25 hours of voluntary contributions to school or community by the time you have filled out your application. NHS Community Service Verification forms can be found in the Main Office. These need to be filled out and signed by the Supervisor where you are doing your Community Service. Volunteer hours are from July 1 after your Sophomore year has concluded. Service hours will be verified by the Committee.


  • The Committee looks at students who are resourceful, dependable, and positive problem solvers and involved in school activities. Candidates should list and describe all leadership roles in school, community, or both. We recognize that quiet leaders also have a profound effect upon our school and community.


  • The Committee looks at students who are moral, ethical, cooperative, honest, reliable, courteous, and respectful. Candidates are asked to select two Athena faculty members to provide character evaluations.

Selection Process

Grade 11 students who meet the initial eligibility criterion of an 88% GPA, will be invited to

an informational NHS meeting in late Winter. At this meeting, students will learn about

NHS and will receive a Proof of Candidacy packet. The packet requires students to

elaborate on their service, leadership, and character. A typed personal essay on an

assigned topic willalso be required. Students must submit the packet and essay to be

considered for NHS membership.

After packets have been received, ATHS faculty are invited to provide additional input

regarding candidates. The information in the packet, the essay, and faculty feedback will be

shared with the NHS Faculty Council for consideration.

The NHS Faculty Council is an anonymous group of ATHS faculty consisting of at least five

members. Members of the council, not NHS advisors, select students for NHS membership.

Students who are accepted in NHS will be notified via US Mail and must sign a NHS

membership contract prior to being inducted.

A NHS Induction Ceremony is held in May.

NHS Spring Induction Process Timeline: From Candidate to Member

Due dates to be mindful of:

  • GPA is calculated from the averages of each semester up through 1st semester of Junior Year
  • **NEW** Twenty-five (25) community service hours will be due at the time Candidacy Packet is completed. All hours must be verified on the Community Service Form. Hours gathered from July 1 – end of February will be accepted.

January, end of 1st semester / Cumulative GPA is calculated for the current Junior class; this is an average GPA from 9th grade through 1st semester 11th grade
February / Students receive an invitation via school and mail to attend an informational meeting on NHS, learn requirements and receive a Proof of Candidacy Packet. Due date for Candidacy Packet is usually about 2.5 weeks later.
March / Faculty provide feedback on NHS candidates.
Candidates provide Character Evaluation forms to two (2) staff members for references and finalize their community service hour requirements.
Packets are provided to Faculty Council for review.
April / Faculty council and Principal meet to identify the candidates for induction.
Letters are sent out for both accepted and non- selected candidates.
May / Spring Induction Ceremony is held in GCPAC.
End of May/June / Officers for new membership class are selected by newly inducted members; members meet before the school year ends to learn of summer requirements and to sign up for any current volunteer opportunities (i.e. Graduation)

III. NHS Membership Expectations (Senior Year)

Membership in NHS is voluntary and a privilege. In order to maintain good status, members are required to do the following:

  • volunteer for 20 hours of service over the Summer that will be due at the beginning of the school year, date TBD
  • meeting the minimum (at least) volunteer hour requirements each deadline
  • participate within a chosen committee during the year within NHS
  • attend all monthly meetings for the full duration of the meeting
  • communicate with members and advisors via e-mail and/or Google Classroom
  • maintain an 88% GPA each quarter
  • conduct themselves in a way that is becoming of a member of NHS

IV. Infractions

Members may be placed on probation for the following reasons:

  • receiving an F in a quarter (at 5 week or 10 week mark)
  • dropping below an 88% GPA after a 10 week quarter
  • failure to complete/submit volunteer hours
  • misrepresenting community service hours and/or improper signatures of supervisor
  • non-payment of dues
  • missing more than one allotted meeting
  • failure to attend meetings on time and/or leaving meetings early
  • lack of communication with members and/or advisors when requested

While this may not be a comprehensive list, any additional infractions not stated here may be brought to the Faculty Council for consideration of a warning.

Probation Process

If you are placed on probation, the Advisor will inform the member in writing of the nature of

the violation, the time period given for improvement, and provide warning of the possible

consequences if improvement does not occur, ie: consideration of dismissal or additional

disciplinary measures. A conference between Advisor and student will also take place to

discuss the reason behind the behavior and help to re-educate to more appropriate behavior.

The member on probation will submit a response in writing stating what he/she will do to rectify the problem. When the probationary period is up, the advisors will notify the member if the issue is resolved or if further action is needed such as additional community service to fulfill as part of the resolution. Failure to follow through with the resolutions may result in consideration for dismissal.

