State Wrestling Manager Instructions

Recommended steps and suggestions:

• These programs will only run in PC/Windows compatible computer! Or a MAC using a PC Emulation Program

• Locate and make arrangements for an appropriate computer and printer.

• If you are not familiar with IBM computers and printers, find a knowledgeable student, teacher, or parent to help.

• Install the Sample Manager Program and start. (See page 3.)

• Experiment with the Coach and School Data following instructions below.

• Experiment with the Wrestler Data following instructions on next page.

• Test and print until you are comfortable with everything. The printer routines are purposely generic, so they will print on any compatible printer. If the data doesn't fit perfectly on one page, it will print on the next page.

• THE KEY IS: If your data is correct on those printouts, it will transfer directly from your disk to the District Wrestling Master Program and on to the State.

Use <C> Coach and School Data first. (Sample Menu on Page 4)

1. Use <R> to Read List of Schools and Coaches.

2. Use <C> to Correct Coach's Name or Spelling.

A. Experiment with correcting a coach's name.

B. The database was current from the OHSAA in December.

3. Use <P> Print List of Schools and Coaches to print two forms.

A. The first, (Form ST-1), lists Official School Name, Colors, and Coach's Names.

B. The second, (Form ST-2), is used for Coach's Phone Number and Verification.

4. Use <A> Add School to List. (The list matches the January Athlete.)

A. Don't add schools to your list unless one was omitted from your master list.

B. If you want to test the process, type part of the Directory Name and hit [Enter].

C. Use both upper and lower case. Ex. Edg will pull 3 schools starting with Edg.

D. Notice that you are working with the Directory Name (from the State Directory), but the program is printing the Official School Name required by the OHSAA! (Example: In the Southwest District, Edgewood is the Directory Name and Trenton Edgewood, the Official School Name.)

E. The lists are automatically sorted alphabetically by Directory Name for entering and correcting data and sorted by Official School Name for printouts.

5. Use <D> Delete School from list.

A. Delete the school you added to list while testing.

B. It's OK to leave a school on the list that doesn't compete or doesn't qualify for the State. I'll use corrections to update the Master Database for next year.

6. Remember to use the Master Disk to make corrections to Coach's Names when you are preparing for your tournament!

7. During the week of the District tournament, check the names and spelling of all coaches, make corrections, and print both forms ST-1 and ST-2.

8. At your District tournament, have coaches sign form ST-2, the Signature and Phone List when they check in, then make corrections and reprint form ST-1.

1.  Backup data by using / (hidden on the Tournament Director’s Main Menu).

A. Use <B> Backup Complete Program and wait for files to be transferred.

Use <W> Wrestler Data for State Qualifiers. (Sample Menu on Page 5)

1. Use <R> Read List of All State Qualifiers.

2. Use <E> Enter Names, Schools, Records.

A. Start at 103 and enter fictitious names and other data.

B. To simplify testing only 103 and 112 were left blank in the sample data.

C. Type the wrestler's name using upper and lower case letters.

D. Enter the team by typing the corresponding number as listed on your screen. (We will use the Directory Name for the Sectionals and District, and transfer the appropriate Official School Name automatically for the State.)

E. Enter 9, 10, 11, or 12 for grade, then enter the record.

F. Print a weight class? Y/N? generates (Form ST-3), the State Qualifier Form.

G. During the finals print one page per weight class and have the wrestlers verify the spelling of their name, grade, and record while waiting for their awards.

H. They should make corrections if needed then sign their name.

I. If errors are marked after they sign, use <C> to correct them for the qualifier printout (Form ST-4). Do not have everyone sign again!

3. Use <R> Read List to read the data again.

4. Use <C> Correct Names, Schools, and Records.

A. Make corrections to the sample data.

B. Correct spelling of a wrestler's name.

C. Correct school by typing a different number.

D. Change a grade, or wins, or losses.

5. Use <P> Print List of All State Qualifiers (Form ST-4) to make a printout of the qualifiers (Turn in final copy on Sunday after the Sectional.)

6. Use <A> to enter or print a Medical Attention Report. (Form ST-5)

A. Used to trace wrestlers with a medical history from the Sectional.

(ie. Communicable Skin Disease, injury or illness requiring a physician.)

B. The form prints automatically when you print Form ST-4.

7. Experiment with this program until you are comfortable with everything.

8. Don't erase the sample data until you have trained your computer operator!

9. Review and test everything before the finals, then use <D> to erase the sample practice data for the wrestlers. The only data automatically erased will be the practice names, schools, and records on Qualifying Wrestlers.

10. Use <D> Delete All Names and Records

A. Follow the instructions on the screen.

B. There are several check points to prevent accidentally erasing the data you will actually turn in. (a BEEP, a flashing warning, a response of Y/N and the need to type the word ERASE and hit [Enter] when prompted)

C. You cannot accidentally erase it!

D. To delete the Medical Attention Report (Form ST-5) respond to the questions with Y.

Installation Instructions and Main Menu

  1. In Windows 95 or above either SECTMGR.EXE or SECTMGR.ZIP can be installed automatically into a folder C:\ SECTMGR

·  Double-click on the self-extracting zip file: SECTMGR.EXE and accept the default folder.

·  If using the file: SECTMGR.ZIP create the folder c:\sectmgr first and extract files to it.

2.  If you have three files, unzip-c.bat, pkunzip.exe and on drive a:

·  Either Install using Start: Run A:unzip-c.bat

·  Or browse to A: and double-click on a:unzip-c.bat

3.  If using Windows 95 or above, build a shortcut to c:\sectmgr\autoexec.bat

• Make sure the mouse is somewhere in the desktop | Right Click | Click on to New | Click on Shortcut | Command line (either Browse to c:\sectmgr\autoexec.bat or type it | Click on Next | Type "Sectional Tournament" (Or whatever name you want!) then click on Next | Click on an Icon | Click on Finish

• Test the shortcut to see if the program will run. | Hit <Q> to Quit the Program | Click on X to close the DOS Window/.

