Electric Traction ElevatorsME- Building Group

Copyright 2011 by The American Institute of Architects (AIA)

Exclusively published and distributed by Architectural Computer Services, Inc. (ARCOM) for the AIA


Revise this Section by deleting and inserting text to meet Project-specific requirements.

This Section uses the term "Architect." Change this term to match that used to identify the design professional as defined in the General and Supplementary Conditions.

Verify that Section titles referenced in this Section are correct for this Project's Specifications; Section titles may have changed.



Retain or delete this article in all Sections of Project Manual.

  1. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.


Service elevators are elevators that are used both for passenger service and for moving freight. They are passenger elevators, even though car finishes may be similar to freight elevators. The term "freight elevator" is defined in ASMEA17.1/CSAB44 to mean elevators used primarily for carrying freight and inaccessible to the general public. ASMEA17.1/CSAB44 does not have the same requirements for freight elevators as for passenger elevators, so using the proper terminology is important.

  1. Section includes electric traction passengerandservice elevators.
  2. Related Requirements:

Retain subparagraphs below to cross-reference requirements Contractor might expect to find in this Section but are specified in other Sections.

  1. Division 1 Section "Temporary Facilities and Controls" for temporary use of elevators for construction purposes.
  2. Division 3 Section "Cast-in-Place Concrete" for setting sleeves, inserts, and anchoring devices in concrete.
  3. Division 4 Section"Unit Masonry" for setting sleeves, inserts, and anchoring devices in masonry and for grouting elevator entrance frames installed in masonry walls.
  4. Division 5 Section"Structural Steel Framing" for the following:

Retain one or more of first four subparagraphs below for items that are part of steel frame.

  1. Attachment plates, angle brackets, and other preparation of structural steel for fastening guide-rail brackets.

Divider beams are required if more than one elevator per shaft.

  1. Divider beams.
  2. Hoist beams.
  3. Structural-steel shapes for subsills.
  1. Division 5 Section "Metal Fabrications" for the following:

Retain one or more of first four subparagraphs below if not part of steel frame.

  1. Attachment plates and angle brackets for supporting guide-rail brackets.

Divider beams are required if more than one elevator per shaft.

  1. Divider beams.
  2. Hoist beams.
  3. Structural-steel shapes for subsills.
  4. Pit ladders.

Other means can often be used to avoid metal cants. See Evaluations. If retaining first subparagraph below, show details on Drawings and insert requirements inSECTION055000 "Metal Fabrications."

  1. Cants in hoistways made from steel sheet.

Retain first subparagraph below for adjacent elevator pits that are at different elevations, where the difference is 24 inches (600 mm) or less.

  1. Division 5 Section "Pipe and Tube Railings" for railings between adjacent elevator pits.

Retain first subparagraph below only for custom fixture trim.

  1. Division 9 Section “Painting" for field painting of hoistway entrance doors and frames.
  2. Division 9 “Finish Schedule” for finish flooring in elevator cars.

Retain first subparagraph below for adjacent elevator pits that are more than 24 inches (600 mm) different in elevation.

  1. Division 10 Section "Wire Mesh Partitions" for guards between adjacent elevator pits.
  2. Division 22 Section"Sump Pumps" for sump pumps, sumps, and sump covers in elevator pits.
  3. Division 26 Sections for electrical service for elevators to and including fused disconnect switches at machine room door.
  4. Division 28“Fire-Alarm System" for smoke detectors in elevator lobbies to initiate emergency recall operationand heat detectors in shafts and machine rooms to disconnect power from elevator equipment before sprinkler activation and for connection to elevator controllers.
  5. Division 28 “Security Management System” for security access system equipment used to restrict elevator use.


Retain terms that remain after this Section has been edited for a project.

  1. Definitions in ASMEA17.1/CSAB44 apply to work of this Section.
  2. Service Elevator: A passenger elevator that is also used to carry freight.


  1. Product Data: Include capacities, sizes, performances, operations, safety features, finishes, and similar information. Include product data for the following:
  2. Car enclosures, hoistway entrances.
  3. Operation, control, and signal systems.
  4. Shop Drawings:
  5. Include plans, elevations, sections, and large-scale details indicating service at each landing,machine room layout, coordination with building structure, relationships with other construction, and locations of equipment and signals.
  6. Include large-scale layout of car-control stationand standby power operation control panel.
  7. Indicate building structure and maximum dynamic and static loads imposed on building structure at points of support.
  8. Provide data for all electrical requirements including:
  9. Maximum and average power demands.
  10. Horsepower.
  11. Elevator smoke detectors.
  12. Control panel interface.
  13. Lobby panels.
  14. Disconnect switches for cab lights and receptacles.
  15. Photometric point-by-point calculations for elevator cab lights.