By placing a member on warning, one will be “not in good standing.” Probationary periods are for a “specific duration of time after which regular membership is restored.” In order to be recognized at the end of the year’s graduation ceremony and to wear cords signifying NHS membership, students must be in good standing.

Members are allowed limited warnings and infractions may lead to consideration for dismissal

depending on frequency or severity.

Dismissal Procedures

For violations more serious a “warning is not required for consideration of dismissal, but a Hearing will be held”.

A member can never be dismissed automatically for failing to maintain standards, but we can indicate certain violations will lead to immediate consideration of dismissal:

  • receiving a referral
  • insubordination towards teachers/staff
  • plagiarism/cheating/academic dishonesty
  • bullying/cyberbullying;/conduct unbecoming on social media

The Advisor will notify the member of the action being contemplated, the reason(s) for the actions, the date and time of a hearing and the opportunity for the member to respond either in writing or orally.

The Faculty Council will investigate before any action is taken. If the Council determines that the facts warrant consideration of dismissal, Advisors will notify member of the violation(s), the possibility of dismissal and the need for scheduling a hearing.

The member will be able to explain his or her view of the circumstances, however, due to the anonymity of our Chapter’s Faculty Council, the member will not be able to speak face-to-face directly. A partitioned meeting will be set up to relay any questions the Faculty Council may have after the member has presented his or her case. The Hearing is always prior to any vote or decision on dismissal.

Appeals of dismissal are to be handled by the Administrator overseeing the NHS organization first and thereafter in the same way as disciplinary appeals in the student’s school district.

V. Appendix

Greece Athena High School

National Honor Society 2017 – 2018

Community Service Guidelines for 11th Graders

National Honor Society is built around four pillars of values, one of them being service to others. The pillar of service can be reached in a variety of ways. The willingness to work for the benefit of those in need without compensation or recognition of any kind is a quality that is essential in NHS members. As a service organization, the National Honor Society is highly concerned with giving as much as possible to the school and community at large. Because of this, one of the requirements that must be fulfilled to be considered for NHS membership is the completion of community service hours.

The following community service guidelines must be followed for any 2017-2018 11th grade student interested in being considered for NHS membership in the Spring of 2018. Please review the community service requirements below and the community service examples that follow. The list provides several examples of the type of activities that are accepted as community service for NHS candidacy. Be thoughtful with regard to the service opportunities you select. We encourage you to try something new, work with new people, challenge yourself, seek opportunities where there is a great need for volunteers and of course, have fun! Please know that the service work you do is important and always appreciated by those that benefit from it.


  • You are required to complete 20-25 hours of community service during the 2017-2018 academic year.
  • Your service must be from a minimum of two different settings/organizations.
  • You may begin your hours as early as July 1, 2017.
  • Hours completed during 9th or 10th grade will not be considered.
  • You must follow the directions on the Community Service Verification Form (no other form will be accepted in place of this).
  • You are responsible for making sure the information provided on the form is accurate prior to handing it in.
  • Since NHS candidacy packets are typically due at the beginning of March, we recommend that your community service hours be fulfilled by the end of February break (2018).
  • Your hours will be submitted with the rest of your candidacy packet.
  • We do not accept “projected hours” or hours that have not been completed prior to the due date of the candidacy packet.

Please note that failure to adhere to these requirements, guidelines on the following page, completing the required number of hours, accurately and thoroughly complete the Community Service Verification Form and/or failure to turn in your hours on the due date of your candidacy packet will disqualify you from NHS membership consideration.

Do not wait until the last minute to seek opportunities to complete your hours, schedule your hours or complete the Community Service Verification Form.

Please contact Mrs. Saltzberg () or Mrs. Furuta () with any questions or concerns regarding community service hours at any time.

Accepted Community Service Examples

ATHS/District Opportunities
  • Volunteering at ATHS events (i.e. graduation, awards ceremonies, ushering/concessions at musicals)

  • Freshmen Ignition/mentor work

  • Assist with middle school musicals (behind the scenes, tech crew etc.)

Larger Community Opportunities
  • Church-related activities/functions/events where volunteers are needed

  • Participate in walks/runs/races/events for different charitable organizations

  • Volunteer time with organizations such as American Red Cross, area hospitals, not-for-profit organizations

  • Soup kitchen/food pantry/nursing home volunteer activity

  • “Spruce Up Greece” or similar campaigns related to the cleanup of a neighborhood, town, specific area (i.e., beach, park, etc.)

