SECTION ONE (Choose Two)

Independent Novel Assignment

Choose to complete TWO activities from section one (20 marks each) AND ONE activity from section two. (10 marks)

ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE HANDWRITTEN AND DOUBLE-SPACED. You may type all other assignments following this one.

SECTION ONE (Choose two)

  1. Write an interview with one of the characters from your novel. Refer to specific events from the novel and to specific characteristics that your character possesses. You must provide at least 15 questions and responses.
  1. Write Ten diary entries made by one of your major characters. (30-50 words each)
  1. Write a 250 word review of the novel wherein you try to persuade someone else to read the book.
  1. In about 250 words explain what you think happened before the story began.
  1. In about 250 words describe what you think happened after the story ended.
  1. Write a 250 word letter to the author of your novel expressing your opinion of it.
  1. Write three newspaper articles published at the time of your novel about some major events in your book. Each article must be at least 75 words.

SECTION TWO (Choose one)

  1. Draw and color a map where a major part of the story takes place. Label all points of interest.
  1. Make a crossword puzzle using at least 20 words from your book. You may use characters names, places, vocabulary, etc. You must also include an answer key.


  1. Do a collage of a major theme of your novel.
  1. Create TWO pieces of artwork which relate to your novel.
  1. Find a song that seems to relate to your novel. Provide me with a copy of the lyrics and then write a 100-word explanation of how they relate.

The book I have chosen is: ______.

This assignment is due on: ______.