R. Todd Carper, Principal
Volume 2, Issue 3 / November 5, 2012
Each month Mr. Carper will send home information in this newsletter. It is sent via e-mail to all parents and interested parties who have given us their e-mail address. For parents and interested parties that either don’t have an e-mail address or just prefer a paper copy, a paper copy will be sent home in Monday Folders. Please notify the office if you would like the “paper copy” option.
Section 504 Accommodation Plans
Lost and Found
Coffee with the Principal
Top of the Crop
Kindness and Gratitude
Upcoming Events
Holiday Season
Additional Information
Section 504 Accommodation Plans
Does your child suffer from a physical, sensory, or mental health condition that interferes with their learning or other area in school? If so, he/she may qualify for accommodations through a Section 504 Accommodation Plan. Section 504 is a federal law which requires federally funded institutions to provide “reasonable accommodations” when a person presently suffers from, is suspected of suffering from, or has a record of suffering from a physical, sensory, or mental health condition that impairs one or more “major life areas.” The condition could affect a student’s vision, breathing, walking, speaking, hearing, concentration, memory, emotional or behavioral management, attendance, ability to perform manual tasks, or other life areas.Some examples of conditions that may not require special education services, but could warrant a 504 Accommodation Plan are: attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, depression, anxiety, vision, hearing or other perceptual problems, thought processing disorders, mild learning disabilities, or other documents health condition that interferes with any of the aforementioned life areas on a short- or long-term basis. Students with 504 plans are expected to reach the same standards as other students being provided minor adjustments. Examples of 504 accommodations include preferential seating, behavior plans, regular progress reports, extended time for homework, modified or shortened assignments, teacher prompts, repetition of instruction, extended time for classroom and/or state testing, and many other situation specific arrangements.
In order to be eligible for a 504 plan, there must be some sort of documentation of the condition. We must also demonstrate that it interferes with one or more life areas in the school. If you believe that your child may qualify and benefit from 504 accommodations or any of the other student assistance programs offered in our school (i.e., special education, Title I, Migrant/Bilingual, etc.) please contact Todd Carper, Loretta Benenati, or Chris Miller.
Lost and Found
Our Lost and Found is overflowing with coats, sweatshirts, lunch boxes and hats that are lost and need to be found. If your child is missing something that they may have lost at school, please stop by the Lost and Found that is located in our foyer. All items that are in our Lost and Found at the end of November will be donated to a charitable organization if not claimed by December 14, which is the beginning of Christmas Break.It is a good idea to label all items that your child brings to school with your child’s name. Before donating the items to charity, we look at each item carefully to see if there is name in or on the item.
Coffee with the Principal
This month’s Coffee with the Principal will be on Wednesday, November 7 at 8:30 AM at Long Beach Coffee Roasters and again at 5:30 PM at Long Beach Elementary School. The topics that will be covered are:- 504 Accommodation Plans and Individual Education Plans
- Recent Earthquake Drill
- Parent Questions & Concerns
Top of the Crop
Each week, on Thursday, our teachers select one or several pieces of student work as the Top of the Crop for the week. These pieces of work are displayed on a bulletin board outside the office and a letter is sent home to parents to notify them of their student’s outstanding work. The student also signs the Book of Excellence in my office. This is just one of the many ways we try and recognize our students for their outstanding achievements. When you are in our school, please take a moment to look at the great work that is being recognized each and every week.Kindness and Gratitude
Each month we will have a school wide theme that will coincide with our anti-bullying curriculum and our health curriculums. This month the theme is kindness and gratitude. We will have many activities in each classroom around this theme as we approach Thanksgiving. In health, our K-3 will have some topics around likenesses and differences, disabilities, and all kinds of families. Our 4-6 grade students will have lessons designed around gender roles. We will also continue with our anti-bullying curriculums, Second Step and Steps to Respect. If you would like more information about these lessons, please let your child’s teacher or Mr. Carper know.Upcoming Events
The following events are on our calendar for the upcoming month. They are subject to change, so please check our web page at for any changes and check your child’s Monday Folder for updates.November 7—Hearing/Vision Screening for 2nd, 3rd, and 5th Grade
November 7 @ 8:30 AM and 5:30 PM—Coffee with the Principal
November 12—No School to observe Veterans’ Day
November 14—Hearing/Vision Screening for Kindergarten and 1st Grade
November 15—Picture Retake Day
November 16 @ 8:40 AM—Accelerated Reader Assembly (Also Fire-Safety Poster Winners)
November 19 @ 1:40 PM—LBSM Assembly
November 21 @ 11:25 AM—Early Release for Thanksgiving Break
November 22 & 23—No School for Thanksgiving Vacations
November 26 @ 7:00 PM—School Board Meeting at the District Office
November 30—End of First Trimester
November 30 @ 5:30 PM—Family Game Night & Boys & Girls Club Open House in Ilwaco
Reminder: Every Friday is early release. We begin excusing students at 12:50 PM.
For daily updates on what is happening at our school please “Like” us on facebook at facebook.com/longbeacheagles.
Holiday Season
November is the beginning of the holiday season, which means there are several holiday schedule changes and breaks. The first is Veterans’ Day which is recognized on November 12 this year. We will not have school on Monday, November 12. Each teacher will have an activity around the 12th to recognize Veterans’ Day.We will have an early release on November 21 for Thanksgiving Break with no school on the 22nd and 23rd. Mrs. Knapp is working on a Heritage Day activity for our 3rd through 6th grade classes and our K-2nd grade will have classroom activities for around this holiday.
For next month, there will be early release days on December 11 through 14 for Parent/Teacher Conferences. Christmas Break will be December 17 through January 1.
Please let your child’s teacher know if you would like an alternative activity for your child around these holiday observances.
Additional Information
If you have any questions about anything in this newsletter, please contact Principal Todd Carper at 642.3242 or .Nondiscrimination:
The Ocean Beach School District No. 101 does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, creed, religion, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, including gender expression or identy, disability, age, or the use of trained dog guide or service animal in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies: Title IX Coordinator/Athletic Director/PO Box F/Ilwaco, WA 98624/360.642.3731, Section 504/ADA Coordinator/Superintendent/PO Box 778/Long Beach, WA 98631/360.642.3739.