  • Volunteer time at library, town hall or other Town of Greece, City of Rochester, surrounding area community organization

  • Volunteer time with Habitat for Humanity, Flower City Work Camp, Special Olympics, etc.

  • Teaching religious education classes (CCD)

  • Soup kitchen/food pantry/nursing home volunteer activity (monthly commitment)

  • Volunteering as a camp counselor

  • Volunteering as a coach for a sport or instructor for an elementary or middle school age level

  • Behind the scenes work that benefits a charitable organization during an event (i.e. games, benefits, concerts). Must be service beyond playing or participating in the game, dance, concert or event.

The following can account for no more than 5 hours of your service total:

  • yard work /seasonal work/cleaning for a neighbor (must be outside of family)
  • babysitting (must be outside of family)
  • grocery shopping, doing “errands” for a neighbor or community member (must be outside of family)
  • dog walking (must be outside of family)
  • filing, cleaning/organizing classroom, grading for teachers or similar work for other paid professionals (must be outside of family)
  • The following are not acceptedas service for ATHS NHS:
  • “free” work done at businesses in the place of a paid employee
  • work for a family member that only benefits the personal agenda of that individual
  • “projected” hours that have not been completed prior to due date of the candidacy packet

Athena High School National Honor Society Contract

Please read the following information and sign below .

What does being an NHS member mean at Athena! It means that. . .

  • You will maintain a grade point average of no less than 88%. This GPA will be reviewed at the start of your Senior year. If it has fallen below the 88% minimum, you will be placed on probation and given 5 weeks to bring your GPA back up to 88%. Failure to do so may result in dismissal. Every 5 weeks grades will be reviewed; if you are failing a class you will have 5 weeks to bring that grade up to be taken off probation. You may only be placed on probation once before the next offense prompts a review by the Faculty Council.
  • You will continue to perform community service hours. In the Fall of your Senior year, the Advisors will be looking to see that you have completed 20 hours since your induction. These hours can be accrued starting now, but must be completed before our first meeting in September. We will ask that you complete an additional 10 hours if you do not complete and turn in the proper Community Service Forms on the specified due date. Please note that hours completed for C.I.A. will not count in the tally as students receive credit for the course.
  • You will possess high moral standards and personify fine character. You will be a positive role model in and out of the classroom and in the community. Behavior that falls below this standard will be subject to review by the Faculty Council and could result in probation and/or loss of membership status.
  • You will fulfill the requirements during the year that will be outlined at the first meeting: attending meetings and tracking your volunteer activities properly on the Community Service Verification Form.
  • Provide an email address for you to stay updated with communications and notices as a part of the Athena NHS email group: ______

______I have read the requirements for maintaining membership in the National Honor

Society and agree to abide by them. Please induct me!

______I have read the requirements for maintaining membership in the National Honor

Society and I have decided to decline the invitation to join the organization.


(print your name) (date)


(your signature (parent signature)



The student who gave you this form is a candidate for membership in the Athena National Honor Society. Please give your assessment of the student’s leadership and character by circling the appropriate number at the bottom of this sheet using the following criteria. This form will remain confidential and will not be shared with the candidate. It will be destroyed immediately following the induction ceremony. If you choose a score of 2.0 or lower, you must explain why, either using the criteria given to support your rating or additional reasons.*Please do not give back to student to hand in. *

CHARACTER The student who exercises character: (not all criteria may be applicable in the realm of how you know the student)

  1. Takes criticism willingly and accepts recommendations graciously.
  2. Consistently exemplifies desirable qualities of behavior (cheerfulness, friendliness, poise, stability.)
  3. Upholds principles of morality and ethics.
  4. Cooperates by complying with school regulations concerning property, programs, office, halls, etc.
  5. Demonstrates the highest standards of honesty and reliability.
  6. Shows courtesy, concerns and respect for others.
  7. Observes instruction and rules, punctuality, and faithfulness both inside and outside of the classroom.
  8. Has powers of concentration and sustained attention as shown by perseverance and application to studies.
  9. Manifests truthfulness in acknowledging obedience to rules, avoiding cheating in written work, and showing unwillingness to profit by the mistakes of others.
  10. Actively helps to rid the school of bad influences or environment.

3……….This student is superior/ outstanding in the quality of character and highly worthy of membership

2------This student is average in the quality of character, but perhaps worthy of membership

1------This student is weak in the quality of characterand not worthy of membership


Reference’s signature:______Date:______

Reference’s Name (please print):______

Please return to Patricia Saltzberg (233) no later ______THANK YOU