2014-2015Choir Officer Application

Thank you for your interest in being a Titan Choir Officer! Officers are very important to the success of our choirs. Officers are chosen based on their leadership qualities, participation in, and service to the choir program. Officers are expected to aid the director in maintaining high standards of behavior and choral singing and should thus be respected by their peers for their efforts. These individuals must maintain good academic records, be great leaders, have good behavior, and have a positive attitude.

Officer Responsibilities:

Choir President

This office is responsible for the entire department (all choirs) and should be considered an assistant to the director. They are expected to be one of the first to show up and one of the last to leave. Only eighth graders are eligible for this office. However, all choirs are permitted to vote.

♪Presides over all officer meetings

♪Serves as assistant to the director

♪Guides all choir activities including the end-of-year choir banquet

♪Represents the choral program as the top leader


Each choir will elect one member to serve on the board and represent their choir. This office is equivalent to president and should not be taken lightly, as it requires many outside requirements and leadership opportunities. Vice-Presidents will be elected in each choir class.

♪Represents their choir in a positive way, as the top leader of their choir

♪Attends all officer meetings

♪Takes attendance at daily rehearsals, concerts

♪Assists Choir President when necessary


This office, chosen by the director, will be responsible for all of the music for the choral program. All choirs are permitted to vote for this office.

♪Assists director with all music functions

♪Keeps records of all music loaned out

♪Checks in and files music at end of semester

♪Checks in and files any new music


This office will be responsible for maintaining a history of the choir program. All choirs are permitted to vote for this office.

♪Takes pictures of all events throughout the school year

♪Creates a scrapbook containing pictures of all choirs

♪Creates a slide show for the choir banquet

Uniform Manager

This office will be responsible for the uniforms of the choral program. There will be a uniform manager for our men’s choirs and our women’s choirs.All choirs are permitted to vote for this office.

♪Organizes uniforms and places them in the proper order

♪Checks uniforms in and out for concerts

♪Keeps the uniform room clean

Being an officer is a privilege, not a right. The director has the right to remove any officerfrom their position because of poor behavior, abuse of power, lack of motivation, etc.

If selected, officers are required to attend an officer training/planning meeting. At this meeting, we will plan social events, and discuss the plans for the year.

Choir Officer Information Sheet

Name: ______Grade: ______

Class Period: ______

Office Interested In (circle one):

Choir PresidentVice-PresidentLibrarianHistorianUniform Manager

(8th Grade only)

Why do you want to be an officer?

Why are you qualified for the position you’re running for?

If elected, what would you do for the students of the choir program?

By signing below, I agree that I understand the rules and responsibilities of being an officer. If chosen as an officer I will carry out all responsibilities to the best of my ability. I also agree that I have the right to be removed as an officer for any of the above reasons.

Signature: ______Date: ______