RDMSA RAGE Meeting Minutes – December 15, 2014

Attendance: Clayton C, Dave E, Cara L, Murray P, Jeff Z, Dan K, Denielle B, Lee B, Wilson S, John M, Crystal Z, Jay S

1.0Call to order – Clayton C called the meeting to order at 1902h

2.0Minutes of November 2014 meeting

2.1Approval of minutes from November 2014. Motion to accept by Dave E, Dan K seconded the motion. All in favor; carried.

3.0Old Business – medals were able to be fixed by John M, can use now.


4.1President Report – Clayton C

4.1.1Voted on new logo, it is being propagated now (website etc). The new logo will replace the old logo on apparel. Coach wind jacket, bags etc. The next step will be to brand new swag (medals, tattoos, pins etc). Lisa M may have used the Flag Shop, Murray P will look into it.

4.1.2Bring a friend –Collicut booked 2-4pm January 17, 2015. (Lee B and Sheila M to do the rest)

4.1.3Coaches Deck have arrived

4.1.4Catching clinics have been booked and posted. Will need help from outside association; make a poster/entry form to neighboring associations. Starts February

4.2Vice President’s Report – Jeff Z

4.2.1Clayton and Jeff met with the City of Red Deer.Firehall will abolish the diamonds;Lees and 30th Ave. SloPitch was the main focus. The RDC diamonds were discussed, changes will abolish our use. Options provided-Oriole Park West (?Three diamonds) and Anders. The city has committed to $250k annually to diamond upgrades and approved upgrades to diamond #4. The city is open to making Anders into playable game diamonds (dug outs and fences up base lines). ?Make it the U10/12 facility (no need for batting cage). This year we may have 3 teams in ladies league; leaves only M/W for practice. Will consider assisting/funding. Would likely have to move the shed. Edgar is the vision for Softball. Move soccer to the new area in Timber Ridge and move softball there -4 lighted fenced fastpitch diamonds. For a total of 10 diamonds. Move baseball to Great Chief and at West Park Middle will have two more fenced diamonds.

4.3Treasurer’s Report – Lee B

4.3.1General $91274.84; Raffle $17550.02; Casino $186.84; GIC $24323.17

4.3.2City of Red Deer wants us to look at adding an insurance rider for spectators/participants. Lee B will contact Intact.

4.3.3First reading of the budget:?uniforms/clothing far greater than projected, ?Collicut Evaluation Costs and Clothing, ? increased ladies league costs

4.4Secretary’s Report – Cara L.

4.4.1Request for reimbursement of funds after A tryout. Will send to Deni

4.4.2@ragerdsoftballbeginning to grow. Still looking for a volunteer to start Facebook page, run Twitter, newsletter, etc


5.1.1Equipment – Jay S things need to be purchased, and for winter tournaments old uniforms will need to come from storage. Will have winter workout bags prepared soon, will remain dedicated winter workout except helmets.Murray has some of the gear that may be used.

5.1.2Fundraising – Vacant. No report. Need a volunteer

5.1.3Sponsorship – Connie S (Wilson for Connie) new sponsor has come forward can be made quite easily if we decide to change ours.

5.1.4Apparel – Shauna M/Crystal Z samples have arrived. Committee will vote.

5.1.5Registrar Denielle B registered -57 indoor(100) pitching(50), 8 catching (13) and Denielle have been working on online registration. Cost per registration $2. Agree to leave registration costs the same this year. Working with RAMP currently, will leave 1-2 weeks after registration after that late fees will be charged. At first coaches/managers meetings. (eg) collect volunteer cheque when uniforms are handed out.

5.1.6Community Relations –Krista E – absent –no report

5.1.7Evaluations – Jeff K – absent –no report

5.1.8Diamond maintenance – John M is at Wilsons; nothing else new

5.1.9Casino – Dan K complete, went well. Next scheduled for first quarter 2018

5.1.10Webmaster –Erin H – absent, no report

5.1.11Tournament Coordinator – Murray P are on hold waiting on GPLS decision on B teams. If so, may have just one tournament – U12, 14, 16 C. The decision has been made, weekends have been picked for A, and then B will be the weekend prior. GPLS books umpires etc. therefore books around other major events when awarding hosts. During January will create invitation to B teams. At A division we are in a bit of a crossroads, have heard some associations (Warriors 2 A U16 teams, not playing GPLS) Have sent a line out requesting feedback. May make it all or nothing. If you’ve been in it notoriously, then want to leave other teams at different age levels won’t be allowed.

6.0New Business

6.1Regarding the shed and batting cage – Kinsmen out of Lacombe. He provided a name in Red Deer. Sheila has put a letter together. For <$500 doesn’t need to be submitted to the board, if >$500 submit proposal.

6.2John M got a form from the Rotary Club as well, and will bring it in

6.3Signs for new batting cages – consider making it stronger, using heavier grade for the next time. Do not hit/pitch against the fence.

6.4To the RDMSA families, from Wendy G, thank you for the donation in Nolan’s name.

7.0Next meeting – 7pm January 19, 2015. Sheraton Hotel.

8.0Meeting Adjourned at 908pm by Clayton C