LLP Application: Call EAC/61/2006 Programme[ERASMUS ] Project Acronym [MULTICOM]
For official use only Reference number : LLP -
Applicants must refer to the Instructions for Completing the Application Form.This document, available from the Agency website, contains all codes and further information for completing and submitting the application form
0.1 Languages / Used to complete the form / EN / For communication with the Agency / oDE REN oFR
0.2 This is an application for funding under the following LLP Action(tick only 1 box) :
Sub-Programme / Transversal Programme / Actions / R / Deadline
(as postmark)
COMENIUS / Multilateral project / 30 March 2007
Accompanying measures / 30 April 2007
ERASMUS / Multilateral Projects / Curriculum Development-Development of study programmes / R / 30 March 2007
Curriculum Development-Development of European modules
Co-operation between Universities and Enterprises
Modernisation of Higher Education
Virtual Campuses
Accompanying measures / 30 April 2007
GRUNDTVIG / Multilateral project / 30 March 2007
Accompanying measures / 30 April 2007
LEONARDO DA VINCI / Multilateral project (Development of Innovation only.) / 30 March 2007
Accompanying measures / 30 April 2007
Key Activity 1: Policy Cooperation and innovation / Observation and Analysis - Studies and Comparative Research / Topic 1: Promoting excellence, efficiency and equity in higher education / 30 April 2007
Topic 2: Further development of adult learning provision
Topic 3: Addressing weaknesses in preschools and in obligatory education concerning acquisition of key competences.
Topic 4: Promoting attractiveness and quality of VET
Key Activity 2: Languages / Multilateral project / 30 April 2007
Accompanying measures
Key Activity 3: ICT / Multilateral project / 30 April 2007
Key Activity 4: Dissemination and exploitation of results / Multilateral project / 30 April 2007
0.3 SPECIFIC FEATURES of applications for Sub-Programmes, the Transversal Programme, Grundtvig, Erasmus Networks and resubmissions
0.3 For the Transversal Programme: please specify the sub-programme areas covered / COMENIUS (school education) / 0.4 For Sub Programmes: Please state whether this application covers themes also covered in the Transversal Programme. / Languages
ERASMUS (higher education) / ICT
LEONARDO DA VINCI (vocational ed.) / Dissemination and exploitation of results
GRUNDTVIG (adult education)
Not related to specific sectors
0.5 Is this a Renewal request for a Grundtvig Network or the follow-up of a Grundtvig Thematic Seminar? / □Yes. □No / If Yes, please provide reference of previous project / network
0.6 Is this the resubmission of an application that was previously unsuccessful within a predecessor programme? / □Yes. □No / If Yes, please provide reference of previous application
Section A: Project / network outline
A1 Acronym / MULTICOM / A2 Duration / [ 36 ] monthsA3 Title
A4 Summary [Limit: 20 lines]
Building on work undertaken in three successive Thematic Network Projects devoted to enhancing the relevance of Higher Education language programmes, this project aims to develop and implement new curricula in the area of multilingual communication for first cycle language students. The new programmes will be designed to help graduates in the arts and humanities sector across Europe broaden their career prospects and to produce the highly-skilled multilingual experts needed to operate effectively at the European and international level as both mediators and organisers in industry, local and regional government, NGOs and other international organisations.
On the basis of updated needs analyses and constant dialogue and feedback from practising professionals in the areas concerned, learning outcomes for multilingual professional communication competences will be defined and a curriculum framework developed for the implementation of new first cycle language programmes. Learning materials will be developed in English and in the five other languages of the consortium (French, German, Spanish, Portuguese and Romanian) as well as in the non-European languages taught in several of the project partner institutions, and will be made available via an online resource platform.
The main beneficiaries of the project will be undergraduate entrants to Higher Education in coming years who are already proficient in at least one foreign language and who wish to acquire additional competence in another European or non-European language and in advanced professional communication skills. Mature students with multilingual skills who wish to enhance and validate their professional experience within an academic context will also benefit from the new programmes and resources available.