Retain "Samples for Initial Selection" and "Samples for Verification" paragraphs below for two-stage Samples.

  1. Samples for Initial Selection: For finishes involving color selection.
  2. Samples for Verification: For exposed car, hoistway door and frame, and signal equipment finishes; 3-inch- square Samples of sheet materials; and 4-inch lengths of running trim members.

Coordinate "Qualification Data" Paragraph below with qualification requirements in Section014000 "Quality Requirements" and as may be supplemented in "Quality Assurance" Article.

  1. Qualification Data: For Installer.

Retain "Seismic Qualification Certificates" Paragraph below if required by seismic criteria applicable to Project. See ASCE/SEI7 for certification requirements for equipment and components.

  1. Seismic Qualification Certificates: For elevator equipment, accessories, and components, from manufacturer.
  2. Basis for Certification: Indicate whether withstand certification is based on actual test of assembled components or on calculation.
  3. Dimensioned Outline Drawings of Equipment Unit: Identify center of gravity and locate and describe mounting and anchorage provisions.
  4. Detailed description of equipment anchorage devices on which the certification is based and their installation requirements.
  5. Manufacturer Certificates: Signed by elevator manufacturer certifying that hoistway, pit, and machine room/control closet layout and dimensions, as shown on Drawings, and electrical serviceincluding standby power generator, as shown and specified, are adequate for elevator system being provided.
  6. Warranty: Special warranty specified in this section.
  7. Operation and Maintenance Data: For elevators to include in emergency, operation, and maintenance manuals.

Usually delete subparagraph below for projects where Owner's staff will not maintain elevators; retaining increases cost of elevators.

  1. In addition to items specified in Division 1 Section"Operation and Maintenance Data," include diagnostic and repair information available to manufacturer's and Installer's maintenance personnel.
  1. Inspection and Acceptance Certificates and Operating Permits: As required by authorities having jurisdiction for normal, unrestricted elevator use.

Usually retain one of two "Continuing Maintenance Proposal" paragraphs below. Both paragraphs provide service contracts beyond initial maintenance service. If continuing maintenance proposal is submitted at time of bid, include that information in the Instructions to Bidders. Retain second paragraph if Owner has standard elevator service agreement; otherwise, retain first paragraph.

  1. Continuing Maintenance Proposal: Service agreement specified in this Section.


  1. Installer Qualifications: Elevator manufactureror an authorized representative who is trained and approved by manufacturer.
  2. Source Limitations: Obtain elevators through one source from a single manufacturer.
  3. Provide major elevator components, including controllers, signal fixtures, door operators, car frames, cabs, and entrances by a single manufacturer.
  4. Regularatoy Requirements: Comply with ASME A17.1
  5. Effective peak velocity acceleration (Av) for Project’s location: Refer to Structural Drawings.
  6. Design earthquake spectral response acceleration, short period (Sds) for Project: Refer to Structural Drawings.
  7. Project’s seismic design category for Project: Refer to Structural Drawings.
  8. Elevator importance factor for Project: Refer to Structural Drawings.
  9. Accessibility Requirements: Comply with Section 4.10 in the U.S. Architectural & Transportation Barriers Compliance Board’s “Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities (ADAAG).
  10. Fire-Rated Hoistway Entrance Assemblies: Door and frame assemblies complying with NFPA 80 that are listed and labeled by a testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, for fire-protection ratings indicated, based on testing at as close to neutral pressure as possible according to NFPA 252 UBC Standard 7-2 or UL 10B.


  1. Deliver, store, and handle materials, components, and equipment in manufacturer's protective packaging.
  2. Store materials, components, and equipment off of ground, under cover, and in a dry location.
  3. Handle according to manufacture’s written recommendations to prevent damage, deterioration, or soiling.


