Emmanuel Reformed Church

Director of Youth Ministries

Statement of Purpose:

Therole of the Director of Youth Ministries is tominister to youth and support volunteersin the continuation and growth of a vibrant Youth Ministry that that only includes Youth of Emmanuel but extends to youth within the wider Morrison community. The purpose of the position is to engage in anauthentic Christian community that nourishes and enhances spiritual growth. The Director of Youth Ministry must engage in relational ministry with junior high (grades 6-8) and high school youth (grades 9-12), adult lay leaders, and parents of youth. The position will require relational giftedness,leadership in planning, and implementing the church’s ministry to Junior High and High School students to reach them for Christ and build them up in the faith.

Position / Director of Youth Ministry
Accountable To / Senior Pastor
Ministry Target / Youth members of Emmanuel • Youth connected by relationships with current Youth Group participants • Outreach to Youth in community
Position Is / Part-Time salaried, approx. (20) hours per week
Required Abilities / Engaged in youth culture•Willing to reach out to youth through personal invitation and encouragement •Ability to teachmatters of Christian faithwith relevance in weekly Wednesday and Sunday Youth Gatherings•Ability to disciple in one-on-one and group settings• Ability to perform administrative tasks pertinent to the ministry, i.e. Mission Trip Planning• Computer and media proficiency •Ability to have fun while following Christ!
Expected Personal Qualities / Mature follower of Jesus Christ •A heart for youth • Effective communication skills with youth, staff and parents• Team player • Ability to inspire and motivate youth towards spiritual growth, a spirit of great flexibility to meet youth where they are at.
Passionate About / Reaching youth within the church •Reaching youth disconnected from the wider church •Helping youth mature in their faith •Investing in youths’ lives• Modeling Christ-like character and integrity
Reformed Theology
Relevant experience
Valid driver’s license / An abiding passion to see lives of youth touch and transformed for Jesus Christ.
Theological adherence to Historic Christian orthodoxy and the essential tenets of Reformed Theology.
Some experience desired, but not required. Required
Send Resumes to: /

SpecificResponsibilities of the Position

  1. Meetings – 4 pm to 5:30 pm in the Youth Room. We meet year round with the exception of certain holidays.
  2. The Youth Director will be responsible for coming up with curriculum they either write or purchase with content approved by Senior Pastor.
  3. Special Events planned by the Youth Director for participants of Emmanuel Youth Group as well as the wider community in an effort of engaging and connecting them to the Youth Ministry. Examples include, but are not limited to day trips to Magic Waters Water Park, Winter Lock-in at Church, etc.
  1. Meetings – 6:30 pm to 8pm in the Youth Room. We meet year round with the exception of certain holidays.
  2. The Youth Director will be responsible for coming up with curriculum they either write or purchase with content approved by Senior Pastor.
  3. Hangout Times (Outside the Sunday Night timeframe) – These times play a vital part in our ministry as they provide time to build existing relationships, form new ones, and provide youth with a safe and loving Christian Environment. Examples may include, but are not limited to Game Nights, Movie Nights, Bowling Nights, Walkabouts, Painting Parties.
  4. Plan and organize annual Mission Trip (usually second week of June – but not tied to this time)
  5. Organize and Implement various fundraising events to help offset the cost of the annual mission trip.
  1. These programs meet on Wednesday Nights following a community meal. They meet 5:45 PM to 7:30 PM for a total of 20 weeks throughout the year (10 weeks in the Fall after School begins, and 10 weeks after the start the New Year.)
  2. The Youth Director will be responsible to teach lessons for 8 weeks for each semester. The last week of each semester is a special celebration party.
  3. The Youth Director chooses purchased curriculum or writes their own with approval ofSenior Pastor.
  4. Maintain regular communication with lay volunteers to offer encouragement, insight, and support.
  1. Maintain regular communication with Senior Pastor to set the vision, direction, and ongoing evaluation of the Youth Ministry.
  2. Communicate all dates, events, and bulleting announcements with church secretary to keep the master calendar accurate and up to date
  3. Work in collaboration with Youth Volunteers in the planning and execution of ministry specifics.
  4. Maintain communication with Youth and Parents through social media such as Facebook, Texting, etc.
  5. Contribute information for Emmanuel’s Monthly Newsletter.