A5 Lifelong Learning Objectives and Priorities addressed
Please copy these tables as often as necessary
Please identify in the box below, which of the Objectives of the Lifelong Learning Programme this application addresses (See Decision Article 1.3 and Table 2 in the Instructions for Completing the Application Form)CODE / Description
LLP / Obj
Obj / G
k / to promote language learning and linguistic diversity;
to help promote creativity, competitiveness, employability and the growth of an entrepreneurial spirit;
to encourage the best use of results, innovative products and processes and to exchange good practice in the fields covered by the Lifelong Learning Programme, in order to improve the quality of education and training
This project seeks a) to develop new first cycle higher education curricula which will give students the opportunity to develop advanced competences in English and at least one other European or non-European language ; b) to enhance employment opportunities for language graduates by broadening their career prospects c) to develop materials which can be used for distance learning in a life-long learning perspective.
Please identify in the box below, which of the Operational and Specific Objectives (related to the Sub-Programme/Key Activity applied for) this application addresses (See Decision and Table 3 in the Instructions for Completing the Application Form)
CODE / Description
ERA / OpObj
OpObj / 2
3 / To improve the quality and to increase the volume of multilateral cooperation between higher education institutions in Europe
To increase the degree of transparency and compatibility between higher education and advanced vocational education qualifications gained in Europe
The project will seek to build on existing links between the partner institutions and stakeholders by the joint development of a new type of first cycle language degree in Multilingual communication. The new degree programmes will draw on work conducted on vocational language skills and competences under projects such as TRANSValp.
Please identify in the box below, which of the 2007 Priorities this application addresses (See Call for Proposals 2007 Part I and Table 4 in the Instructions for Completing the Application Form)
CODE / Description
ERA / 2.2.1 / 1 / Developing or revising integrated programmes covering a complete cycle of study (bachelor, master and doctorate) and leading to a recognised double or joint degree
The project aims to develop a common curriculum framework for new first cycle (bachelor) degrees in the partner institutions and to implement modules based on shared teaching and learning materials. Project partners will undertake to recognise relevant modules obtained at a partner institution and to move towards the implementation of joint degrees during or following the project, as the case may be.
A6 Budget summary
Total cost / 153739 / Grant requested / 110567 / % funding requested / 71.92A7 Profile of Consortium
Countries involved in the proposalAll partners from eligible countries / OTHER participants involved in the proposal
N° participants / 5 / 5
N° countries / 5 / 5
For Erasmus Networks only: if the number of countries in the Total column is less that 31, please provide a justification below.
Organisation Types
5 / 5
A8 Associated projects / : If your proposal is based on the results of one or more previous projects / networks, please provide precise references to this/ these project(s) / network(s) in the table below. For Erasmus applications, please provide details of the Erasmus University Charter. See Instructions.
Identification number / 110774-CP-2-2004-1-DE-ERASMUS-TNProject / network dates (year started and completed) / 1/10/03-30/09/06 / Programme or Initiative / ERASMUS 3 (Thematic Network)
Title of the project / network / TNP3
Coordinating organisation / Freie Universität Berlin
Website /
Password / login if required for website
Copy table as required
Identification number / 230356 - CP -1-2006-1- DE - ERASMUS - TNDPPProject / network dates (year started and completed) / 1/10/06-30/09/07 / Programme or Initiative / ERASMUS 3 (Thematic Network) - Dissemination
Title of the project / network / TNP-D
Coordinating organisation / Freie Universität Berlin
Website /
Password / login if required for website
Section B: Participating Organisations
One sheet to be completed for each organisation actively involved in the consortium. Applicants must consult the Instructions in Section 2.4
B1: Registered address and type of organisationPartner role
Tick one role only. Please refer to Instructions for single organisations and European Associations / EEIGs / RApplicant organisation (Contact details of Legal Representative to be provided in Section C)
□ Coordinating organisation (if different from Applicant Organisation)
□ Partner / Partner Number / P 1
Full legal name / Université Rennes 2 – Haute Bretagne
In Latin characters (where original is not in Latin characters)
Translation of legal name into English, German or French if possible