  1. Coordinate installation of sleeves, block outs, elevator equipment with integral anchors, and other items that are embedded in concrete or masonry for elevator equipment. Furnish templates, sleeves, elevator equipment with integral anchors, and installation instructions and deliver to Project site in time for installation.
  2. Coordinate locations and dimensions of other work relating to electric traction elevators including pit ladders; sumps and floor drains in pits; entrance subsills; electrical service; and electrical outlets, lights, and switches in hoistways, pits, and machine rooms.
  3. Coordinate sequence of elevator installation work with other trades to avoid delaying the work.


When warranties are required, verify with Owner's counsel that warranties stated in this article are not less than remedies available to Owner under prevailing local laws.

  1. Manufacturer's Special Warranty: Manufacturer’s standard form in which manufacturer agrees to repair, restore, or replace elevator work that fails in materials or workmanship within specified warranty period.
  2. Failures include, but are not limited to, operation or control system failure, including excessive malfunctions; performances below specified ratings; excessive wear; unusual deterioration or aging of materials or finishes; unsafe conditions; need for excessive maintenance; abnormal noise or vibration; and similar unusual, unexpected, and unsatisfactory conditions.

Verify available warranties and warranty periods.

  1. Warranty Period: One year from date of Substantial Completion.


  1. Initial Maintenance Service: Beginning at Substantial Completion, provide one year full maintenance service by skilled employees of elevator installer. Include monthly preventive maintenance, repair or replacement of worn or defective components, lubrication, cleaning, and adjusting as required for proper elevator operation at rated speed and capacity. Provide parts and supplies same as those in the manufacture and installation of original equipment.
  2. Perform maintenance, including emergency callback service, during normal working hours.
  3. Include 24-hour-per-day, 7-day-per-week emergency callback service.
  4. Response Time: Two hours or less.
  5. Continuing Maintenance Proposal: Provide a continuing maintenance proposal from installer to Owner, in the form of a standard three year maintenance agreement, starting on date initial maintenance service is concluded. State services, obligations, conditions, and terms for agreement period and for future renewal service.


See Editing Instruction No.1 in the Evaluations for cautions about named manufacturers and products. For an explanation of options and Contractor's product selection procedures, see Section016000 "Product Requirements."


Retain "Manufacturers" Paragraph and list of manufacturers below to require products from manufacturers listed or a comparable product from other manufacturers.

  1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following:

Minnesota Elevator does not offer gearless traction elevators or machine-room-less elevators and Schumacher Elevator does not offer machine-room-less elevators.

  1. KONE Inc.
  2. Minnesota Elevator, Inc.
  3. Otis Elevator Co.
  4. Schindler Elevator Corp.
  5. Schumacher Elevator Co.
  6. ThyssenKrupp Elevator.
  1. Source Limitations: Obtain elevators,including hydraulic passenger elevators specified in another Section, from single manufacturer.

Retaining subparagraph below may limit competition but will eliminate pieced-together systems. If retaining and special cars, entrances, or signal fixtures are required, revise to suit Project.

  1. Major elevator components, including driving machines, controllers, signal fixtures, door operators, car frames, cars, and entrances, shall be manufactured by single manufacturer.


  1. Elevator System, General: Manufacturer's standard elevator systems. Unless otherwise indicated, manufacturer's standard components shall be used, as included in standard elevator systems and as required for complete system.

Delete "Machine Type" Subparagraph below for machine-room-less elevators. Usually retain geared type for speeds up to 450 fpm (2.3m/s); retain gearless type for speeds of 500 fpm (2.5m/s) and higher.

  1. Machine Type: [Geared] [Gearless] traction.

Usually delete "Rated Load" Subparagraph below if net platform size is shown on Drawings or if inside-car dimensions are included in "Car Enclosures" Subparagraph.

  1. Rated Load: [2000 lb] [2100 lb] [2500 lb] [3000 lb] [3500 lb] [4000 lb] [4500 lb] [5000 lb] <Insert value>.
  2. Freight Loading Class for Service Elevator(s): ClassA.
  3. Rated Speed: [200 fpm] [350 fpm] [400 fpm] [450 fpm] [500 fpm] [700 fpm] [800 fpm] [1000 fpm] [1200 fpm] [1400 fpm] <Insert value>.

First two options in "Operation System" Subparagraph below are defined in ASMEA17.1/CSAB44; other options are described in "Operation Systems" Article. Revise descriptions as needed to suit specific manufacturers' systems. First option is for single elevator. Second option is basic group operation suitable for two or possibly three elevators. Third option is usually best choice for three or more elevators. Fourth option is for large, high-rise buildings where maximum efficiency of high-speed elevators is needed.

