Section 504: Eligibility Determination

Date of Meeting:

Eligible Eligible, but no accommodations or related services needed

Not Eligible

Student: Student ID:

Date of Birth: School: Grade:

Parent/Guardian: Home Phone:

Address: City: State: Zip:

Father’s Work Phone: Mother’s Work Phone:

Student Address: City: State: Zip:

Primary Language/Mode of Communication of Student:

Other Languages:

Primary Language/Mode of Communication in the Home:

Other Languages:


NameTitleInitial Attendance







Parent/Guardian Signature: ______

Student (as appropriate): ______

Individual providing the parent/guardian with the procedural safeguards Section 504 Parent/Student Rights in Identification, Evaluation and Placement ______



Parent Information Student Work Samples Speech/Language Evaluation

Teacher Information Standardized Test Results Special Education Evaluation

Medical Information Discipline Record Psychological Evaluation

Attendance Records Classroom Accommodations Report Cards

Private Evaluation Social Work Report Observations

Behavior Assessment/Behavior Plan Information relating to current home/community behavior

Prior Section 504 Student Service Plan – Date of Plan:

Other – Specify

Note: A copy of the data considered at the meeting must be maintained in the student’s cumulative file.

Section 504: Eligibility Determination

Student: Student ID: Date of Birth: Grade:

1. Does the student have a mental or physical impairment? Yes No

Describe the impairment in detail:

2. Does the impairment substantially limit one or more major life activities (including major bodily function)? Yes No

If yes, check all that apply:

Major life activities include, but not limited to:

Caring for oneself Performing Manual Tasks Walking Seeing

Breathing Hearing Speaking Working

Learning Standing Reading Lifting

Concentrating Bending Communicating Thinking


Major bodily functions include, but are not limited to:

Immune System Digestive System Brain Function

Normal Cell Growth Bowel Function Bladder Function

Respiratory Function Circulatory Function Endocrine Function


3. Describe in detail how the mental or physical impairment is substantially limiting?

Section 504: Eligibility Determination

Student: Student ID: Date of Birth: Grade:

4. If the team’s determination is that the student has an impairment that substantially limits a major life activity, the student has a disability under Section 504.

Thus, is is not a qualified student with a disability under Section 504.

If the student has a disability, the team must determine if a Section 504 Accommodation Plan needs to be developed.

5. Because of the disability, the student is unable to receive the school’s services as adequately as non-disabled peers. Yes No

6. Because of the disability, the student requires a service or accommodation that is not available to all students. Yes No

If the team answered yes to either statement #5 or #6, then a 504 Accommodation Plan must be developed.

*Record eligibility and specific accommodations to be provided in Infinite Campus under the custom 504 tabs. Print out the Accommodation Plan report for distribution as listed below.

*Distribution:Student’s Cumulative File



School Section 504 Coordinator

District Section 504 Coordinator

Page 1 of 3August 2012