Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Primorska
Phone: +386 51 388 047
After completing his MSc at the Faculty of Sport at the University of Ljubljana, he started his collaboration in various research projects and devoted his primary work to kinesiotherapy, rehabilitation of sports injuries, injury prevention and strength & conditioning. Jernej started his career at Terme Krka as the head of the biomechanics laboratory, performing biomechanical diagnostics with patients suffering from locomotor system injuries, and athletes from different disciplines, ranging from recreation level athletes to Olympians. He continued to work on different research projects in the field of kinaesthesia and balance training, which resulted in numerous published scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals. In 2010 he took the role of a research and teachingassistant at University of Primorska, working on the subjects of strength & conditioning, kinesiotheraphy and motor control. Since then he has continued collaborating with different elite athletes and various national-level sports federations. Through his career he has continually been engaged in transferring research results to sports and rehabilitation practice.For his research work in the field of kinaesthetic,Jernejwas awardeda scholarship by the Slovene Human Resources Development and Scholarship Fund for sustainable development. He was a leading member of a team that was awarded for Model example of managing human resources in Revoz Novo Mesto by the The Chamber of Commerce of Dolenjska and Bela krajina.
MSc Sport and Exercise Science (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
His research is focused on studying human motor control and motor behaviour, biomechanics, ergonomics and injury prevention. His main focus is on studying movement coordination and visual control and their influence on movement accuracy and performance. In previous years, he has devoted his work to studying human balance in athletes and elderly, as well as studying metric characteristics of balance assessment protocols. In addition,Jernej has studied human kinesthesia, especially in cases of locomotor system injuries. Currently, he is completing a PhDin Applied Kinesiology at the University of Ljubljana, studying the effects of fatigue on trunk stability. His second research focus deals with studying the visual perception strategies in different sports, and its relation to basic abilities such as balance, control, and power development.
Research gate- id: JernejRosker
Linked in- id: JernejRosker
Track and field and basics of strength & conditioning(Osnoveatletike in kondicijskepriprave)
Basics of sports training (Osnovešportnevadbe)
Kinesiotherapy (Kinezioterapija)
Movement therapy (Gibalnaterapija)
Neuro-muscular functions of the trunk and spinal health (Živčno-mišičnefunkcijetrupa in zdravjehrbtenice)
Neuro-muscular control of movement and movement skill learning (Živčno-mišičnoupravljanjegibanja in učenjegibalnihspretnosti)
Currently co-mentoring BSc and MSc students.
Original Peer-Reviewed Articles
- PANJAN, Andrej, SUPEJ, Matej, ROŠKER, Jernej, ŠARABON, Nejc. Reliability and sensitivity of a novel dynamic balance test for alpine skiers. Measurement, 2016, vol. 85, 13-19.
- Šarabon, Nejc, Ršker, Jernej. Effects of fourteen-day bed rest on trunk stabilizing functions in aging adults. BioMed research international, ISSN 2314-6141, 2015, vol. 2015.
- Šarabon, Nejc, Rošker, Jernej. Ability of different balance tests to discriminate between young and elderly subjects. Measurement : journal of the International Measurement Confederation, ISSN 0263-2241. [Print ed.], 2015, vol. 68.
- ZORKO, Klavdija, ROŠKER, Jernej, ŠARABON, Nejc. Pomenkinestetičnefunkcije v vadbenemprocesu. Šport, 2014, 62 (3/4), 54-61.
- Sarabon N, Rosker J. Loefler S, Kern H. The effect of vision elimination during quiet stance tasks with different feet positions. Gait posture. 2013, 38(4), 708-711.
- Šarabon, Nejc, Rošker, Jernej. Effect of 14 days of bed rest in older adults on parameters of the body sway and on the local ankle function. Journal of electromyography and kinesiology, ISSN 1050-6411. [Print ed.], 2013, vol. 23, iss. 6.
- Podmenik, Nadja, Rošker, Jernej. Metinakoš z vidikametode "Quiet eye". Šport :revijazateoretična in praktičnavprašanjašporta, ISSN 0353-7455, 2013, letn. 61, iss.. ¾.
- Sarabon N, Panjan A, Rosker J, Fonda B. Functional and neuromuscular changes in the hamstrings after drop jumps and leg curls. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (Online). [Online ed.], 2013, 12(3), 431-438.
- Sarabon N, Rosker J, Fruhmann H, Burggraf S, Loefler S, Kern H. Reliability of maximal voluntary contraction related parameters measured by a novel portable isometric knee dynamometer = ReliabilitätmaximalerDrehmoment-Parameter gemessenmiteinemneuartigenmobilenisometrischenKniedynamometer. PhysikalischeMedizinRehabilitationsmedizinKurortmedizin, 2013, 23(1), 22-27.
- Rosker J, Markovic G, Sarabon N. Effects of vertical center of mass redistribution on body sway parameters during quiet standing. Gait posture. 2011, 33(3), 452-456.
- Sarabon N, Rosker J, Kalc M. Sensitivity and repeatability of the knee torque and angle active tracking tasks. AnnalesKinesiologiae.2010, 1(2), 131-143.
- Sarabon N, Kern H, Loefler S, Rosker J. Selection of body sway parameters according to their sensitivity and repeatability. The European Journal of Translational Myology (Online), 2010, 20(1/2), 5-12.
- Sarabon N, Rosker J, Loefler S, Kern H. Sensitivity of body sway parameters during quiet standing to manipulation of support surface size. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 2010, 9(3), 431-438.
- Rosker J, Kalc M, Sarabon N. An attempt to optimise the active knee angle tracking test while using a cyclic movement pattern. KinesiologiaSlovenica, 2010, 16(1/2), 21-29.
Review articles
- Šarabon, Nejc, Zacirkovnik, Tadeja, Rošker, Jernej, Loefler, Stefan. Metric characteristics of the tests for dynamic balance evaluation = MetrischeEigenschaften von Tests für die Beurteilung der dynamischenGleichgewichtsfähigkeit. PhysikalischeMedizinRehabilitationsmedizinKurortmedizin, 2013, vol. 23.
- Rošker, Jernej, Šarabon, Nejc. Kinaesthesia and methods for its assessment. Sport science review, ISSN 2066-8732. [Print ed.], 2010, vol. 19, iss. 5/6.