Registered Address / Place du Recteur H. Le Moal
Postcode / 35043 / City / RENNES / Country / FRANCE
Type of organisation / Economic Sector
Legal Status / A / o Private / R Public / Scope / Social sciences, arts, humanities, languages and sports sciences
B / o For profit / R Not for profit / Size / 18,000 students, 1,000 members of staff
B2: Contact person (to be completed by all organisations included in the financial tables (eligible budget). Where the form is completed by the Applicant Organisation or, if different, the Coordinating Organisation, these must be the details of the Coordinator)
Title / Mr / First name / Daniel
Family name / TOUDIC / RMale o Female
Department / U.F.R Langues - Centre de langues
Position / Senior Lecturer - Head of Language Centre
Address / Street – Number (if different from above)
Postcode / 35043 / City / RENNES
Country / FRANCE / NUTS code / FR
Telephone 1 / 33 / / Telephone 2 / 33 /
Mobile / ++ / / Fax / ++ /
email / / website /
B3: To be completed for Erasmus networks only : Please provide in the table below information on the person responsible for administrative/financial issues in the Applicant Organisation
Title / First name
Family name / o Male o Female
Address / Street – Number (if different from above)
Postcode / City
Country / ISO code – Country – / NUTS code / - select NUTS -
Telephone 1 / ++ / / Telephone 2 / ++ /
Mobile / ++ / / Fax / ++ /
email / website
B4: To be completed by each organisation involved in the consortium / network
General description of the organisation: The Université Rennes 2 - Haute-Bretagne is a state-funded university with over 18,000 students enrolled in arts, humanities, languages, social sciences and sports sciences. It has one of the largest language faculties in western France, with over 3,500 undergraduate and postgraduate students, studying over 20 European and non-European languages (including Arabic, Mandarin Chinese and Japanese), and 200 full-time staff. It is a partner in many European, North-American and Asian networks and projects. The University Language Centre caters for both students and external learners, offering courses in English, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Chinese, Rumanian and Breton from A1 to C2 level. It has designed and run courses in English for professional purposes for various external clients including a teaching-hospital, social services department, IT and agronomy research centres and an army engineering school. (see and
Role of the participant organisation in the proposed project / network Limit 10 lines
As the project applicant, the Université Rennes 2 Language Faculty and Language Centre will take the leading management role in the consortium, ensuring that the project is run on schedule and within the budget allocated. Rennes 2 will be responsible for overall project coordination, setting objectives and deadlines, suggesting methodologies and tools, testing learning materials and developing the resources platform.
Skills and expertise of key staff involved in the project / network
Daniel TOUDIC, a senior lecturer in English (applied language studies), who was Dean of the Language Faculty from 1994 to 1998, has had over 15 years of experience in European cooperation and development projects (Erasmus, Leonardo, and Tempus/Tacis). He has been involved for over ten years in the successive thematic network projects in the area of languages organised by the Freie Universität Berlin (particularly TNP3, where he took on the role of deputy project coordinator). As current head of the language centre, he has extensive experience in designing outcome-oriented and professionally-oriented language courses. He also lectures in the Translator training centre which offers first and second cycle programmes in professional translation, localisation and multimedia technology.
Elaine Rees, "professeur agrégée" in English, lectures in the LEA department and teaches English for professional communication. She has over ten years experience in designing multimedia language-learning materials and is responsible for the language unit of the "Campus numérique de Bretagne"
Details of projects / networks in which your organisation / department has participated with the financial support of any Community programmes/ initiatives in the last five year
Dates / Programme or Initiative / Identification number / Contracting organisation / Title of the project / network / Website
2002-03 / Erasmus TN / 10031-CP-3-2002-1-DE-ERASMUS-TN / FUB - Berlin / Thematic network project TNP2 – Year 3 /
2003-06 / Erasmus TN / 110774-CP-1-2003-1-DE-ERASMSU-TN / FUB - Berlin / Thematic network project TNP3 /
2004-06 / Call for proposals n°45/03 / 2003-3945/001-001 EDU LANPR / FUB - Berlin / ENLU – European network for the promotion of language learning among all undergraduates /
Each organisation other than the Applicant Organisation must provide, at the time of application, Annexes 7 (CVs of key personnel) and 8 (Letter of intent) as outlined in the Checklist of Annexes available from the Executive Agency website