4.  If everything runs ok, set the properties to run Maximized and Close on Exit

• Right Click on Properties | Program | Run | Scroll and choose Maximized | Click on the box for Close on exit

5.  Wait for disk to load and the Manager's Menu to appear.

Note: The programs on this disk are not supported by the mouse! To use them, either hit the letters indicated on the Menu or type and hit [Enter] wherever the cursor or highlighted box is on the screen.

6.  After the program loads, you will see the Tournament Director's Main Menu that looks like the sample menu below. To select an option, press the letter indicated:

Please note: The [Caps Lock] key must be on!
It is set automatically in all environments except Windows XP!

*In Windows XP it must be set manually!


Xenia Sectional

Tournament Director's Main Menu

13 Teams - 5 Qualifiers

<C> Coach and School Data for Qualifying Schools

<W> Wrestler Data for State Qualifiers

<I> Import State Qualifiers from Text File

<Q> Quit Program

Always use <Q> Quit Program to close all files when done!

Coach and School Data Menu


Xenia Sectional

Coach and School Colors for Qualifying Schools

13 Teams - 5 Qualifiers

<R> Read List of Schools, Colors, and Coach's Data

<C> Correct Coach's Name

<P> Print List of Schools, Colors, and Coach's

<A> Add School to Xenia List

<D> Delete School from Xenia List

<M> Main Menu for Xenia Manager

1. Use <R> to Read the Current List of Schools on the screen.

2. Use <C> to Correct the Coach's Name.

A. Type the number of the school and hit [Enter].

B. Type correction in highlighted box using upper and lower case letters.

3. Use <P> to Print List of Schools, Colors, and Coach's Data on the printer.

4. Use <A> to Add School to Sectional List.

A. Type the first few letters of the Directory School Name and hit [Enter].

B. If more than one school begins with the same letters, type the number of the school you are adding and hit [Enter].

C. After the school's data appears, hit Y to add or N to skip.

5. Use <D> to Delete School from Sectional List.

A. Type the number of the school and hit [Enter].

B. After the school's data appears, hit Y to delete or N to skip.

C. Whenever school are added or deleted, the list is automatically sorted by Directory School Name.

D. Whenever printouts are required, the list is automatically sorted by Official School Name (if you wish.)

6. Use <M> to return to the Main Menu, then <Q> to Quit.

Please note:

If you have any questions after reviewing these instructions and testing the data entry process, please don't hesitate to call. My home phone is 513-424-6201. During the tournament, I’ll have my cell phone 513-594-6154 turned on.

Please leave a message if I am not immediately available. Thanks!

Gary Baumgartner

Wrestler Data for State Qualifiers


Xenia Sectional

Wrestler Data for State Qualifiers

13 Teams - 4 Qualifiers

<E> Enter Names, Schools, and Records for State Qualifiers

<C> Correct Names, Schools, and Records for State Qualifiers

<U> Update winners and records during the finals

<R> Read List of All State Qualifiers

<P> Print List of All State Qualifiers

<A> Medical Attention Report

<D> Delete All Names and Records

<M> Main Menu for Xenia Manager

1. Use <E> to Enter Names, Schools, Grades, and Records of Qualifiers.

A. Type the weight class and hit [Enter].

B. Type the name of the wrestler in the box and hit [Enter].

C. Type the number of the school in the box and hit [Enter].

D. Type the grade in the box and hit [Enter]. (Use 9, 10, 11, or 12.)

E. Type number of wins in the box and hit [Enter].

F. Type number of losses in the box and hit [Enter].

G. If the weight class is correct, hit Y to print or N to skip.

H. If you made a mistake, either re-enter the class by typing over the data and hitting [Enter], or use <C> to correct data.

2. Use <C> to Correct Names, Schools, Grades, and Records of Qualifiers.

A. Type the number of the qualifier and hit [Enter].

B. Type the correction in the highlighted box or hit [Enter] if correct.

C. Type the school's number in the box or hit [Enter] if OK.

D. Type grade or record in the box and hit [Enter], or hit [Enter] if OK.

E. If the weight class is correct, hit Y to print or N to skip.

3. Use <U> to Update winners and records during the finals.

4. Use <R> to Read List of All State Qualifiers.

4. Use <P> to Print List of All State Qualifiers.

5. Use <A> to enter or print a Medical Attention Report.

6. Use <D> to Delete All Names and Records used for practice.

7. Use <M> to return to the Main Menu, then <Q> to Quit.

Ohio High School Athletic Association

4080 Roselea Place

Columbus, Ohio 43214

Sectional Manager Checklist

Anytime prior to January 19th: Attach the sample QUALIFY.ZIP file to a test e-mail message to Gary Baumgartner at

1. Follow instructions on the flowchart to experiment and test the program.

Saturday after Sectional before 11:30 PM: Attach the QUALIFY.ZIP file to an e-mail message to Gary Baumgartner at *(Send the file to the person designated by your District board or State tournament manager!)

1. Open: your e-mail program and click on New or Compose Message.

2. To: Either use the address book or type:

3. Subject: Type Location and Division (Example: Wilmington - Division I)

4. Message: Type your Manager's Name and Phone Number where he can be reached on Sunday between 7:00 AM and 11:00 AM. Also include any problems that the State Manager should be alerted to. Please include the sender's name and phone number (if not the manager) in case of a problem that can be resolved with an immediate call back!

5. Attach: Use the paper clip icon to make an attachment. Either browse to A: or in the File name box type: A:QUALIFY.ZIP then click on Attach.