Section 9 – Academic Matters

9.1Planning and Evaluating Lessons

All staff are expected to plan each lesson they deliver and keep a record of that plan as well as work carried out in lessons linking to Schemes of Work/Programmes of Study. The record should also contain a brief evaluation of the lesson and a record of homework set using the Academy Homework Policy Guidelines. This information should be available upon request.

We do not issue a standard record book as staff use different preferred formats. Many staff now keep electronic records or use standardised lesson planning pro-formas which link with the Academy lesson observation planning criteria.

Formal Lesson Plans (for observations)

Teachers are advised to follow the Academy Lesson Planning format which has been adopted across the Academy to facilitate the Academy Teaching and Learning Policy, this is available on the VLE. This format links with Ofsted criteria for lesson observation.

All staff should be familiar with:

  • Curriculum Teaching and Learning Policy Document which includes classroom expectations.
  • Academy Homework Policy
  • Academy Marking, Progress and Feedback Policy
  • Academy Guidance on Promoting Positive Behaviour
  • Academy Lesson Observation Documentation

All these policies impact on the drive to Raise Attainment and set out the Academy philosophy and expectations to foster a positive and inclusive learning environment.

9.2Marking and Use of Data

a) All staff must maintain a record of marks and grades awarded in compliance with the Academy Marking Policy.

b)Marking and assessment is an essential and integral part of teaching and learning which involves sharing learning goals with students. It will help students to recognise the standards they are achieving and the next steps they need to make to improve. Assessment will involve both teachers and students in reviewing and reflecting on assessment data alongside peer and self-assessment.

c)Through effective and consistent marking and feedback we aim to maximise pupil learning, support evaluation of progression, improve future learning and build self esteem. Teachers should evaluate pupil progress and adjust teaching accordingly, setting individual targets. Feedback for students, parents and carers will support pupil progress

d)Marking should be focused on raising standards, be honest, consistent, fair, reflect the ability of each student, be personalised to each student and celebrate success.

e)Work must be marked regularly using the Academy agreed Marking Stamp System. The nature of work undertaken in some subjects might cause some variation from the norm, where it is recommended exercise books are marked at least once every fortnight. Variations from this norm should be outlined in the Departmental marking policy, which must be approved by the Executive Committee.

f)The Academy Marking Stamp System is recommended to provide quality consistent feedback across all subject areas.

Effort grade

Attainment grade or level.

Teacher will write down what student has done well.

Teacher will write down what needs to be done in order to

progress - your next steps.

Student will write a response to teacher.


The Effort Grade

1 / Excellent / 5 / Mild Concern
2 / Very Good / 6 / Serious Concern
3 / Good / NA / Not Applicable
4 / Satisfactory

The Attainment Level

This grade could be given in the form of a level as below or as final grade eg A,B,C.

5c / Means you have just reached Level 5
5b / Means you are in the middle of Level 5
5a / Means you are at the top of Level 5

* Good targets (next steps) tell pupils where they need to go and how to get there, for example:

  • “Learn and use the subject vocabulary in a way which shows that you understand it”, is more likely to produce results than “keep up the standards”.
  • “Check work for specific mistakes such as spellings and the use of capital letters, make changes to your essay”, is more likely to produce results than “try your hardest”.

Good Targets have some of the following features:

SMART Targets

SpecificThey say exactly what action needs to be taken to improve.

MeasurableAs the target is achieved the progress can be easily identified.

AchievableIt is possible to do what has been suggested.

RealisticIt is possible to do what has been suggested without detriment to other areas of work.

TimedBy when is it realistic for this target to be achieved?

g)Staff record studentmarks and data using SIMS. Regular monitoring in the form of half termly progress data collections,alongside class marking help to maximise progress.

h)Accurate progress data and mark are now used as part of the staff appraisal process.

i)Heads of Faculty/Subject Leaders/SLT Link Staff should routinely check staff planning and record keeping (advisedly at least monthly).

9.3Lesson Observations

Lesson Observations are routinely undertaken across the Academy and targets set and addressed. See Lesson Observation Policy and Appraisal Policy.

  • A de-brief and dialogue will be followed by a written report which is graded.
  • Records of all lessons observed and Appraisal details are kept by Alison May (Office Manager at Borough Road) Rules of confidentiality apply to both.
  • Lesson observations are designed to raise the quality of teaching and learning through a supportive analysis of strengths, areas for development and agreed targets for improvement. The process of reflection and sharing of good practice amongst staff engenders Continual Professional Development.

9.4Completion of Reports / Tracking to Parents

All teaching groups are entered onto SIMS. For the process to work, it is crucial that all pupil class lists and set lists are kept up to date as and when pupils enter and leave your group. All teachers are required to provide progress data after each data drop.

Parents have access to student progress and grades through our online system and will have 3 progress reports during an Academic year.

There is a Subject Parents Evening during the academic year alongside progress meetings for specific students.

Note: The importance of accurate data will allow appropriate and relevant intervention to allow all students to achieve at least their target grade.

Staff Information Booklet 2012/2013Page 1