  1. Operation System: Provide manufacturer’s standard microprocessor operation system as required to provide type of operation system indicated. .
  2. Auxiliary Operations:

Auxiliary operations in first three subparagraphs below are specified in more detail in "Operation Systems" Article.

  1. Standby power operation.
  2. Standby-powered lowering.
  3. Battery-powered lowering.

Earthquake emergency operation is required by ASMEA17.1/CSAB44 for traction elevators of speeds 150 fpm (0.76m/s) and higher in seismic risk Zone3 and greater (Av greater than or equal to 0.20). It is also required in seismic risk Zone2 (Av greater than or equal to 0.10, but less than 0.20) unless guide-rail systems are designed for seismic risk Zone3 and greater.

  1. Earthquake Emergency Operation: Comply with requirements in ASMEA17.1/CSAB44.
  2. Automatic dispatching of loaded car.
  3. Nuisance call cancel.

Auxiliary operations in first four subparagraphs below are not applicable to single elevators.

  1. Priorityservice at allfloors.

Always retain first subparagraph below if group includes a service elevator.

  1. Independent service for service elevator .
  2. Loaded-car bypass.
  3. Distributed parking.
  1. Security Features: Card-reader operationKeyswitch operation Car-to-lobby feature.

Two car-control stations are an extra-cost feature that may be retained with center-opening doors for large cars with heavy peak traffic, such as in an office building, and for hospital elevators. They may also be needed for service elevators with entrances at both front and rear.

  1. Dual Car-Control Stations: Provide two car-control stationsin each elevator; equip only one with required keyswitches if any.
  2. Car Enclosures:

If standard cars are unacceptable, detail cars on Drawings or use an allowance and retain only those subparagraphs specifying car dimensions and describing items not included in allowance.

Before retaining options in "Inside Width" and "Inside Depth" subparagraphs below, verify that selected configuration complies with requirements for providing accessibility to people with disabilities and to emergency stretchers, if required. Revise descriptions of width and depth if car has more than one entrance.

  1. Inside dimentions: See Drawings.
  2. Front Walls (Return Panels): Satin stainless steel, No.4 finish.

Delete "Car Fixtures" Subparagraph below if retaining "Swing-Return Car-Control Stations" Paragraph in "Signal Equipment" Article.

  1. Car Fixtures: Satin stainless steel, No.4 finish.
  2. Side and Rear Wall Panels: Satin stainless steel, No.4 finish.
  3. Reveals: Satin stainless steel, No.4 finish.

Plastic-laminate doors are about as expensive as stainless-steel doors but are not as durable.

  1. Door Faces (Interior): Satin stainless steel, No.4 finish .

Nickel silver door sills are more durable than aluminum door sills but are as expensive as bronze.

  1. Door Sills: Aluminum, mill finish .
  2. Ceiling: Luminous ceiling or Reflective metallic-finish, plastic-laminate, stainless steel.
  3. Handrails: 1/2 by 2 inches rectangular satin stainless steel, No.4 finish , at sidesandrearof car.
  4. Floor: Manufacturer's standard carpet.
  5. Floor prepared to receive carpet (specified in Section096816 "Sheet Carpeting").
  6. Floor prepared to receive resilient flooring (specified in Section096500 "Resilient Flooring").

If retaining first subparagraph below, coordinate with tile setting method. Both Sections referenced contain provisions for floor tile installation over wood using water-cleanable, tile-setting epoxy or thin-set mortar on cementitious backer units (included in tile Sections). ASMEA17.1/CSAB44 requires that elevator floors and floor members be designed to limit deflection to L/960, which should be stiff enough to eliminate tile cracking.

  1. Floor recessed and prepared to receive finish as designated in Division 9 Section “Finish Schedule”.

For floors thicker than the typical 1/4 to 5/8 inch (6 to 16 mm), manufacturer has to know how much to raise the car door sill and doors above the car subfloor.

  1. Floor Thickness, Including Setting Materials: <Insert thickness> above plywood subfloor.
  1. Hoistway Entrances:
  2. Width: As shown on drawings.
  3. Height: As shown on drawings.
  4. Type: As shown on drawings..

If frames are same at all floors, delete both options in title of first subparagraph below and delete second subparagraph below; otherwise, retain and revise both subparagraphs.